81 research outputs found

    Ecoconception des aliments destinés aux porcs : analyse d’incertitude

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    Reducing environmental impacts of the livestock sector remains a priority. Formulating eco-feeds with lower impacts can be used as one mechanism. Doing so requires knowledge about feedstuff impacts, such as those contained in the ECOALIM database. As this database provides average values at a national scale, it can have high uncertainty due to the large variability in production techniques and soil/climate contexts for crops. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the relevance of eco-designing feed based on average national values. Uncertainty analysis was performed considering the variability in impact of the main crops used for pig feeds: wheat, maize, barley, rapeseed and sunflower and their processed co-products. This was applied to formulate eco-feeds within various economic contexts and conditions of feedstuff availability. A random sample (n = 500-1000) was created by drawing environmental impact values from a normal distribution truncated by minimum and maximum values. Each dataset was used to compare impacts of the eco-feed with those of an average standard feed. The effect of incorporation rates of feedstuffs was also analysed. For the impacts “energy consumption” and “climate change”, and for many feedstuffs, the use of national average data of environmental impacts appeared suitable for an eco-design implementation by feed manufacturers. Nonetheless, the ECOALIM dataset needs to be enriched with more detailed data for certain feedstuffs, such as maize and wheat, and also for certain impacts, such as “phosphorus use” and “land use”.Réduire les impacts environnementaux des productions animales reste une priorité. Formuler des éco-aliments générant de moindres impacts environnementaux peut constituer un levier d’action. Cette formulation nécessite la connaissance des impacts des intrants alimentaires, ce que rassemble la base de données ECOALIM. Ces données d’impacts sont des valeurs moyennes à l’échelle de la France et, de ce fait, ne rendent pas compte de la grande diversité des itinéraires techniques et des contextes pédoclimatiques. Ainsi, ces valeurs moyennes nationales sont-elles suffisantes pour mettre en oeuvre une écoconception des aliments du bétail ? Cette étude ambitionne d’y répondre en se basant sur une analyse d’incertitude des impacts des principales matières premières utilisées en alimentation animale (blé, maïs, orge, colza, tournesol, et leurs coproduits transformés), et des impacts des éco-aliments formulés soit à partir de données moyennes, soit à partir de données spécifiques, pour différents contextes économiques et de disponibilité en matières premières. Un échantillonnage aléatoire (N entre 500 et 1000) a été réalisé en tirant les valeurs d’impacts des matières premières dans une loi normale bornée par des valeurs minimales et maximales. Chaque jeu de données est utilisé pour comparer les impacts environnementaux et les taux d’incorporation des matières premières entre les aliments formulés à moindre coût et les éco-aliments. Pour les impacts changement climatique et consommation d’énergie, les moyennes nationales d’impacts environnementaux des matières premières s’avèrent suffisantes pour l’écoconception en permettant de réduire effectivement les impacts par rapport à la formulation à moindre coût. Les résultats sont plus variables pour les impacts consommation de phosphore et occupation des sols. De même, certaines matières premières comme le blé et le maïs requièrent des itinéraires plus précis qu’une simple situation moyenne nationale

    Life Cycle Assessment of Iberian Traditional Pig Production System in Spain

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    Traditional Iberian pig production is characterized by outdoor systems that produce animals fed with natural resources. The aim of this study was to assess the environmental impacts of such systems through Life Cycle Assessment. Environmental impacts were analysed per kilogram of live weight at farm gate. Iberian pig production in montanera had the lowest impacts for climate change (CC), acidification (AC), eutrophication (EU) and cumulative energy demand (CED), being 3.4 kg CO2 eq, 0.091 molc H+ eq, 0.046 kg PO43− eq, and 20.7 MJ, respectively, due to the strict use of natural resources (acorns and grass) during the fattening period. As Iberian farms had a greater dependence on compound feed in cebo campo, environmental impacts on CC, AC, EU and CED were 22, 17, 95 and 28% higher, respectively, than with montanera. For land occupation (LO), however, cebo campo had a lower impact (31.6 m2·year) than montanera (43.0 m2·year) system. Traditional Iberian pig production systems have environmental impacts higher than conventional systems studied in literature but are similar to other traditional systems. Based on the present assessment, it is necessary to account for the contribution of emissions resulting from the consumption of natural resources to avoid the underestimation of environmental impacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Optimisation environnementale des systèmes de production porcine

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    Systèmes de production et méthodes - Fiche SPM-8National audienc

    Effets rebonds d’une écoconception des aliments du bétail

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    International audienceCe travail souligne la complexité de la mise en oeuvre de l'écoconception et ses conséquences en considérant les effets rebonds. La production de base de données n'est qu'une première étape. Il faut continuer d'explorer les incidences sur des périmètres plus larges que celui du processus d'écoconception et rendre les utilisateurs conscients de ces effets induits dans leur prise de décision. Cette étude a été fi nancée par le compte d'affectation spéciale « développement agricole et rural » du Ministère de l'agriculture

    Feed eco-design: how to make a good decision?Part 2- Rebound effects of ecofeed production

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    International audienceThis study takes place in a context where the feed manufacturers have access to eco labeling databases which allow them to do eco design and produce feeds with less environmental impacts. First results of eco feed show substitutions between feedstuffs compared to standard feed. Therefore, the objective of this study is to identify the rebound effects of the production of eco feed for pigs if the practice becomes widespread in France. A mind map was built with 5 experts to identify in a qualitative way the panel of different consequences. We then focused on the one concerning the change of crop rotations to produce eco feed. We chose a virtual territory dedicated to produce the feedstuffs for a pig farm and assessed the environmental impacts by LCA using different functional units and perimeters. The situation with the production of eco feeds can appeared better or worse compared to the production of standard feeds. This work underlines the complexity of eco design and the limit to do it with data from attributional LCA. It is necessary to complete the databases by information to make the users aware of the rebounds effects invisible during the eco design process

    Optimisation environnementale des systèmes de production porcine

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    Systèmes de production et méthodes - Fiche SPM-8National audienc