19 research outputs found

    Enhanced Chemotactic Activity of Microphages in Varicocele

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    Murine pregnancy leads to reduced proliferation of maternal thymocytes and decreased thymic emigration

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    During mammalian pregnancy the maternal thymus undergoes significant involution, and then recovers in size after birth. The mechanism behind this involution is not known, but it has been suggested that elevated levels of hormones during pregnancy induce the involution. We have recently shown that injection of 17β-oestradiol into mice causes loss of early thymocyte precursors and inhibits proliferation of developing thymocytes. This suggests that elevated oestrogen in pregnancy may contribute to thymic involution. We have investigated this idea by examining the fate of thymocytes during mouse pregnancy in much greater detail than has been previously reported. Looking over a broad time–course, we find that pregnancy does not affect thymocyte precursor populations in the bone marrow, but induces a profound loss of early thymic progenitors in the thymus as early as day 12·5 of pregnancy. This loss is accompanied by decreased thymocyte proliferation, which returns to normal 2–4 days postpartum. No enhancement of apoptosis is detectable at any stage of pregnancy. We also find that there is a reduction in recent thymic emigrants after oestrogen treatment and at day 17·5 of pregnancy, suggesting that thymic involution during pregnancy influences the peripheral T-cell repertoire. The similarities between oestrogen-mediated involution and pregnancy-mediated involution suggest that oestrogen is a significant contributor to loss of thymocyte cellularity during pregnancy, and probably functions primarily by reducing thymocyte proliferation

    Computational identification of promoters and first exons in the human genome

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    The identification of promoters and first exons has been one of the most difficult problems in gene-finding. We present a set of discriminant functions that can recognize structural and compositional features such as CpG islands, promoter regions and first splice-donor sites. We explain the implementation of the discriminant functions into a decision tree that constitutes a new program called FirstEF. By using different models to predict CpG-related and non-CpG-related first exons, we showed by cross-validation that the program could predict 86% of the first exons with 17% false positives. We also demonstrated the prediction accuracy of FirstEF at the genome level by applying it to the finished sequences of human chromosomes 21 and 22 as well as by comparing the predictions with the locations of the experimentally verified first exons. Finally, we present the analysis of the predicted first exons for all of the 24 chromosomes of the human genome

    Distinct promoter regions regulate spatial and temporal expression of the Drosophila caspase dronc

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    DRONC is an apical Drosophila caspase essential for programmed cell death during fly development. During metamorphosis, dronc gene expression is regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysone, which also regulates the levels of a number of other critical cell death proteins. As DRONC protein levels are important in determining caspase activation and initiation of cell death, we have analyzed the regulation of the dronc promoter using transgenic flies expressing a LacZ reporter gene under the control of the dronc promoter. Our results indicate that dronc expression is highly dynamic during Drosophila development, and is controlled both spatially and temporally. We demonstrate that while a 2.3?kb dronc promoter region contains most of the information required for correct gene expression, a 1.1?kb promoter region is expressed in some tissues and not others. We further demonstrate that during larval-pupal metamorphosis, two ecdysone-induced transcription factors, Broad-Complex and E93, are required for correct dronc expression. Our data suggest that the dronc promoter is regulated in a highly complex manner, and provides an ideal system to explore the temporal and spatial regulation of gene expression driven by nuclear hormone receptors.T. J. Daish, D. Cakouros and S. Kuma