7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT: The most important, complex and time-consuming process of land consolidation is known as the reallocation phase. Reallocation processes in land consolidation projects in Turkey is made according to farmer preferences (interview). Besides, the optimization studies based on the mathematical models for the reallocation process in many scientific researches in addition to reallocation model based on interview have been conducted. But, because there isn’t a precise mathematical model for the reallocation process, many different solutions have been suggested.      In this study, importance of reallocation in land consolidation and interview-based and block priority-based reallocation models has been described. Also, the results of the block priority-based reallocation model that makes land reallocation by being take into account respectively the largest parcels belong to the farmers have been obtained. The results which are obtained from the block priority-based reallocation model has been compared with the results which are obtained from the interview-based reallocation model. In the consolidation area of the Üçhüyükler neighborhood Çumra-Konya-Turkey, previously the number of cadastral parcels were 265, the number of interview-based reallocation method parcels were 243. The number of this parcels according to the block priority-based reallocation model that is applied in this study have decreased to 237. Average parcel size was 3.30 hectares before consolidation in this region. Average parcel size has increased to 3.60 hectares according to the interview-based reallocation model and to 3.36 hectares according to the block priority-based reallocation model


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    ABSTRACTIn Turkey, about 4000 people each year die in traffic accidents and about 200,000 people each year are injured. For this reason, this problem of road traffic in Turkey is found a solution to an urgent.  In this study, in ensuring of  security of road traffic has been intended to introduce of the importance of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).Antalya Province where is one of Turkey's major metropolises have the problem of heavy traffic. In this study has been made general statistical analysis in a GIS environment of road traffic accidents occurred in 2009 and 2010 years in Antalya Province Center. Also, traffic accidents has been analyzed by correlating environmental factors with parameters situated in a traffic accident data set.In the beginning of this study, by using ArcMap-10 software, the satellite map of Antalya Province has been digitized. A database has been created with Arcmap-10 software using fatal-injury traffic accident datas occurred in Antalya City Center between 2009 and 2010 years. Fatal-injury traffic accidents on "Intersection" and "boulevard-highroad-street" have seperated of each other and by using accident datas (accident day, time interval of accident, occurrence type of accident, accident character, the number of dead, the number of injured) belonging to accidents occurring in each one, on a satellite map in the ArcMap-10 software of accidents were conducted the statistical evaluations in both visual and graphics. In GIS, the regions where have intensive of intersection accidents have been determined. As a result, at the intersections in Antalya Province Center, it was identified 41 accident hot spots for the year 2009, and was identified 57 accident hot spots for the year 2010. A total of 23 intersections were defined as accident hot spot in both years. Also, on boulevards-highroads-streets on the satellite map in Arc-Map-10 software has been determined 29 accident-prone regions as the years

    The Effect of Land Consolidation Projects on Carbon Footprint

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    In this study, transportation-induced carbon footprint values before and after the consolidation projects in two areas with similar agricultural characteristics were calculated. The IPCC Tier 1 method recommended by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was used to calculate the carbon footprint. Furthermore, the effects of changes in road lengths and routes in these areas after Land Consolidation (LC) on the fuel consumption of tractors and, accordingly, the carbon dioxide (CO2) emission values were also determined. As a result of the study, the carbon footprint value (GgCO2) decreased by 10% in the Fatih neighborhood and 33% in the Selimiye neighborhood after the land consolidation project. Carbon equivalent (CE) is used to measure the effects on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming and corresponds to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In total, 490.21 kg CO2·ha−1 of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were mitigated. In light of these results, it can be concluded that LC can be considered a useful process in greenhouse gas mitigation strategy. Based on the values obtained from the study results, it was concluded that land consolidation contributed to reducing carbon footprint and increasing agricultural production and productivity in rural areas. The reduction in fuel consumption and carbon emissions in rural areas will contribute to reducing the adverse effects of air pollution and climate change

    Türkiye’de mevduatı etkileyen faktörlerin ekonometrik analizi

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    Anahtar Kelimeler : Mevduat, Toplam Mevduat, Regresyon, Granger Nedensellik Ekonometrik araştırmaların daha önem kazandığı günümüzde, ekonomiye etki eden faktörlerin sayısal analizler ile desteklenmesi önem kazanmıştır. Ekonomi için oldukça öneme sahip olan bankacılık sektörü ve bu sektörün önemli kavramlarından biri olan mevduatla ilgili olarak bir ekonometrik bir inceleme yapma gereği duymuş bulunmaktayız. Türkiye’ de mevduatı etkileyen faktörleri incelemek adına” T.C. Merkez Bankası Elektronik Veri Dağıtım Sistemi”nde yer alan “Mevduat Bankaları Bilançosu -Toplam Mevduat ” verilerini inceledik. Keywords : Deposit , Aggregate Deposits, Regression, Granger Causality ABSTRACT In today`s world, in which econometric research has gained importance, supporting economic factors with numerical analyses has increased in importance as well. We have deemed it necessary to make an econometric study of banking sector, which is of vital importance for economy, and deposits, one of the most important concepts of banking. In order to analyze factors that effect deposits, we have studied "Deposit Bank Balance Sheets- Aggregate Deposits" data that exist in Turkish Republic Central Bank Electronic Data Distribution System

    Türkiye’de mevduatı etkileyen faktörlerin ekonometrik analizi

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    Anahtar Kelimeler : Mevduat, Toplam Mevduat, Regresyon, Granger Nedensellik ÖZET Ekonometrik araştırmaların daha önem kazandığı günümüzde, ekonomiye etki eden faktörlerin sayısal analizler ile desteklenmesi önem kazanmıştır. Ekonomi için oldukça öneme sahip olan bankacılık sektörü ve bu sektörün önemli kavramlarından biri olan mevduatla ilgili olarak bir ekonometrik bir inceleme yapma gereği duymuş bulunmaktayız. Türkiye’ de mevduatı etkileyen faktörleri incelemek adına” T.C. Merkez Bankası Elektronik Veri Dağıtım Sistemi”nde yer alan “Mevduat Bankaları Bilançosu -Toplam Mevduat ” verilerini inceledik. Keywords : Deposit , Aggregate Deposits, Regression, Granger Causality ABSTRACT In today`s world, in which econometric research has gained importance, supporting economic factors with numerical analyses has increased in importance as well. We have deemed it necessary to make an econometric study of banking sector, which is of vital importance for economy, and deposits, one of the most important concepts of banking. In order to analyze factors that effect deposits, we have studied "Deposit Bank Balance Sheets- Aggregate Deposits" data that exist in Turkish Republic Central Bank Electronic Data Distribution System

    Land Use Suitability Model for Grapevine (<i>Vitis vinifera</i> L.) Cultivation Using the Best Worst Method: A Case Study from Ankara/Türkiye

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    The product of grapes with the highest added value is wine. Wine grapes play an important role in the evaluation of barren lands, where no other plants generally grow. Viticulture in Türkiye is generally conducted on small areas of agricultural land. In order to develop viticulture, it is important to determine suitable areas. This study presents a model for assessing land suitability for cultivation of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) in the Ankara region (Türkiye). The aim is to provide a spatial decision support system based on geographic information system multi-criteria assessment, taking into account the perspectives of expert agricultural engineers and local product growers. In this study, 11 criteria were evaluated to determine the most suitable locations for grapevine cultivation. The best worst method was used to calculate the weights of the determined evaluation criteria. When the spatial distribution of the areas suitable for grapevine cultivation was examined from the resulting map produced, it was seen that 1879.29 km2 (7%) of highly suitability areas, 5062.03 km2 (20%) of medium suitability areas, 4706.20 km2 (18%) of low suitability areas, and 8355.36 km2 (33%) of unsuitable areas were detected. According to the results obtained, the southern parts of the study area are more suitable for grapevine cultivation. This study will be an important and useful regional guide for agricultural land use planning and the cultivation of grapevines

    Legal, Procedural and Social Aspects of Land Valuation in Land Consolidation: A Comparative Study for Selected Central and Eastern Europe Countries and Turkey

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of the legal and practical aspects of the implementation of land value maps for land consolidation in four countries: Slovakia, Croatia, Poland and Turkey. The discussion indicated that it is not possible at present to construct fully universal methods of automatic earth valuation for LC. The reason is that there are too many different approaches to land value mapping. Identification of areas with similar characteristics (valuation factors) needs to be conducted prior to valuation of individual parcels. In both cases, the agronomic value from the farmer&rsquo;s point of view is the key valuation criterion. It was pointed out that achieving versatility of algorithms can occur only as a result of extensive parameterisation of the developed models, both in terms of the number of factors considered, as well as the manner and strength of their interaction. The development directions of land valuation mass methods should proceed with the widest possible scope of public participation determining the principles of this valuation, which increases the level of acceptance of both the result of the land valuation itself and the subsequent effects of the land consolidation project