7 research outputs found

    Meme kanseri kök hücrelerinde elajik asit ile indüklenmiş miRNA’ların ifadesi ve elajik asidin apoptoz üzerine etkisi

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    Aim: miRNAs which are associated with estrogen dependent tumorigenesis of breast cancer are suppressed by ellagic acid (EA) treatment. However, modulation of expression profiles of miRNAs in breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) after EA treatment is still unclear. In this study, it was aimed to show EA-induced apoptosis in BCSCs and to determine altered expression profiles of miRNAs after EA treatment. Materials and Methods: Cytotoxic effects of EA on BCSCs were examined by WST-1 reagent test. Apoptosis and cell cycle analysis after EA treatment were detected by flow cytometry analysis. After EA treatment, miRNA expression profiles of BCSCs were determined by RT-PCR miRNA array. Results: Cytotoxic effect of EA on BCSCs was found. IC50 concentration of EA at 48th and 72nd hours was 24.8 ?M. EA did not induce apoptosis in BCSCs. In addition, S phase arrest was observed at 24th, 48th, 72nd hours of EA treatment. Expression profiles of 76 of totally 84 miRNA genes were detected. Expression of hsa-miR-125b-1-3p was increased as 3.59 folds by EA treatment. Expression profiles of all the others miRNAs, including members of Let-7 and miR-200 families, showed a decrease due to EA treatment.Östrojen bağımlı meme kanseri tümör oluşumunda etkili miRNA'lar elajik asit (EA) uygulaması ile baskılanmaktadır. Ancak, EA uygulamasından sonra meme kanseri kök hücrelerindeki (MKKH) miRNA'ların ifade profillerinin düzenlenmesi hala belirsizdir. Bu çalışmada, MKKH'lerde EA-indüklenmiş apoptozun gösterilmesi ve EA uygulamasından sonra değişen miRNA ifade profilinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: EA'nın MKKH'lerdeki sitotoksik etkisi WST-1 testi ile incelendi. EA uygulamasından sonra apoptoz ve hücre döngüsü analizleri flow sitometri ile yapıldı. EA uygulamasından sonra, MKKH'lerin miRNA ifade profilleri RT-PCR miRNA array ile tanımlandı. Bulgular: MKKH'ler üzerinde EA'nın sitotoksik etkisi saptandı. 48. ve 72. saatlerde EA'nın IC50 konsantrasyonu 24.8 ?M'dı. EA, MKKH'lerde apoptozu indüklemedi. Bununla beraber, EA'nın 24., 48. ve 72. saat uygulamalarında S fazı bloğu gözlendi. Toplamda 84 miRNA geninin 76'sının ifade profili belirlendi. hsa-miR-125b-1-3p'nin ifadesi EA uygulanmasıyla 3.59 kat arttı. Let-7 ve miR-200 aileleri dahil diğer tüm miRNA'ların ifade profili EA uygulaması nedeniyle azalış gösterdi. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, EA'nın MKKH'de apoptozu etkilemediği ve hsa-miR-125b-1-3p'in ifadesini arttırırken, başta hsa-miR-485-5p ve hsa-miR-328-3p olmak üzere diğer miRNA'ların ifadesinde düşmeye neden olduğu görüld

    Çocuk nöroloji polikliniğine nöromüsküler belirtilerle başvuran hastaların laboratuvar bulgularının, klinik özelliklerinin ve tanı oranlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Objective: Our aim is to evaluate how many patients with neuromuscular manifestations get a definite diagnosis and which methods are used in the pathway to diagnosis as well as to assess patient characteristics.Methods: Patients aged 0-18 years old with neuromuscular manifestations (e.g., weakness, hypotonia, creative kinase elevation) who were admitted to Okmeydani Training and Research Hospital between January 2017 and July 2019 were included. Retrospectively, patient demographics, clinical signs, laboratory tests, diagnoses, clinical follow-up were recorded.Results: Forty-five patients aged 67.8 +/- 59.6 months were included in the study. Thirteen (29%) patients were female, and 32 (71%) were male. Creatine kinase levels were increased in 26 (58%) patients (median: 3211 IU/L). Twenty-four patients underwent electromyography; seven patients had neuropathy and nine patients muscular pathologies. Three (0.07%) patients underwent muscle biopsy and had nonspecific myopathic changes. Twenty-six (58%) patients out of 45 had a definite diagnosis, and 21 of these diagnoses were genetically confirmed. Seven patients had been subjected to next generation sequencing, and five of these were diagnosed with dystrophinopathy, hypokalemic periodic paralysis, mental retardation autosomal dominant type 9, Ullrich muscular dystrophy, and calpainopathy. Altogether, the most common diagnoses were dystrophinopathy, spinal muscular atrophy, and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.Conclusion: After a patient history is taken, a physical examination is conducted, and serum creotine kinase levels are measured, establishment of diagnosis is possible through targeted genetic tests for diseases like dystrophinopathy. However, for patients who cannot be diagnosed with this approach, neuromuscular panels and whole exome sequencing can provide a diagnosis.Amaç: Bu çalışmada amacımız, nöromüsküler hastalıkları düşündüren semptom ve bulgularla başvurançocuk hastaların ne kadarının kesin tanı aldığının, bu hastalarda hangi yöntemler ile tanıya ulaşıldığının vehasta özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesidir.Yöntem: Okmeydanı Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Çocuk Nöroloji Polikliniği’ne Ocak 2017-Temmuz 2019tarihleri arasında nöromüsküler belirtilerle (örn: güçsüzlük, hipotoni, kreatin kinaz yüksekliği) başvuran0-18 yaş arası hastalar değerlendirmeye alındı. Retrospektif olarak hastaların demografik verileri, klinikbulguları, laboratuvar testleri, tanıları, izlemleri kayıt altına alındı.Bulgular: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 45 hastanın yaş ortalaması 67,8±59,6 ay idi. On üç (%29)’ü kız, 32(%71)’si erkekti. Kreatin kinaz seviyeleri 26 (%61) hastada yüksekti ve medyanı 3211 IU/L idi. Elektromiyografiyapılan 24 hastadan yedisinde nöropati, dokuz hastada kasa ait patolojiler saptandı. Kas biyopsisi yapılanüç (%0,07) hastada non spesifik miyopatik değişiklikler izlendi. Kırkbeş hastadan 26 (%58)’sına kesin tanıkonulabildi, bunlardan 21 (%47)’inin tanısı genetik olarak kesinleştirildi. Yedi hastada yeni nesil dizilemeanalizi uygulandı ve beşi distrofinopati, hipokalemik periyodik paralizi, otozomal dominant mental retardasyon tip 9, Ullrich müsküler distrofi, calpainopati tanılarını aldı. Tüm hastalarda en sık tanılar distrofinopati, spinal müsküler atrofi ve kronik inflamatuvar demiyelinizan polinöropatiydi.Sonuç: Öykü, fizik muayene ve serum kreatin kinaz seviyesi sonrasında, örneğin distrofinopati gibi bir gruphastalıkta hedefe yönelik genetik testler ile tanıya ulaşılabilir. Ancak bu şekilde tanıya ulaşılamayan hastalarda nöromüsküler hastalık panelleri ve tüm ekzom dizileme gibi ileri moleküler genetik incelemeleretkili bir şekilde tanıya ulaşmayı sağlayabilir

    Clinical and genetic spectrum from a prototype of ciliopathy: Joubert syndrome

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    Objective: Joubert syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a distinctive hindbrain malformation called molar tooth sign, causing motor and cognitive impairments. More than 40 genes have been associated with Joubert syndrome. We aim to describe a group of Joubert syndrome patients clinically and genetically emphasizing organ involvement. Methods: We retrospectively collected clinical information and molecular diagnosis data of 22 patients with Joubert syndrome from multiple facilities. Clinical exome or whole-exome sequencing were performed to identify causal variations in genes. Results: The most common variants were in the CPLANE1, CEP290, and TMEM67 genes, and other causative genes were AHI1, ARMC9, CEP41, CSPP1, HYLS1, KATNIP, KIAA0586, KIF7, RPGRIP1L, including some previously unreported variants in these genes. Multi-systemic organ involvement was observed in nine (40%) patients, with the eye being the most common, including Leber's congenital amaurosis, ptosis, and optic nerve coloboma. Portal hypertension and esophageal varices as liver and polycystic kidney disease and nephronophthisis as kidney involvement was encountered in our patients. The HYLS1 gene, which commonly causes hydrolethalus syndrome 1, was also associated with Joubert syndrome in one of our patients. A mild phenotype with hypophyseal hormone deficiencies without the classical molar tooth sign was observed with compound heterozygous and likely pathogenic variants not reported before in the KATNIP gene. Conclusion: Some rare variants that display prominent genetic heterogeneity with variable severity are first reported in our patients. In our study of 22 Joubert syndrome patients, CPLANE1 is the most affected gene, and Joubert syndrome as a ciliopathy is possible without a classical molar tooth sign, like in the KATNIP gene-affected patients