92 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la rotiferofauna presente en el complejo de pajarales durante la época lluviosa, departamento de magdalena, colombia

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    Con miras a evaluar posibles efectos de la recomunicación del río Magdalena con su antiguo delta, se determinó la abundancia y composición de la rotiferofauna del Complejo de Pajarales (CP), durante el período de mayor abundancia anual de zooplancton. El phylum Rotifera fue seleccionado por sus altas tasas reproductivas y eficiencia en procesos de transformación energética. Las muestras se colectaron con botella van Dorn durante la segunda temporada lluviosa de 2006. En cada una de las cuatro estaciones analizadas se registraron la salinidad, temperatura, pH y oxígeno disuelto. La diversidad se calculó empleando el índice de Shannon-Wiener H’ (log10) comparando estaciones y fechas de muestreo para establecer variaciones en el período de estudio. Gráficamente se relacionaron variables fisicoquímicas con valores de diversidad que emplearon un α de 0.05 y 95% de intervalo de confianza. En total, fueron encontrados 20 morfotipos pertenecientes a las familias Brachionidae, Lecanidae, Filiniidae, Synchaetidae, Hexarthriidae y Testudinellidae, siendo Brachionidae y Lecanidae las más abundantes. La relación entre diversidad y variables fisicoquímicas, indica que la salinidad es la principal responsable de la diversidad de rotíferos. En conclusión, la rotiferofauna actual en el CP es más abundante y diversa que hace 16 años, antes de la recomunicación con el río Magdalena. Así mismo, la concentración de oxigeno disuelto, pH y salinidad son diferentes. Teniendo en cuenta que la salinidad es el factor que más influyó en la diversidad de rotíferos, la reapertura de canales probablemente favoreció el incremento en la diversidad de rotíferos en el CP

    Enzimska ekstrakcija hidroksicinamičnih kiselina iz otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave

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    Ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids are classified as hydroxycinnamic acids, presenting anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In this work, enzymatic extraction has been studied in order to extract high value-added products like hydroxycinnamic acids from coffee pulp. A commercial pectinase and enzyme extract produced by Rhizomucor pusillus strain 23aIV in solid-state fermentation using olive oil or coffee pulp (CP) as an inducer of the feruloyl esterase activity were evaluated separately and mixed. The total content (covalently linked and free) of ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids was 5276 mg per kg of coffee pulp. Distribution was as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 58.7, caffeic acid 37.6, ferulic acid 2.1 and p-coumaric acid 1.5. Most of the hydroxycinnamic acids were covalently bound to the cell wall (in %): p-coumaric acid 97.2, caffeic acid 94.4, chlorogenic acid 76.9 and ferulic acid 73.4. The content of covalently linked hydroxycinnamic acid was used to calculate the enzyme extraction yield. The maximum carbon dioxide rate for the solid-state fermentation using olive oil as an inducer was higher and it was reached in a short cultivation time. Nevertheless, the feruloyl esterase (FAE) activity (units per mg of protein) obtained in the fermentation using CP as an inducer was 31.8 % higher in comparison with that obtained in the fermentation using olive oil as the inducer. To our knowledge, this is the first report indicating the composition of both esterified and free ferulic, caffeic, p-coumaric and chlorogenic acids in coffee pulp. The highest yield of extraction of hydroxycinnamic acids was obtained by mixing the produced enzyme extract using coffee pulp as an inducer and a commercial pectinase. Extraction yields were as follows (in %): chlorogenic acid 54.4, ferulic acid 19.8, p-coumaric acid 7.2 and caffeic acid 2.3. An important increase in the added value of coffee pulp was mainly due to the extraction of chlorogenic acid.Ferulinska, kafeinska, p-kumarinska i klorogena kiselina pripadaju u hidroksicinamične kiseline, koje imaju antikarcinogena, protuupalna i antioksidativna svojstva. U radu je ispitana enzimska ekstrakcija hidroksicinamičnih kiselina iz otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave. Upotrijebljene su, zasebno i u smjesi, komercijalna pektinaza te enzimski esktrakt dobiven fermentacijom na čvrstoj podlozi od maslinovog ulja ili otpada nastalog pri proizvodnji kave (da bi se potaknula aktivnost feruloil esteraze), s pomoću Rhizomucor pusillus 23aIV. Ukupni je udio kovalentno vezanih i slobodnih hidroksicinamičnih kiselina bio 5276 mg/kg otpada. Od toga je bilo: 58,7 % klorogene; 37,6 % kafeinske; 2,1 % ferulinske i 1,5 % p-kumarinske kiseline. Većina je hidroksicinamičnih kiselina bila kovalentno vezana za staničnu stijenku, i to: 97,2 % p-kumarinske; 94,4 % kafeinske; 76,9 % klorogene i 73,4 % ferulinske kiseline. Pomoću udjela kovalentno vezanih hidroksicinamičnih kiselina izračunat je prinos ekstrahiranog enzima. Maksimalni je udio fermentacijom proizvedenog CO2 postignut na čvrstoj podlozi od maslinovog ulja, i to za kraće vrijeme nego na podlozi od otpada nastalog pri proizvodnje kave, iako je feruloil esteraza proizvedena primjenom ove druge podloge pokazala aktivnost veću za 31,8 %. Prema spoznajama autora ovo je prvo istraživanje u kojem su određeni udjeli vezanih i slobodnih hidroksicinamičnih kiselina u otpadu nastalom pri proizvodnji kave. Najveći je prinos ekstrakcije hidroksicinamičnih kiselina postignut primjenom komercijalne pektinaze i enzimskog ekstrakta. Pritom je izdvojeno 54,4 % klorogene; 19,8 % ferulinske; 7,2 % p-kumarinske i 2,3 % kafeinske kiseline, pa je zaključeno da je ovaj postupak dobar za ekstrakciju klorogene kiseline

    Adventures and Misfortunes in Macondo: Rehabilitation of the Cienaga Grande

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    We describe trajectories of selected ecological indicators used as performance measures to evaluate the success of a mangrove rehabilitation project in the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta (CGSM) Delta-Lagoon complex, Colombia, as result of freshwater diversions initiated in 1995. There is a significant reduction in soil and water column salinity in all sampling stations following the hydraulic reconnection of the Clarín and Aguas Negras channels to the Magdalena River. Soil intersticial water salinity (depth: 0.5 m) (7 stations) and water column salinity (0.5 m) (10 stations) values declined significantly (soil \u3c30 g kg-1; water \u3c10 g kg-1) from 1994 to 2000. During 1994 soil interstitial water salinity ranged from 40 g kg-1 (Rinconada) to 100 g kg-1 (KM 13), while water column salinity fluctuated between 25-35 g kg-1 for most of the sampling stations. This salinity reduction increased mangrove forest regeneration promoting a net gain of 99 km2 from 1995 to 1999. The high precipitation recorded in 1995 and 1999 caused by El Niño-La Niña (ENSO), coinciding with the channels rehabilitation, influenced rapid mangrove regeneration. The lack of economic investment in the maintenance of the diversion structures from 2001 to 2004 caused a salinity increase affecting negatively already restored vegetation. A sustainable effort from the international community and the Colombian government is needed to maintain the strategic social and economic benefits reached until 2000 in the CGSM region

    Resultados Semilleros de Investigación 2009-2010

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    La publicación recoge los doce informes finales de investigación presentados por los estudiantes de ocho Semilleros 1 y cuatro Semilleros 2, correspondientes a la convocatoria 2009–2010 y se constituye en el Número 25 de la Serie de Investigaciones en Construcción, si bien este es el primer Número publicado en formato digital que UNIJUS se permite poner a disposición no sólo de la comunidad universitaria, sino también de la sociedad colombiana e internacional, interesada en los temas estudiados por los jóvenes investigadores de la Facultad de Derecho, Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los días 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019

    Experiencias en el aula: cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras.

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    Cuarto encuentro de prácticas pedagógicas innovadoras, evento que se llevo a cabo los días 7 y 8 de Octubre de 2019


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    We report the presence of persistent blooms of Chaetomorpha linum in San Andres island, Southwestern Caribbean, during the year 2013. RESUMEN Reportamos la presencia de florecimientos persistentes del alga verde Chaetomorpha linum en la isla de San Andrès, Caribe suroccidental