22 research outputs found

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    Refusal of blood transfusion in children: Jehovah witnesses case examples

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    Tam fiil ehliyetine sahip kişilerin kendilerine yönelik tıbbi uygulamalara rıza göstermesinde veya bunları reddetmesinde genel anlamda sorun bulunmamaktadır. Ancak tedavinin reddi konusunda karşımıza çıkan sorunlardan biri, yaş küçüklüğü nedeniyle tam ehliyete sahip olmayan çocuklarla ilgilidir. Çalışmamızda, çocuk olgularda tıbbi gereklilik bulunmasına rağmen kan naklinin reddedilmesi konusu, Yehova Şahidi çocuklarla ilgili yaşanan somut olaylar ve sonuçları ile birlikte değerlendirilmiştir. Böylelikle somut olaylardan yola çıkılarak, çocuklarda tedavi reddine ilişkin öğretiye katkı sağlanması ve olası somut olaylara yol gösterilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Çalışmamız, iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde somut olayların değerlendirilmesine esas teşkil edecek temel bilgi ve kavramlara yer verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde ise kan nakline ihtiyacı olan Yehova Şahidi çocuk olgu örnekleri; doğmamış, ayırt etme gücü olmayan ve ayırt etme gücüne sahip çocuklar olarak üç başlıkta sunulmuştur. Olgu örnekleri, ilk bölümdeki temel bilgi ve kavramlar ışığında değerlendirilmiştir.Refuse or consent of medical applications by fully competent person poses no problems in the general sense. One of the major problems encountered in respect of refusal of treatment is about incompetent children due to young age. In our study, we have evaluated refusal of blood transfusion in children despite the medical necessities and, cases and results in relation to Jehovah Witness children. Thus, it is aimed to contribute to the doctrine and provide guidance to potential cases in relation to refusal of treatment in children, based on case examples. Our study consists of two parts. In the first part core concepts and knowledges are explained which are then used to assess cases. In the second part Jehovah Witness children who are in need of blood transfusion are exemplified under three headings as follows; unborn, have discretion and have no discretion. After the exemplifications, our evaluations are carried out in light of the core concepts and knowledge explained in the first part

    Somatosensory eye blink reflex in peripheral facial palsy

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    To investigate the association between somatosensory blink reflex (SBR) and peripheral facial palsy (PFP) severity and trigeminal blink reflex (BR) changes in cases with PFP and subsequent postparalytic facial syndrome development (PFS). One hundred and twenty subjects with peripheral facial palsy and post-facial syndrome and 44 age and gender matched healthy volunteers were enrolled to this study. Blink reflexes and somatosensory blink reflex were studied in all. The association between R1 and R2 responses of the BR and SBR positivity was investigated. SBR was elicited in 36.3% of normal subjects, in 18.3% of PFP and in 65.3% of PFS patients. In the paralytic side, the frequency of SBR positivity was significantly lower in PFP group compared to controls and SBR was most frequently observed in patients with PFS. Compared to PFP and control groups, SBR positivity on the non-paralytic side significantly revealed a higher rate in PFS patients. SBR positivity of patients in whom R1 or R2 were absent, was significantly lower than those subjects with prolonged or normal R1 or R2 responses. PFP and successive PFS are good models for the sensory motor gate mechanisms and/or excitability enhancement of brainstem neurons responsible for SBR. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    A study on visual evoked responses in childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms

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    As some apparently idiopatic epilepsies may occasionally pose diagnostic difficulties in regard to their precise status of etiology, evoked potentials, particularly visual evoked potential (VEP), may contribute to the diagnosis of childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms (CEOP) as a subsidiary method of evaluation