861 research outputs found

    First Record of \u3ci\u3eDorocordulia Libera\u3c/i\u3e (Odonata: Corduliidae) in Ohio in 75 Years

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    A population of the Racket-tailed Emerald, Dorocordulia libera, was found at Singer Lake, a collection of numerous bogs in southern Summit County, Ohio. This species was previously known in Ohio from two speci­ mens collected 22 June 1924 from a bog in Geauga County. Between 8 June and 23 July 1999, 14 male and 3 female specimens were collected at Singer Lake. Notes on this species behavior and flight season in Ohio are presented

    Aberrant Wing Pigmentation in \u3ci\u3eLibellula Luctuosa\u3c/i\u3e Specimens From Ohio

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    Over the past few years we obtained three female Libellula luctuosa specimens, all collected in northeast Ohio, which exhibited unusually reduced wing pigmentation. The individuals were extremely difficult to identify as most keys rely heavily upon wing pigmentation for identification of many Libellula species. A description of this aberrant wing pigmentation and a photograph are provided

    Ten New Genera of \u3cem\u3eAgathidini\u3c/em\u3e (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Southeast Asia

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    The Agathidini (Braconidae: Agathidinae) genera of Southeast Asia are revised based on a phylogenetic analysis of COI and 28S. Ten new genera are proposed, i.e., Agathigma, Asperagathis, Chimaeragathis, Cymagathis, Liragathis, Leuroagathis, Scabagathis, Trochantagathis, Xanthagathis, and Zosteragathis. An illustrated key to the Southeast Asian genera of this tribe is presented. Species from Thailand are keyed and described for all genera of Agathidini except Bassus and Zosteragathis which have too many species for this publication and will be dealt with separately. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that Bassus s.s. is polyphyletic. However, there are no morphological characters to support this and we have retained the current concept of Bassus, which is basically those Agathidini with simple tarsal claws. Numerous new combinations are proposed based on species that are moved to the newly erected genera

    Ten New Genera of \u3cem\u3eAgathidini\u3c/em\u3e (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae) from Southeast Asia

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    The Agathidini (Braconidae: Agathidinae) genera of Southeast Asia are revised based on a phylogenetic analysis of COI and 28S. Ten new genera are proposed, i.e., Agathigma, Asperagathis, Chimaeragathis, Cymagathis, Liragathis, Leuroagathis, Scabagathis, Trochantagathis, Xanthagathis, and Zosteragathis. An illustrated key to the Southeast Asian genera of this tribe is presented. Species from Thailand are keyed and described for all genera of Agathidini except Bassus and Zosteragathis which have too many species for this publication and will be dealt with separately. The phylogenetic analyses indicate that Bassus s.s. is polyphyletic. However, there are no morphological characters to support this and we have retained the current concept of Bassus, which is basically those Agathidini with simple tarsal claws. Numerous new combinations are proposed based on species that are moved to the newly erected genera

    First Ontario, Canada Record of the Water Boatman \u3ci\u3eHesperocorixa Lobata\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Corixidae)

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    (excerpt) Documentation of the true bugs (Hemiptera) of Canada and the United States is an ongoing effort (Henry and Froeschner, 1988; Maw et al., 2000). Maw et al. (2000) listed 12 species of water boatmen belonging to the genus Hesperocorixa for Canada. Ontario has the greatest diversity of this genus with all 12 species listed for the Province. In 2004, we collected Hesperocorixa lobata (Hungerford) (Hemiptera: Corixidae), a new record for Ontario

    Additions to the Aquatic Diptera (Chaoboridae, Chironomidae, Tabanidae, Tipulidae) Fauna of the White River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas

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    The dipteran fauna of Arkansas is generally poorly known. A previous study of the Aquatic macroinvertebrates of the White River National Wildlife Refuge, the largest refuge in Arkansas, reported only 12 diptera taxa out of 219 taxa collected (Chordas et al., 1996). Most of the dipterans from this study were identified only to the family level. The family Chironomidae is a large, diverse group and was predicted to be much more diverse in the refuge than indicated by previous studies. In this study, Chironomidae were targeted, with other aquatic or semiaquatic dipterans also retained, in collections designed to better define the dipteran fauna of the White River National Wildlife Refuge. Adult dipterans were collected from 22 sites within the refuge using sweep-nets, two types of blacklight traps, and lighted fan traps in June of 2001. Specimens from previous studies were retrieved and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level. A total of 4,917 specimens representing 122 taxa was collected. The 122 taxa were comprised of the following: two chaoborids, 83 chironomids, 15 culicids,nine tabanids, and 13 tipulids. Of these, 46 species are new state records for Arkansas. Nine undescribed species of chironomids were collected, and eight species records represent significant range extensions

    Fifty-four State Records of True Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) from Arkansas

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    The terrestrial true bug (Hemipterar: Heteroptera) fauna of Arkansas is poorly represented in the literature. Between 1998 and 2004, we retained Hemiptera specimens collected while conducting a few scattered entomological projects. Ninety-nine species of terrestrial Hemiptera, representing 15 families, were collected from various locations within 9 Arkansas counties. Of these 99 species, 54 are new state records for Arkansas. The majority of these 54 new state records are of common, widespread species that would be expected for Arkansas. Twenty-two of the 54 species have been reported for at least 4 states bordering Arkansas, whereas only 5 species (all Miridae) were not previously reported for any bordering state. Our specimens of Pycnoderes convexicollis (Blatchley, 1926) represent a fairly significant range extension for this species, previously known only from Indiana and Illinois

    On the southeastern United States distributions of Stictoleptura canadensis (Olivier, 1795), Leptura subhamata Randall, 1838 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae) and Heterosternuta cocheconis (Fall, 1917) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae)

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    We present new southeastern United States distributional records for Stictoleptura canadensis (Olivier, 1795), Leptura subhamata Randall, 1838 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lepturinae), and Heterosternuta cocheconis (Fall, 1917) (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae) which extend the southernmost limits of the known distributions for these species. We present new state records for these species

    Widespread and persistent invasions of terrestrial habitats coincident with larval feeding behavior transitions during snail-killing fly evolution (Diptera: Sciomyzidae)

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    BACKGROUND: Transitions in habitats and feeding behaviors were fundamental to the diversification of life on Earth. There is ongoing debate regarding the typical directionality of transitions between aquatic and terrestrial habitats and the mechanisms responsible for the preponderance of terrestrial to aquatic transitions. Snail-killing flies (Diptera: Sciomyzidae) represent an excellent model system to study such transitions because their larvae display a range of feeding behaviors, being predators, parasitoids or saprophages of a variety of mollusks in freshwater, shoreline and dry terrestrial habitats. The remarkable genus Tetanocera (Tetanocerini) occupies five larval feeding groups and all of the habitat types mentioned above. This study has four principal objectives: (i) construct a robust estimate of phylogeny for Tetanocera and Tetanocerini, (ii) estimate the evolutionary transitions in larval feeding behaviors and habitats, (iii) test the monophyly of feeding groups and (iv) identify mechanisms underlying sciomyzid habitat and feeding behavior evolution. RESULTS: Bayesian inference and maximum likelihood analyses of molecular data provided strong support that the Sciomyzini, Tetanocerini and Tetanocera are monophyletic. However, the monophyly of many behavioral groupings was rejected via phylogenetic constraint analyses. We determined that (i) the ancestral sciomyzid lineage was terrestrial, (ii) there was a single terrestrial to aquatic habitat transition early in the evolution of the Tetanocerini and (iii) there were at least 10 independent aquatic to terrestrial habitat transitions and at least 15 feeding behavior transitions during tetanocerine phylogenesis. The ancestor of Tetanocera was aquatic with five lineages making independent transitions to terrestrial habitats and seven making independent transitions in feeding behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The preponderance of aquatic to terrestrial transitions in sciomyzids goes against the trend generally observed across eukaryotes. Damp shoreline habitats are likely transitional where larvae can change habitat but still have similar prey available. Transitioning from aquatic to terrestrial habitats is likely easier than the reverse for sciomyzids because morphological characters associated with air-breathing while under the water\u27s surface are lost rather than gained, and sciomyzids originated and diversified during a general drying period in Earth\u27s history. Our results imply that any animal lineage having aquatic and terrestrial members, respiring the same way in both habitats and having the same type of food available in both habitats could show a similar pattern of multiple independent habitat transitions coincident with changes in behavioral and morphological traits

    Revision of the Species of \u3cem\u3eLytopylus\u3c/em\u3e from Area de Conservación Guanacaste, Northwestern Costa Rica (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Agathidinae)

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    Thirty two new species of Lytopylus (Agathidinae) are described with image plates for each species: Lytopylus alejandromasisi sp. n., Lytopylus alfredomainieri sp. n., Lytopylusanamariamongeae sp. n., Lytopylus angelagonzalezae sp. n., Lytopylus cesarmorai sp. n., Lytopylus eddysanchezi sp. n., Lytopylus eliethcantillanoae sp. n., Lytopylus ericchapmani sp. n., Lytopylus gahyunae sp. n., Lytopylus gisukae sp. n., Lytopylus guillermopereirai sp. n., Lytopylusgustavoindunii sp. n., Lytopylus hartmanguidoi sp. n., Lytopylus hernanbravoi sp. n., Lytopylushokwoni sp. n., Lytopylus ivanniasandovalae sp. n., Lytopylus johanvalerioi sp. n., Lytopylusjosecortesi sp. n., Lytopylus luisgaritai sp. n., Lytopylus mariamartachavarriae sp. n., Lytopylusmiguelviquezi sp. n., Lytopylus motohasegawai sp. n., Lytopylus okchunae sp. n., Lytopyluspablocobbi sp. n., Lytopylus robertofernandezi sp. n., Lytopylus rogerblancoi sp. n., Lytopylussalvadorlopezi sp. n., Lytopylus sangyeoni sp. n., Lytopylus sarahmeierottoae sp. n., Lytopylussergiobermudezi sp. n., Lytopylus sigifredomarini sp. n., and Lytopylus youngcheae sp. n. A dichotomous key and a link to an electronic, interactive key are included. All specimens were reared from Lepidoptera larvae collected in Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG) and all are associated with ecological information including host caterpillar, collection date, eclosion date, caterpillar food plant, and locality. Neighbor-joining and maximum likelihood analyses of the barcode region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI DNA barcode) were conducted to aid in species delimitation