86 research outputs found

    Türkiye'nin Komşu ve Çevre Ülkelerle Dış Ticaret Stratejisinin Bölgesel Stratejiler İçindeki Performansı

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    Turkey has started to implement the export-oriented foreign trade strategy in place of foreign trade importsubstitution strategy with the decisions of January 24, 1980. The 1980s, that began to implement the export-oriented foreign trade strategy,was a period in which economic and trade relations with especially neighboring and surrounding countries increased rapidly. In contrast, in 1990s negative developments occurred in foreign trade volume due to a number of negatives such as the events in the Middle East and the EU market to come to a certain saturation point after incorporation into the Customs Union. In 2000s, Turkey developed new strategies and policies to overcome the negative developments of 1990s in foreign trade. Providing an increase in foreign trade volume and market diversification efforts have been attempted with the new strategies and policies. Turkey began to experience an increase in both the number of reached export markets and the volume of exports with the implemented new foreign trade strategy and policy in which was regionally weighted. One of the implemented new strategies and policies in which regional weighted is the strategy of the "Development of Trade with Neighboring and Surrounding Countries". In this study, the performance of foreign trade of the neighboring and surrounding countries was compared with the countries covered by the other regional trade strategies. During the period of strategy implementation of the neighboring and surrounding countries between the years of 2003-2013, Turkey's exports and imports with the neighboring and surrounding countries showed better performance both proportionally and statistically in comparison with the total exports and imports except for the neighboring and surrounding countries’ exports and imports. However, the neighboring and surrounding countries covered by the neighboring and surrounding countries strategy were not found to be better in comparison with the countries covered by other regional strategies in terms of exports and imports

    Türkiye'nin Komşu ve Çevre Ülkelerle Dış Ticaret Stratejisinin Bölgesel Stratejiler İçindeki Performansı

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    Turkey has started to implement the export-oriented foreign trade strategy in place of foreign trade importsubstitution strategy with the decisions of January 24, 1980. The 1980s, that began to implement the export-oriented foreign trade strategy,was a period in which economic and trade relations with especially neighboring and surrounding countries increased rapidly. In contrast, in 1990s negative developments occurred in foreign trade volume due to a number of negatives such as the events in the Middle East and the EU market to come to a certain saturation point after incorporation into the Customs Union. In 2000s, Turkey developed new strategies and policies to overcome the negative developments of 1990s in foreign trade. Providing an increase in foreign trade volume and market diversification efforts have been attempted with the new strategies and policies. Turkey began to experience an increase in both the number of reached export markets and the volume of exports with the implemented new foreign trade strategy and policy in which was regionally weighted. One of the implemented new strategies and policies in which regional weighted is the strategy of the "Development of Trade with Neighboring and Surrounding Countries". In this study, the performance of foreign trade of the neighboring and surrounding countries was compared with the countries covered by the other regional trade strategies. During the period of strategy implementation of the neighboring and surrounding countries between the years of 2003-2013, Turkey's exports and imports with the neighboring and surrounding countries showed better performance both proportionally and statistically in comparison with the total exports and imports except for the neighboring and surrounding countries’ exports and imports. However, the neighboring and surrounding countries covered by the neighboring and surrounding countries strategy were not found to be better in comparison with the countries covered by other regional strategies in terms of exports and imports

    Türkiye’de Uygulanan Orta Vadeli Programın Ödemeler Dengesi Tahminleri Doğrultusunda Performansının Analizi

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    Many developed and developing countries, who want to fulfill their social responsibilities covering investment spending that requires long-term, are passed to the multi-year budgeting practices instead of the classic one-year budget execution. In this respect, Turkey has passed multi-year budgeting implementation in 2006. Multi-year budgeting method, which is called “Medium Term Expenditure System” in the World Bank studies, is being implemented in the framework of the Medium Term Programme (MTP) in Turkey. Macro economic objectives of MTP include the balance of payments targets as well as growth, employment, public finance and general level of prices. It is estimated in the three-year horizon about Exports, Imports, Trade Balance, Current Account Balance/GDP, and Foreign Trade Volume/GDP towards the balance of payments targets. In this study, the success performance in forecasting and targets of the MTP was analyzed according to the balance of payments targets. In this study, the following conclusion was reached: In Turkey, the level of achievement of the MTP’s estimates is behind a great deal of EU countries according to the size of the balance of payments

    Does Overvalued Turkish Lira Affect Turkey's Foreign Trade Competitiveness?

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    Turkey's export growth has been increasing since 1980 and reached its peak in 2011 despite declines in different periods. The 2008 economic crisis that overvalued the exchange rates was a big obstacle to overcome for the Turkish exporters, and this diminishes their returns and thus lessened Turkey’s global strategic competitiveness. This study examines Turkey’s competition power against the BRIC countries seen as strong competitors to Turkey based on exchange rates and purchasing power parity. This study which is about purchasing power parity and exchange rates shows that real exchange rates affect trade volumes and Turkey’s RER has appreciated especially after 2010 and it lessened the competitiveness of Turkish companies

    Türkiye’de Uygulanan Orta Vadeli Programın Ödemeler Dengesi Tahminleri Doğrultusunda Performansının Analizi

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    Many developed and developing countries, who want to fulfill their social responsibilities covering investment spending that requires long-term, are passed to the multi-year budgeting practices instead of the classic one-year budget execution. In this respect, Turkey has passed multi-year budgeting implementation in 2006. Multi-year budgeting method, which is called “Medium Term Expenditure System” in the World Bank studies, is being implemented in the framework of the Medium Term Programme (MTP) in Turkey. Macro economic objectives of MTP include the balance of payments targets as well as growth, employment, public finance and general level of prices. It is estimated in the three-year horizon about Exports, Imports, Trade Balance, Current Account Balance/GDP, and Foreign Trade Volume/GDP towards the balance of payments targets. In this study, the success performance in forecasting and targets of the MTP was analyzed according to the balance of payments targets. In this study, the following conclusion was reached: In Turkey, the level of achievement of the MTP’s estimates is behind a great deal of EU countries according to the size of the balance of payments

    Neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio is associated with right ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute inferior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    Background: Acute inferior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is associated with increased in-hospital morbidity and mortality particularly among patients with coexisting right ventricular (RV) involvement. High neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is an independent predictor of major adverse cardiac events and mortality in patients with myocardial infarction. This study evaluated the relationship between the NLR and RV dysfunction (RVD) in patients with inferior STEMI who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Methods: A total of 213 subjects with inferior STEMI were divided into two groups according to the presence of RVD. The groups were compared according to NLR and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed to access the predictability of NLR on having RVD. Results: The NLR was significantly higher in the group with RVD compared to that without RVD (p < 0.001). In ROC analysis, NLR > 3.5 predicted RVD with sensitivity of 83% and specificity of 55%. In a multivariate regression analysis, NLR remained an independent predictor of RVD (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.285–1.750, p < 0.001). Conclusions: NLR was an independent predictor of RVD in patients with inferior STEMI undergoing primary PCI.


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    Sille, which for some people it is a Byzantium village, for some other it is a Central Anatolian settlement dated to very old periods, where either Byzantines or Turks, as being Orthodox Christian and Muslim, lived together. Sille, which is known a very important centre up to the end of 19 Century, fell into a declining period at the end of that century, and accelerated its speed during the Post Exchanging period realized together with Lozan Agreement, and reached to the 21 Century. A slowly increasing  interest,  being  not  much  as  in  old  times,  by  Conservation  Development  Plan  (CDP), providing tourism attraction, and the positive process experienced during conservation implementations (after 2004) have led to a significant activities in Sille. In this study, starting with the Sille case, it is tried to take the picture of conservation implementations in Turkey within the framework experienced during the period of 10 years after the approval of the plan, by examining the investigations carried out before CDP and the plan decisions taken. Sille, kimine göre bir Rum köyü, kimine göre Anadolu’nun ortasında hem Rumların, hem Türklerin  Ortodoks  Hristiyan  ve  Müslüman  olarak  birlikte  yaşamış  oldukları,  tarihi  çok  eskilere dayanan bir Anadolu yerleşmesidir. 19. Yüzyılın sonlarına kadar önemli bir merkez olduğu bilinen Sille’nin, bu yüzyılın sonuna doğru yaşamaya başladığı bir gerileme dönemi hızını Lozan’la birlikte gerçekleşen Mübadele sonrası iyice arttırmış ve 21. Yüzyıla uzanabilmiştir. 2001 yılında onaylanan Koruma Amaçlı İmar Planı (KAİP) ile eskisi kadar olmasa da yavaş yavaş artan ilgi, turizm olgusunun isteklendirmesi  ve  koruma  uygulamasında  yaşanan  olumlu  süreç  (2004  sonrası)  Sille’de  bir hareketlenmeye  yol  açmıştır.  Bu  çalışma,  Sille  KAİP  öncesi  yapılan  araştırmalar  ve  alınan  plan kararlarını incelerken,  plan  onayını  izleyen  10  yıllık  süreçte yaşananlar  çerçevesinde ülkemizdeki koruma uygulamasının Sille örneğinden hareketle bir fotoğrafını çekmeye çalışmaktadır