13 research outputs found

    Benchmarking of protein descriptor sets in proteochemometric modeling (part 1): comparative study of 13 amino acid descriptor sets

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    BACKGROUND: While a large body of work exists on comparing and benchmarking of descriptors of molecular structures, a similar comparison of protein descriptor sets is lacking. Hence, in the current work a total of 13 different protein descriptor sets have been compared with respect to their behavior in perceiving similarities between amino acids. The descriptor sets included in the study are Z-scales (3 variants), VHSE, T-scales, ST-scales, MS-WHIM, FASGAI and BLOSUM, and a novel protein descriptor set termed ProtFP (4 variants). We investigate to which extent descriptor sets show collinear as well as orthogonal behavior via principal component analysis (PCA). RESULTS: In describing amino acid similarities, MSWHIM, T-scales and ST-scales show related behavior, as do the VHSE, FASGAI, and ProtFP (PCA3) descriptor sets. Conversely, the ProtFP (PCA5), ProtFP (PCA8), Z-Scales (Binned), and BLOSUM descriptor sets show behavior that is distinct from one another as well as both of the clusters above. Generally, the use of more principal components (>3 per amino acid, per descriptor) leads to a significant differences in the way amino acids are described, despite that the later principal components capture less variation per component of the original input data. CONCLUSION: In this work a comparison is provided of how similar (and differently) currently available amino acids descriptor sets behave when converting structure to property space. The results obtained enable molecular modelers to select suitable amino acid descriptor sets for structure-activity analyses, e.g. those showing complementary behavior

    A comprehensive analysis of the thermodynamic events involved in ligand–receptor binding using CoRIA and its variants

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    Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships(QSAR) are being used since decades for prediction of biological activity, lead optimization, classification, identification and explanation of the mechanisms of drug action, and prediction of novel structural leads in drug discovery. Though the technique has lived up to its expectations in many aspects, much work still needs to be done in relation to problems related to the rational design of peptides. Peptides are the drugs of choice in many situations, however, designing them rationally is a complicated task and the complexity increases with the length of their sequence. In order to deal with the problem of peptide optimization, one of our recently developed QSAR formalisms CoRIA (Comparative Residue Interaction Analysis) is being expanded and modified as: reverse-CoRIA (rCoRIA) and mixed- CoRIA (mCoRIA) approaches. In these methodologies, the peptide is fragmented into individual units and the interaction energies (van der Waals, Coulombic and hydrophobic) of each amino acid in the peptide with the receptor as a whole(rCoRIA) and with individual active site residues in the receptor (mCoRIA) are calculated, which along with other thermodynamic descriptors, are used as independent variables that are correlated to the biological activity by chemometric methods. As a test case, the three CoRIA methodologies have been validated on a dataset of diverse nonamer peptides that bind to the Class I major histocompatibility complex molecule HLA-A*0201, and for which some structure activity relationships have already been reported. The different models developed, and validated both internally as well as externally, were found to be robust with statistically significant values of r2 (correlation coefficient)and r2 pred (predictive r2). These models were able to identify all the structure activity relationships known for this class of peptides, as well uncover some new relationships. This means that these methodologies will perform well for other peptide datasets too. The major advantage of these approaches is that they explicitly utilize the 3D structures of small molecules or peptides as well as their macromolecular targets, to extract position-specific information about important interactions between the ligand and receptor, which can assist the medicinal and computational chemists in designing new molecules, and biologists in studying the influence of mutations in the target receptor on ligand binding