70 research outputs found

    Employers’ Perception on the Antecedents of Graduate Employability for the Information Technology Sector

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    This chapter aims to analyze the perceptions of the employers in the Information Technology (IT) sector in India on the antecedents of graduate employability. With an increased emphasis on Organizational flexibility in today’s volatile and complex Business environment, the employability of the workforce has gained crucial significance. Flexibility has been acknowledged as a predictor of Organizational performance (Sushil, Global J Flex Syst Manag 16(4):309–311, 2015) and its Strategic driver (Sharma et al., Global J Flex Syst Manag 11(3):51–68, 2010). Flexible strategies and business plan often demand the need to scale up the quality of manpower or shift the required skill set to swiftly adapt to the Market changes accordingly. This Flexibility is not confined to the quantity of manpower only but also encompasses the quality of skills deployed by the manpower (Srivastava, Global J Flex Syst Manag 17(1):105–108, 2016). Therefore, it is imperative for the potential Job seeker to understand and continuously adapt to the changing knowledge and skill requirements of the employers to develop and maintain their employability. The employers in this dynamic sector demand a range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes from potential job seekers. However, the graduates passing out of Higher Education Institutions fail to meet these expectations of the employers. Therefore, the sector is struggling with the challenges of talent crunch and qualitative demand–Demand–supply mismatch of manpower. The identification of factors that influence graduate employability is based on literature review. This chapter is empirical and examines the perceptions of the employers on the factors that impact employability and validates the association between the research constructs. Opinion surveys are used to elicit responses from a sample of 236 respondents, i.e., Technical/HR personnel at the middle-level/upper middle-level management positions spanning across 71 reputed IT companies in India. These respondents are actively involved in the staffing of graduates seeking Technical jobs in IT sector. The perception of these employers has been investigated using bivariate and multivariate analysis techniques. The key insights drawn in this chapter enable potential job seekers to clearly understand the employer demands in the IT sector and equip themselves with the required knowledge and skills. This also contributes to enhancing the manpower Flexibility in organizations. The chapter has significant implications for the policy-makers and key stakeholders to bridge the Employability gap in this sector

    Ξ²-Actin and Ξ³-Actin Are Each Dispensable for Auditory Hair Cell Development But Required for Stereocilia Maintenance

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    Hair cell stereocilia structure depends on actin filaments composed of cytoplasmic Ξ²-actin and Ξ³-actin isoforms. Mutations in either gene can lead to progressive hearing loss in humans. Since Ξ²-actin and Ξ³-actin isoforms are 99% identical at the protein level, it is unclear whether each isoform has distinct cellular roles. Here, we compared the functions of Ξ²-actin and Ξ³-actin in stereocilia formation and maintenance by generating mice conditionally knocked out for Actb or Actg1 in hair cells. We found that, although cytoplasmic actin is necessary, neither Ξ²-actin nor Ξ³-actin is required for normal stereocilia development or auditory function in young animals. However, aging mice with Ξ²-actin– or Ξ³-actin–deficient hair cells develop different patterns of progressive hearing loss and distinct pathogenic changes in stereocilia morphology, despite colocalization of the actin isoforms. These results demonstrate overlapping developmental roles but unique post-developmental functions for Ξ²-actin and Ξ³-actin in maintaining hair cell stereocilia

    Solution-focused intervention for sick listed employees with psychological problems or muscle skeletal pain: a randomised controlled trial [ISRCTN39140363]

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    BACKGROUND: Long-term sick leave has been of concern to politicians and decision-makers in Norway for several years. In the current study we assess the efficacy of a solution-focused follow-up for sick-listed employees. METHODS: Employees on long-term sick leave due to psychological problems or muscle skeletal pain (n = 703) were invited to participate in the project. Following self-recruitment, 103 were randomly allocated to receive solution-focused follow-up (n = 53) or "treatment as usual" (n = 50). The intervention was integrated within the regular follow up of six social security offices and organised as eight weekly solution focused work sessions. Effectiveness was measured by rate of return to work and health related quality of life (SF-36). RESULTS: Intention to treat analysis showed no significant differences between the two groups for any of the outcome measures. Secondary analysis, comparing those who attended at least 50% of the sessions with the control group revealed a significant difference in favour of the active intervention group in the SF-36 subscale of mental health (Effect Size 0.56, p = 0.05). When comparing the subgroup of participants with psychological problems there was a significant difference in mental health in favour of the intervention group (Effect Size 0.71, p = 0.041). CONCLUSION: A voluntary solution-focused intervention offered by social-security offices is no more effective than regular follow up for employees on long-term sick leave due to psychological problems or muscle skeletal pain

    Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting

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    Faulting and earthquakes occur extensively along the flanks of the East African Rift System, including an offshore branch in the western Indian Ocean, resulting in remobilization of sediment in the form of landslides. To date, constraints on the occurrence of submarine landslides at margin scale are lacking, leaving unanswered a link between rifting and slope instability. Here, we show the first overview of landslide deposits in the post-Eocene stratigraphy of the Tanzania margin and we present the discovery of one of the biggest landslides on Earth: the Mafia mega-slide. The emplacement of multiple landslides, including the Mafia mega-slide, during the early-mid Miocene is coeval with cratonic rifting in Tanzania, indicating that plateau uplift and rifting in East Africa triggered large and potentially tsunamigenic landslides likely through earthquake activity and enhanced sediment supply. This study is a first step to evaluate the risk associated with submarine landslides in the region

    Evaluation of Leishmania donovani Protein Disulfide Isomerase as a Potential Immunogenic Protein/Vaccine Candidate against Visceral Leishmaniasis

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    In Leishmania species, Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) - a redox chaperone, is reported to be involved in its virulence and survival. This protein has also been identified, through proteomics, as a Th1 stimulatory protein in the soluble lysate of a clinical isolate of Leishmania donovani (LdPDI). In the present study, the molecular characterization of LdPDI was carried out and the immunogenicity of recombinant LdPDI (rLdPDI) was assessed by lymphocyte proliferation assay (LTT), nitric oxide (NO) production, estimation of Th1 cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-12) as well as IL-10 in PBMCs of cured/endemic/infected Leishmania patients and cured L. donovani infected hamsters. A significantly higher proliferative response against rLdPDI as well as elevated levels of IFN-γ and IL-12 were observed. The level of IL-10 was found to be highly down regulated in response to rLdPDI. A significant increase in the level of NO production in stimulated hamster macrophages as well as IgG2 antibody and a low level of IgG1 in cured patient's serum was observed. Higher level of IgG2 antibody indicated its Th1 stimulatory potential. The efficacy of pcDNA-LdPDI construct was further evaluated for its prophylactic potential. Vaccination with this construct conferred remarkably good prophylactic efficacy (∼90%) and generated a robust cellular immune response with significant increases in the levels of iNOS transcript as well as TNF-α, IFN-γ and IL-12 cytokines. This was further supported by the high level of IgG2 antibody in vaccinated animals. The in vitro as well as in vivo results thus indicate that LdPDI may be exploited as a potential vaccine candidate against visceral Leishmaniasis (VL)

    Progressive Visceral Leishmaniasis Is Driven by Dominant Parasite-induced STAT6 Activation and STAT6-dependent Host Arginase 1 Expression

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    The clinicopathological features of the hamster model of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) closely mimic active human disease. Studies in humans and hamsters indicate that the inability to control parasite replication in VL could be related to ineffective classical macrophage activation. Therefore, we hypothesized that the pathogenesis of VL might be driven by a program of alternative macrophage activation. Indeed, the infected hamster spleen showed low NOS2 but high arg1 enzyme activity and protein and mRNA expression (p<0.001) and increased polyamine synthesis (p<0.05). Increased arginase activity was also evident in macrophages isolated from the spleens of infected hamsters (p<0.05), and arg1 expression was induced by L. donovani in primary hamster peritoneal macrophages (p<0.001) and fibroblasts (p<0.01), and in a hamster fibroblast cell line (p<0.05), without synthesis of endogenous IL-4 or IL-13 or exposure to exogenous cytokines. miRNAi-mediated selective knockdown of hamster arginase 1 (arg1) in BHK cells led to increased generation of nitric oxide and reduced parasite burden (p<0.005). Since many of the genes involved in alternative macrophage activation are regulated by Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription-6 (STAT6), and because the parasite-induced expression of arg1 occurred in the absence of exogenous IL-4, we considered the possibility that L. donovani was directly activating STAT6. Indeed, exposure of hamster fibroblasts or macrophages to L. donovani resulted in dose-dependent STAT6 activation, even without the addition of exogenous cytokines. Knockdown of hamster STAT6 in BHK cells with miRNAi resulted in reduced arg1 mRNA expression and enhanced control of parasite replication (p<0.0001). Collectively these data indicate that L. donovani infection induces macrophage STAT6 activation and STAT6-dependent arg1 expression, which do not require but are amplified by type 2 cytokines, and which contribute to impaired control of infection

    System Interface Design For CAD/CAM-Simulink Data Exchange System Using MATLAB

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    Integration between advanced control system theory and automation tools and technology brings about advancement in machining technology in tandem with requirement for smart and flexible manufacturing system. The integration takes in the form of seamless and automatic data communication between a CAD/CAM system and the more advanced control systems technology. This paper presents an interface design of a novel CAD/CAM-Simulink Data Exchange System (CS-DES) which links part geometry design using CAD/CAM technology with position controller scheme and algorithm designed in Matlab/Simulink environment. The proposed CS-DES system enhances data automation through formation of the graphical user input reference interface of the machine tools control system using NC manufacturing codes data as the reference input signal. The framework and role of CS-DES are elaborated and described in detail including pseudocodes generation for the CAD drawing graphical data integrated with the controller scheme designed in Simulink. The CS-DES interface was designed using MATLAB graphical user interactive development platform. Functions related to the user interface design are discussed in this paper. Finally, the system interface design of the data exchange system is expected to further enhance versatility of existing control system performance of a machine tool via creation of flexible input reference forms hence improving system accuracy, efficiency and productivity
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