11 research outputs found

    Designation of origine and geographical indication of olives and olive oils in Croatia

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    Europsko i svjetsko tržiÅ”te prehrambenih proizvoda zasićeno je novim proizvodima koji međusobno konkuriraju kakvoćom i cijenom. Nespecifični proizvodi nisu u mogućnosti nositi se s oÅ”trom konkurencijom sličnih proizvoda, a potroÅ”ači su često nesigurni u kakvoću onoga Å”to kupuju. Zbog toga se javila potreba za zaÅ”titom proizvoda visoke kakvoće i specifičnih karakteristika. U tu svrhu EU je 1992. godine stvorila sustave: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin odnosno Oznaka izvornosti), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication odnosno Oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla) i TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed odnosno Oznaka ā€žtradicionalni ugledā€œ). Od 2005. godine proizvođačima u Hrvatskoj omogućena je ista zaÅ”tita za proizvode koje imaju i proizvođači u zemljama EU, čime se podiže razina konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje i prepoznatljivost domaćih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je pojasniti mogućnosti zaÅ”tite maslinovog ulja i stolnih maslina, te iznoÅ”enjem praktičnih primjera dati doprinos u bržem integriranju Hrvatske u europsko i svjetsko tržiÅ”te proizvoda od maslina.European and world market of foodstuffs is glutted with new products competing by quality and price. Non specific products are not able to deal with a sharp competition among similar products, and consumers are often uncertain about the quality of purchased goods. Therefore the EU created in 1992 three types of food quality system: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). From 2005 Croatian producers have the same possibility of protecting their products as the EU producers, raising the competitiveness and identity of domestic production and products. The aim of the present paper was to clarify the possibilities for olive oil and table oil protection, as well as to give a contribution to faster integration of Croatia in to European and world olive products market by giving practical examples

    Oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria

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    Sadržaj ulja u plodu masline najvažniji je čimbenik koji određuje ekonomsku vrijednost pojedine sorte i jedan od kriterija za određivanje stupnja zrelosti ploda, odnosno karakterizaciju sorte. Određena je količina ulja u plodu vodećih autohtonih sorti maslina u Istri, tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine, pomoću Soxtec aparata. Dobiveni podaci u zasebnim godinama upućuju na povezanost sadržaja ulja sa sortom, no njihova varijabilnost između dvije godine za pojedinu sortu ukazuje na značajan utjecaj vanjskih čimbenika. Dobiveni rezultati variraju između 21 i 48% ulja u odnosu na suhu tvar ploda, Å”to ukazuje na značajan ekonomski potencijal ovih sorti.The oil content in an olive fruit is the most relevant factor determining the economic value of singular variety and one of the criteria for fruit maturity degree determination, and variety characterization as well. In this paper, the olive oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria during crop seasons 2004 and 2005, using Soxtec apparatus, was determined. The results obtained reflect mostly the influence of the variety genetic potential on the oil content, when monitored in a single year, but its variation between the two years in a single variety shows the influence of external factors. The oil content on a dry weight basis in fruits of investigated varieties ranged from 21% to 48% which shows their high economic potential

    Designation of origine and geographical indication of olives and olive oils in Croatia

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    Europsko i svjetsko tržiÅ”te prehrambenih proizvoda zasićeno je novim proizvodima koji međusobno konkuriraju kakvoćom i cijenom. Nespecifični proizvodi nisu u mogućnosti nositi se s oÅ”trom konkurencijom sličnih proizvoda, a potroÅ”ači su često nesigurni u kakvoću onoga Å”to kupuju. Zbog toga se javila potreba za zaÅ”titom proizvoda visoke kakvoće i specifičnih karakteristika. U tu svrhu EU je 1992. godine stvorila sustave: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin odnosno Oznaka izvornosti), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication odnosno Oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla) i TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed odnosno Oznaka ā€žtradicionalni ugledā€œ). Od 2005. godine proizvođačima u Hrvatskoj omogućena je ista zaÅ”tita za proizvode koje imaju i proizvođači u zemljama EU, čime se podiže razina konkurentnosti domaće proizvodnje i prepoznatljivost domaćih proizvoda. Cilj ovog rada bio je pojasniti mogućnosti zaÅ”tite maslinovog ulja i stolnih maslina, te iznoÅ”enjem praktičnih primjera dati doprinos u bržem integriranju Hrvatske u europsko i svjetsko tržiÅ”te proizvoda od maslina.European and world market of foodstuffs is glutted with new products competing by quality and price. Non specific products are not able to deal with a sharp competition among similar products, and consumers are often uncertain about the quality of purchased goods. Therefore the EU created in 1992 three types of food quality system: PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) and TSG (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed). From 2005 Croatian producers have the same possibility of protecting their products as the EU producers, raising the competitiveness and identity of domestic production and products. The aim of the present paper was to clarify the possibilities for olive oil and table oil protection, as well as to give a contribution to faster integration of Croatia in to European and world olive products market by giving practical examples

    Sterol, triterpen dialcohol and fatty acid profile of less- and well-known Istrian monovarietal olive oil

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    The aim of this study was to characterize monovarietal olive oils obtained from two less known autochthonous cultivars (Bova and Buža puntoža) on the basis of sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids profile for the first time, and three monovarietal olive oils obtained from the most widespread autochthonous cultivars (Buža, Istarska bjelica and Rosinjola) grown in Istria, Croatia. Ī²-sitosterol, Ī”-5-avenasterol and campesterol were the most abundant sterols in all samples. Campesterol, Ī²-sitosterol and Ī”-5-avenasterol most significantly differentiated investigated oils. Bova oil had the highest amount of total sterols (2964 Ā± 458 mg/kg). Istarska bjelica oil had a peculiar sterol composition with exceptionally low Ī²-sitosterol (67%), high Ī”-5-avenasterol (27%) and the highest triterpene dialcohols percentages. Rosinjola and Istarska bjelica oils had the highest monounsaturated fatty acids level, Buža oil had the highest polyunsaturated fatty acids level, while Bova oil showed the highest level of saturated fatty acids. Tested oils obtained from the most abundant cultivars fulfilled all the demands of the current EU regulation required for virgin olive oil regarding sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids, but Bova and Buža puntoža oil slightly exceeded the upper limit for linolenic acid. Since cultivar is the source of natural variation of sterols, triterpene dialcohols and fatty acids in virgin olive oils, the knowledge about the content of these particular compounds in different monovarietal oils from autochthonous cultivars is important to determine possible disagreements with the demands of the current legislation required for virgin olive oils, in order to anticipate possible false results indicating adulteration

    Oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria

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    Sadržaj ulja u plodu masline najvažniji je čimbenik koji određuje ekonomsku vrijednost pojedine sorte i jedan od kriterija za određivanje stupnja zrelosti ploda, odnosno karakterizaciju sorte. Određena je količina ulja u plodu vodećih autohtonih sorti maslina u Istri, tijekom 2004. i 2005. godine, pomoću Soxtec aparata. Dobiveni podaci u zasebnim godinama upućuju na povezanost sadržaja ulja sa sortom, no njihova varijabilnost između dvije godine za pojedinu sortu ukazuje na značajan utjecaj vanjskih čimbenika. Dobiveni rezultati variraju između 21 i 48% ulja u odnosu na suhu tvar ploda, Å”to ukazuje na značajan ekonomski potencijal ovih sorti.The oil content in an olive fruit is the most relevant factor determining the economic value of singular variety and one of the criteria for fruit maturity degree determination, and variety characterization as well. In this paper, the olive oil content in fruits of leading autochthonous olive varieties in Istria during crop seasons 2004 and 2005, using Soxtec apparatus, was determined. The results obtained reflect mostly the influence of the variety genetic potential on the oil content, when monitored in a single year, but its variation between the two years in a single variety shows the influence of external factors. The oil content on a dry weight basis in fruits of investigated varieties ranged from 21% to 48% which shows their high economic potential


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    U sklopu većeg broja znanstvenih, tehnologijskih i VIP projekata odobrenih Institutu za poljoprivredu i turizam u Poreču provode se dugoročna istraživanja i aktivnosti usmjerene na očuvanje i valorizaciju autohtonih sorti vinove loze i maslina u lstri. To uključuje stvaranje baze podataka, terenski rad, morfoloÅ”ka mjerenja, laboratorijske, kemijske, sanitarne i genetičke analize te podizanje predmatičnih i matičnih nasada. Do sada je u istraživanje uključeno 16 sorata, odnosno 76 biotipa vinove loze i 64 stabla maslina. Posljednjih godina obavljen je veliki dio posla oko sakupljanja podataka, terenskog rada, obilježavanja, morfoloÅ”kih mjerenja i kemijskih analiza. Pojedine složenije laboratorijske analize su u tijeku , a pred nama su aktivnosti podizanja nasada klonskih kandidata autohtonih sorata vinove loze i maslina kao garancija trajnog očuvanja i mogućnosti gospodarske valorizacije ovih sorti. NaglaÅ”avamo važnost ovih aktivnosti koje čine osnovu dugoročnog razvoja vinogradarstva i maslinarstva u lstri.In the framework of several scientific, technological and VIP (Agricultural Research Council) projects in the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism a long term researches and activities aimed to preservation and valorisation of autochthonous grapevine and olive varieties in lstria are in course. This comprises a creation of database, fieldwork, morphologic measurements, chemical, sanitary and genetic laboratory analyses as well as promoter and mother plantings raising. Up today research considered 16 varieties, respectively 76 biotypes of grapevine and 64 olive trees. Last years was done a considerable job on data collection, fieldwork, labelling, morphological measurements and chemical analyses. Some complex laboratory analyses are in course and we are faced with pre-mother and mother plantation raising of clonal grapevine and olive candidates, as a guarantee for permanent preservation and possibility of economic valorisation for considered varieties. We point out the importance of these activities as a basis for long term viticulture and olive culture development in lstria


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    U sklopu većeg broja znanstvenih, tehnologijskih i VIP projekata odobrenih Institutu za poljoprivredu i turizam u Poreču provode se dugoročna istraživanja i aktivnosti usmjerene na očuvanje i valorizaciju autohtonih sorti vinove loze i maslina u lstri. To uključuje stvaranje baze podataka, terenski rad, morfoloÅ”ka mjerenja, laboratorijske, kemijske, sanitarne i genetičke analize te podizanje predmatičnih i matičnih nasada. Do sada je u istraživanje uključeno 16 sorata, odnosno 76 biotipa vinove loze i 64 stabla maslina. Posljednjih godina obavljen je veliki dio posla oko sakupljanja podataka, terenskog rada, obilježavanja, morfoloÅ”kih mjerenja i kemijskih analiza. Pojedine složenije laboratorijske analize su u tijeku , a pred nama su aktivnosti podizanja nasada klonskih kandidata autohtonih sorata vinove loze i maslina kao garancija trajnog očuvanja i mogućnosti gospodarske valorizacije ovih sorti. NaglaÅ”avamo važnost ovih aktivnosti koje čine osnovu dugoročnog razvoja vinogradarstva i maslinarstva u lstri.In the framework of several scientific, technological and VIP (Agricultural Research Council) projects in the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism a long term researches and activities aimed to preservation and valorisation of autochthonous grapevine and olive varieties in lstria are in course. This comprises a creation of database, fieldwork, morphologic measurements, chemical, sanitary and genetic laboratory analyses as well as promoter and mother plantings raising. Up today research considered 16 varieties, respectively 76 biotypes of grapevine and 64 olive trees. Last years was done a considerable job on data collection, fieldwork, labelling, morphological measurements and chemical analyses. Some complex laboratory analyses are in course and we are faced with pre-mother and mother plantation raising of clonal grapevine and olive candidates, as a guarantee for permanent preservation and possibility of economic valorisation for considered varieties. We point out the importance of these activities as a basis for long term viticulture and olive culture development in lstria

    A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Characterisation of Autochthonous Istrian Olive (Olea europaea L.) Varieties

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    The Istrian region (Croatia) has a long olive growing and oil producing tradition as well as evident biological diversity in local olive (Olea europaea L.) germplasm. The olive oil is one of the most important typical food products in Istria. Considering the current tendency of consumers to select typical regional products, there is a need to define Istrian autochthonous olive varieties and to characterize the specificity of related oils. The aim of this study is to apply a multidisciplinary approach for that purpose. Morphological and molecular descriptions of four varieties (Buža, Buža puntoža, Istarska bjelica and Rosinjola) as well as the results of chemical analyses of their oils are reported. A total of 23 morphological traits, microsatellite profiles on 12 SSR loci, extractability index, olive oil minor compounds, colour and antioxidant activity have been determined and the results are reported in the following paper