499 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry, Variational Method and Hulth\'en Potential

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    The formalism of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics provides us the eigenfunctions to be used in the variational mathod to obtain the eigenvalues for the Hulth\'en Potential.Comment: 5 pages, LateX file, to appear in Modern Physics Letters

    Les Infanços de Navarre et du Pays de Labourd

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    Martín Elso define las dos categorías de infanzones de Navarra: los "hijosdalgo de linaje" (nobleza de origen y de sangre) y los "infanzones de carta" (que ascendían a nobles por gracioso privilegio del rey). El autor publica un documento de 1505 sobre el infanzonazgo en Laburdi, seguido de una relación de casas que en el siglo XVIII podían considerarse infanzonas.Martín Elsok Nafarroako infantzoien bi kategoriak definitzen ditu: "leinuko kapareak" (jatorri eta odolezko noblezia) eta "gutunezko infantzoiak" (erregearen graziazko pribilegioaz noble bilakatzen zirenak). Egileak Lapurdiko infantzoiei buruzko 1505eko dokumentua argitaratzen du, eta ondoren XVIII. mendean infantzoi-etxetzat har zitezkeenen zerrenda dakar.Martín Elso distingue les deux catégories d'infançons de Navarre: les "hijosdalgo de linaje" (noblesse d'origine et de sang) etles "infanzones de carta" (qui accédaient à la classe noble par privilège gracieux du roi). L'auteur publie ensuite un document de1505 sur l'infançonnage en Labourd suivi d'une liste des maisons qui au XVIIIesiècle pouvaient être réputeés infançonnes.Martin Elso defines two categories of infanzones (lower nobility) in Navarre: the "hijosdalgo de linaje" (nobility of origin and blood) and the "infanzones de carta" (who became nobles by gracious privilege awarded by the King). The author publishes a document dated 1505 on the infanzonazgo in Laburdi, followed by a list of lineages that could be considered infanzonas in the 18th century

    Induced Variational Method from Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and the Screened Coulomb Potential

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    The formalism of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics supplies a trial wave function to be used in the Variational Method. The screened Coulomb potential is analysed within this approach. Numerical and exact results for energy eigenvalues are compared.Comment: 7 pages, LATE

    Quantum Confinement in Hydrogen Bond of DNA and RNA

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    The hydrogen bond is a fundamental ingredient to stabilize the DNA and RNA macromolecules. The main contribution of this work is to describe quantitatively this interaction as a consequence of the quantum confinement of the hydrogen. The results for the free and confined system are compared with experimental data. The formalism to compute the energy gap of the vibration motion used to identify the spectrum lines is the Variational Method allied to Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. To appear in The Proceedings of the 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Group30), Ghent, Belgiu