6 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Social Interventions in Reducing Stigma of Covid-19

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    Social stigma can encourage someone to hide their illness so they don't get society's discrimination. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of social interventions to reduce stigma towards changes in the behavior of housewives in the prevention and control of Covid-19. The population in this study were all housewives in the research locus. Calculation of the minimum sample using a two-proportion hypothesis test for the intervention and control groups (n = 150). The selection of the sample used a simple random sampling technique. The intervention group was given a social intervention by a change agent for Covid-19. The controls were given government program interventions to prevent Covid-19. Respondent's behavior was measured before and after treatment using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test. The results of the study showed that social interventions through providing counseling by covid-19 change agents were more effective in reducing stigma through behavior change (p-value <0.05). The findings of this study can be a new understanding in the preparation of intervention programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases related to stigma in general and Covid-19 in particular. Social stigma can encourage someone to hide their illness so they don't get society's discrimination. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of social interventions to reduce stigma towards changes in the behavior of housewives in the prevention and control of Covid-19. The research was conducted in the working area of the Helvetia Health Center, Medan Helvetia District, Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia. The population in this study were all housewives in the research locus. Calculation of the minimum sample using a two-proportion hypothesis test for the intervention and control groups (n = 150). The selection of the sample used a simple random sampling technique. The intervention group was given a social intervention by a change agent for Covid 19. The controls were given government program interventions to prevent Covid 19. Respondent's behavior was measured before and after treatment using a questionnaire. Data were analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test. The results of the study showed that social interventions through providing counseling by covid-19 change agents were more effective in reducing stigma through behavior change (p-value <0.05). The findings of this study can be a new understanding in the preparation of intervention programs for the prevention and control of infectious diseases related to stigma in general and Covid 19 in particular.&nbsp

    Empowerment efforts to Moria in cervical cancer’s prevention

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    Empowerment of fertile age women who are married and become members of Batak Karo Protestant Church or it’s called Moria, with a participatory approach as an effort to build, explore and develop existing potentials by motivating and raising awareness of their potential so that a process of independence in cervical cancer prevention occurs. This study aims to empower Moria in the prevention of cervical cancer. The mixed research method. The qualitative was for empowerment efforts, while the quantitative method was for assessing the success of empowerment using a quasi-experimental design (pre-test-post-test group design without control). The qualitative analysis method uses interactive model analysis (data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification). The quantitative data were processed using univariate, bivariate analysis. The research was conducted in the working area of Padang Bulan Public health center in Medan Indonesia started from November 2016 to August 2017. The qualitative result was showed that there was still many Moria who did not know about cervical cancer prevention because they are ashamed, do not dare to come to health care, worried if the results are positive which can interfere with the next life process. Need the empowerment effort again to provide counseling on cervical cancer prevention. The quantitative result showed that there was an effect of Moria empowerment to knowledge (p-value=0.001) and attitude (p-value=0.001), and there was the effect of Moria empowerment on the action in cervical cancer prevention (p-value=0.001). The empowerment of Moria in cervical cancer prevention was very effective in increasing awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and actions of Moria in cervical cancer prevention

    Impact of Climate Change on Human Health in Developing Countries

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    The causes of climate patchy rope in heat up temperature, change in precipitation, degree of utmost conditions occasions like melting of glaciers, polar ice-caps, mount in sea levels, etc. These impacts eventually fall our income by touching the rations we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe and the earth somewhere we live. Frequent impacts caused fitting to excessive exposure of heat waves such as round stroke, dehydration, cardiovascular, respiratory and neural comborbidities. Climate conversion alters the ecology of vectors and these vectors are capable of have in stock causal agents such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa from animals to humans. Malaria, tick-borne encephalitis, fair fever, plague, and dengue obtain lengthened their geographical ranges as their carriers migrated to privileged latitudes. Droughts canister take part in adverse property on being health, as they over and over again suggest itself in mishmash with other sit out conditions, such as warm waves, wildfires and dust storms. Reduced water quantity may cause decreased water flow during periods of drought, encouraging the development of pathogens which prefer dry, stagnant environments. Altering climatic situation know how to be attributed to mounting international temperatures, spread in the dimensions of ambient fill up fumes and changes in the announce motion as mutual together. Extreme season and climate-related actions are famous to set off fundamental infrastructure failures, lucrative harm and relocation of communities, ensuing in a quantity of health problems


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    Basic health services in Indonesia have not placed adolescent reproductive health as a priority in health services, so it is necessary to carry out health education as an effort to increase knowledge and attitudes among adolescents. The aim of the community service: providing reproductive health education to adolescents, cervical cancer, and anemia in SMA Negeri 1 Kutalimbaru. Education is carried out so that adolescents maintain their reproductive health and are able to prepare themselves as future mothers. Reproductive health education is carried out from August to October 2020 while still implementing health protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Stages of activity: field observations, identification of partner problems, offering solutions, planning and implementing health education. At the beginning and at the end of the activity, a pre test and post test were carried out. The results obtained: reproductive health in adolescents has a good knowledge of 73%, about 71% good category cervical cancer, and about 75% good knowledge about anemia. The attitude about reproductive health in adolescents is good 73%, about cervical cancer is good 72% and about anemia is good 74%. Reproductive health education activities for adolescents through pocket books to increase the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents in SMA Negeri 1 Kutalimbaru, Deliserdang Regency, an increase occurred. Reproductive health education activities for adolescents need to be carried out continuously by activating School Health Enterprises (UKS) in collaboration with the working area Puskesma