8 research outputs found

    Capturing judgement strategies in risk assessments with improved quality of clinical information: How nurses' strategies differ from the ecological model

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    Background: Nurses' risk assessments of patients at risk of deterioration are sometimes suboptimal. Advances in clinical simulation mean higher quality information can be used as an alternative to traditional paper-based approaches as a means of improving judgement. This paper tests the hypothesis that nurses' judgement strategies and policies change as the quality of information used by nurses in simulation changes. Methods: Sixty-three student nurses and 34 experienced viewed 25 paper-case based and 25 clinically simulated scenarios, derived from real cases, and judged whether the (simulated) patient was at 'risk' of acute deterioration. Criteria of judgement "correctness" came from the same real cases. Information relative weights were calculated to examine judgement policies of individual nurses. Group comparisons of nurses and students under both paper and clinical simulation conditions were undertaken using non parametric statistical tests. Judgment policies were also compared to the ecological statistical model. Cumulative relative weights were calculated to assess how much information nurses used when making judgements. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated to examine predictive accuracy amongst the nurses. Results: There were significant variations between nurses' judgement policies and those optimal policies determined by the ecological model. Nurses significantly underused the cues of consciousness level, respiration rate, and systolic blood pressure than the ecological model requires. However, in clinical simulations, they tended to make appropriate use of heart rate, with non-significant difference in the relative weights of heart rate between clinical simulations and the ecological model. Experienced nurses paid substantially more attention to respiration rate in the simulated setting compared to paper cases, while students maintained a similar attentive level to this cue. This led to a non-significant difference in relative weights of respiration rate between experienced nurses and students. Conclusions: Improving the quality of information by clinical simulations significantly impacted on nurses' judgement policies of risk assessments. Nurses' judgement strategies also varied with the increased years of experience. Such variations in processing clinical information may contribute to nurses' suboptimal judgements in clinical practice. Constructing predictive models of common judgement situations, and increasing nurses' awareness of information weightings in such models may help improve judgements made by nurses

    Pre-hospital treatment of STEMI patients. A scientific statement of the Working Group Acute Cardiac Care of the European Society of Cardiology

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    In ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) the pre-hospital phase is the most critical, as the administration of the most appropriate treatment in a timely manner is instrumental for mortality reduction. STEMI systems of care based on networks of medical institutions connected by an efficient emergency medical service are pivotal. The first steps are devoted to minimize the patient's delay in seeking care, rapidly dispatch a properly staffed and equipped ambulance to make the diagnosis on scene, deliver initial drug therapy and transport the patient to the most appropriate (not necessarily the closest) cardiac facility. Primary PCI is the treatment of choice, but thrombolysis followed by coronary angiography and possibly PCI is a valid alternative, according to patient's baseline risk, time from symptoms onset and primary PCI-related delay. Paramedics and nurses have an important role in pre-hospital STEMI care and their empowerment is essential to increase the effectiveness of the system. Strong cooperation between cardiologists and emergency medicine doctors is mandatory for optimal pre-hospital STEMI care. Scientific societies have an important role in guideline implementation as well as in developing quality indicators and performance measures; health care professionals must overcome existing barriers to optimal care together with political and administrative decision maker