59 research outputs found

    Computer simulation of breast reduction surgery

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    Background: Plastic surgery of the breast, particularly breast reduction, is considered difficult. It can become a challenge for a less experienced surgeon to understand exactly what to do when facing a particular type of breast and how to avoid unsatisfactory results. Methods: The goal of this study was to create a computer model of the breast that provides a basis for the simulation of breast surgery, particularly breast reduction. The reconstruction of elastic parameters is based on observations of the breast with the patient in different positions. Results: It is shown that several measurements with the patient in different positions allow one to choose the parameters of the model and determine the elastic coefficients of the breast and the skin. The geometry of the breast before and after surgery is simulated. A qualitative study of the incision parameters’ influence on the final geometry of the breast is presented. Conclusion: The developed methodology and software allow one to estimate the form of the breast after the surgery by knowing its form before surgery and taking into consideration the parameters of incision applied by the surgeon at the time of surgery. The described approach can be used for the qualitative and quantitative study of breast reduction surgery with a satisfactory result. Level of Evidence: V (This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors http://www.springer.com/00266.

    Objective evaluation of nipple position after 336 breast reductions

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    The "dermal cage": a modification of the inferior pedicle breast reduction

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    In spite of more recent techniques for breast reduction, the inferior pedicle technique has proven to be enduring and still a very popular option in the plastic surgeon's armamentarium despite certain shortcomings. This technique is especially important for treating large breasts with a long sternal notch-to-nipple distance. The modifications we describe in this article overcome some of the main drawbacks of the standard inferior pedicle technique and make the procedure particularly effective when used on appropriately selected patients. This is achieved principally by the creation of a strong, durable, and internalized "dermal cage" that remains fixed to the chest wall in the upper part, as well as on both sides, to support the majority of the remaining breast tissue. This serves several purposes, including narrowing the breast thereby giving good projection and reduction of the N-IMF length of the inferior pedicle. Through suspension and fixation of the inferior pedicle to the chest wall, one can mitigate the effects of gravity on the inferior pedicle. The benefits of this include reduced tension on the T junction, thereby reducing the incidence of wound dehiscence in the immediate postoperative period, while reduction of tension on the nipple-areola complex reduces "bottoming" out over the long term. This process has been the main shortcoming of the inferior pedicle technique to date. The technique was used on 26 patients over a 7-year period with a mean long-term follow-up of 41 months. The results demonstrate the short- and long-term effectiveness of our own particular combination of modifications to previously described techniques and modifications of the inferior pedicle breast reduction. ----- LEVEL OF EVIDENCE V: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266

    The Dual Vascular Pedicle: A Novel Method to Approach Challenging Cases in Single-Stage Mastopexy/Augmentation.

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    BACKGROUND Age, pregnancy and weight change can affect the shape of the female breast. Various mastopexy/augmentation techniques have been described to address these changes which work well in primary and uncomplicated cases. However, there is a distinctive category of high-risk patients which includes post-bariatric, active smokers, those with poor skin quality, wanting larger implants or undergoing secondary surgery. The complications reported in this group of patients are as high as 32%. MATERIALS AND METHODS We describe a new technique of one-stage mastopexy/augmentation, using a wide dermo-glandular pedicle, and our early results with 51 consecutive patients. RESULTS Fifty-one patients were operated between January 2016 and September 2018, with a mean age of 40.0 years. Ten patients were smokers, eight were post-massive weight loss, six had previous mastopexy. At a mean follow-up of 22 months, only two patients had a unilateral bottoming out. There were no incidents of hematoma, seroma, capsular contracture or major tissue-related complications. CONCLUSION Plastic surgery has been described as a struggle between beauty and blood supply. We have performed a one-stage mastopexy/augmentation using a wide and thick dermo-glandular glandular pedicle to maximize the blood supply in a range of challenging patients with promising results. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266