3,578 research outputs found

    Connecting the Dots: A Healthy Community Leader's Guide to Understanding the Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Requirements

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    Imagine a healthy community as a connect-the-dots landscape painting. Each "dot" has its place and purpose: affordable housing, a vibrant economy, safe streets and public transportation, a high quality public education system, easy access to fresh food and safe recreation, and a healthcare system that provides both preventative and responsive services.The revised nonprofit hospital community benefit requirements in the federal Affordable Care Act (ACA) are an opportunity for us to help connect the dots, which are often referred to as "determinants of health." They are an impetus for healthy community design leaders and nonprofit hospitals to form partnerships that define, design and implement plans for healthy communities. "Connecting the Dots: A Healthy Community Leader's Guide to Understanding Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Requirements" is a brand new Policy Primer from St. Luke's Health Initiatives that's been developed to increase understanding and create opportunities to connect Community Development with Community Benefit. It provides a guide for how Community Development leaders can begin to connect with nonprofit hospitals, building on a brief tracing of community benefit history and examination of current Community Health Needs Assessment work and hospital funding priorities

    Dropped? Latino Education and Arizona's Economic Future

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    Describes persistent barriers to educational opportunities and the achievement gap Latinos face; implications for incomes, health insurance coverage, and the economy; and strategies for improving the educational system and Latino educational attainment

    How to Become a Meistro in Two Easy Lessons

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    Civilization has given the human race many disgusting things, but none of them can even come close to the abhorrent practice of haircutting. Haircuts, as they appear today, constitute one of the greatest setbacks to the advance of man. They make man appear, to an outsider, inferior to the dumb animals. Whoever heard of an animal voluntarily getting a haircut\u27? The injury that is done by haircuts to the bankroll, time, and comfort of man, is incomprehensible

    Psychopathische Persönlichkeit bei Frauen

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    Hoch psychopathischen Frauen begegnet man in der forensischen Psychiatrie wohl eher selten. Dennoch ist das Konzept im diagnostischen Prozess im Rahmen von Begutachtung und Behandlung bei weiblichen Probanden nicht unwichtig. Ein Bereich, der bisher in der Forschung nur wenig Beachtung fand, betrifft die sog. „erfolgreichen Psychopathinnen“, die eine hohe AusprĂ€gung psychopathischer PersönlichkeitszĂŒge aufweisen, aber kein delinquentes Verhalten. Basis fĂŒr die Untersuchung von Geschlechtervergleichen und deren Interpretation ist die Diagnostik. Darin ergeben sich Besonderheiten fĂŒr weibliche Probanden, insbesondere, wenn es um die Bewertung antisozialen Verhaltens geht. Auf Basis der gĂ€ngigen diagnostischen Verfahren zugeordnete hoch psychopathische Probandinnen weisen in dem einen Kernbereich der psychopathischen Persönlichkeit, der fehlenden Inhibition, Unterschiede zu den mĂ€nnlichen Probanden auf: Weibliche Psychopathinnen scheinen weniger Inhibitionsdefizite aufzuweisen und gleichzeitig auch weniger aggressives Verhalten. In dem zweiten Kernbereich, der emotionalen Distanziertheit, dagegen scheint es weniger Geschlechtsunterschiede zu geben, auch wenn dazu noch direkte Vergleichsstudien fehlen. Hoch psychopathische Probandinnen aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung zeigen jedoch einen stĂ€rkeren Zusammenhang zwischen psychopathischen ZĂŒgen und ihrer Selbstwahrnehmung als Verhandlungspartner: Sie neigen mehr zu manipulativem Verhalten und sehen sich als mĂ€chtiger in Verhandlungen. ZukĂŒnftige Studien sollten die diagnostische VariabilitĂ€t, die Geschlechtsunterschiede im direkten Vergleich und insbesondere den Zusammenhang zwischen psychopathischen PersönlichkeitszĂŒgen, den Kernsymptomen Inhibition und emotionale Distanziertheit sowie beruflichem Erfolg untersuchen

    Reading Lips and Learning Sounds: The Effect of Visual Cue Saliency on Phonological Production in a Second-Language

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    While L2 production is widely understood to show traces of L1 interference and general cue availability, the role of visual cue strength on L2 production is previously unstudied. As such, this experiment compares the production of 10 L2 Italian speakers’ intervocalic /p/ - /pp/ and /k/ - /kk/ contrasts, to see if the more visible labial pair is produced more distinctly than its less visible velar counterpart. Participants read an adapted excerpt of Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’s The Little Prince and a subsequent word list. After compensating for following vowel effects within a subset, intermediate and advanced participants were found to produce more distinct labial than velar pairs; an effect most evident in advanced participants. Furthermore, this thesis discusses a potential asymmetry between the behavior of visible and non-visible gestures produced across different places of articulation, suggesting further research into the potential influence of varying visual cue strengths in L2 production.Master of Art


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    The power industry requires the validation and sharing of the models for generators and controlling equipment to other utilities within North America. Accurate simulation of the electric grid is essential when setting operation and control strategies during various conditions present on the grid. An industry accepted method for performing model validation involves using the voltage and frequency measurements during an event, typically recorded by a phasor measurement unit, to perform a dynamic simulation on the system. The output real and reactive powers from the dynamic simulation and the actual event are then compared to each other. If the real and reactive powers closely match, the overall model is considered validated. Otherwise, the process of model calibration is performed to make improvements to the model. Least-squares fitting is an industry recognized method used during model calibration. No measurement of uncertainty is provided for individual parameters when sharing models between generator owners, utilities, and regulatory bodies. This thesis proposes a methodology for finding a measurement of uncertainty for each model parameter in the form of the standard deviation of the parameter value by means adding measurement noise and least-squares fitting

    Is Chinese trade policy motivated by environmental concerns?

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThis paper analyses whether China's export VAT rebates and export taxes are driven by environmental concerns. Since China struggles to enforce environmental regulation, trade policy can be used as a second-best environmental policy. In a general equilibrium model it is possible to show that the second-best export tax increases in a product's pollution intensity. The empirical analysis investigates whether the export tax equivalent of partial VAT rebates and export taxes are higher for products which are more pollution intensive along several dimensions. The results indicate that the VAT rebate rates are set in a way that discourages exports of water pollution intensive, SO2 intensive and energy intensive products from 2007 on. Moreover, the conservation of natural resources such as minerals, metals, wood products and precious stones seems to be a key determinant of China's export VAT rebate rates. There is little evidence that export taxes are motivated by environmental concerns.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC
