42 research outputs found

    Characterization of Shewanella oneidensis MtrC: a cell-surface decaheme cytochrome involved in respiratory electron transport to extracellular electron acceptors

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    MtrC is a decaheme c-type cytochrome associated with the outer cell membrane of Fe(III)-respiring species of the Shewanella genus. It is proposed to play a role in anaerobic respiration by mediating electron transfer to extracellular mineral oxides that can serve as terminal electron acceptors. The present work presents the first spectropotentiometric and voltammetric characterization of MtrC, using protein purified from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. Potentiometric titrations, monitored by UV–vis absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, reveal that the hemes within MtrC titrate over a broad potential range spanning between approximately +100 and approximately -500 mV (vs. the standard hydrogen electrode). Across this potential window the UV–vis absorption spectra are characteristic of low-spin c-type hemes and the EPR spectra reveal broad, complex features that suggest the presence of magnetically spin-coupled low-spin c-hemes. Non-catalytic protein film voltammetry of MtrC demonstrates reversible electrochemistry over a potential window similar to that disclosed spectroscopically. The voltammetry also allows definition of kinetic properties of MtrC in direct electron exchange with a solid electrode surface and during reduction of a model Fe(III) substrate. Taken together, the data provide quantitative information on the potential domain in which MtrC can operate

    PI3K/AKT is involved in mediating survival signals that rescue Ewing tumour cells from fibroblast growth factor 2-induced cell death

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    While in vitro studies had shown that fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) can induce cell death in Ewing tumours, it remained unclear how Ewing tumour cells survive in vivo within a FGF2-rich microenvironment. Serum- and integrin-mediated survival signals were, therefore, studied in adherent monolayer and anchorage-independent colony cell cultures. In a panel of Ewing tumour cell lines, either adhesion to collagen or exposure to serum alone only had a minor protective effect against FGF2. However, both combined led to complete resistance to 5 ng ml−1 FGF2 in three of four FGF2-sensitive cell lines (RD-ES, RM-82 and WE-68), and to an increased survival as compared to other culture conditions in TC-71 cells. Inhibition studies with LY294002 demonstrated that the serum signal is mediated via the phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase/AKT pathway. Thus, Ewing tumour cells escape FGF2-induced cell death by modulating FGF2 signalling. The tumour microenvironment provides the necessary survival signals by integrin-mediated adhesion and soluble serum factor(s). These survival signals warrant further investigation as a potential resistance mechanism to other apoptosis-inducing agents in vivo