26 research outputs found

    Quantum States and Phases in Driven Open Quantum Systems with Cold Atoms

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    An open quantum system, whose time evolution is governed by a master equation, can be driven into a given pure quantum state by an appropriate design of the system-reservoir coupling. This points out a route towards preparing many body states and non-equilibrium quantum phases by quantum reservoir engineering. Here we discuss in detail the example of a \emph{driven dissipative Bose Einstein Condensate} of bosons and of paired fermions, where atoms in an optical lattice are coupled to a bath of Bogoliubov excitations via the atomic current representing \emph{local dissipation}. In the absence of interactions the lattice gas is driven into a pure state with long range order. Weak interactions lead to a weakly mixed state, which in 3D can be understood as a depletion of the condensate, and in 1D and 2D exhibits properties reminiscent of a Luttinger liquid or a Kosterlitz-Thouless critical phase at finite temperature, with the role of the ``finite temperature'' played by the interactions.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Bose-Einstein Condensation of Excitons in Bilayer Electron Systems

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    An ordered state of electrons in solids in which excitons condense was proposed many years ago as a theoretical possibility but has, until recently, never been observed. We review recent studies of semiconductor bilayer systems that provide clear evidence for this phenomenon and explain why exciton condensation in the quantum Hall regime, where these experiments were performed, is as likely to occur in electron-electron bilayers as in electron-hole bilayers. In current quantum Hall exciton condensates, disorder induces mobile vortices that flow in response to a supercurrent and limit the extremely large bilayer counterflow conductivity.Comment: 19 pages including 4 figure

    Fractional quantum Hall effect in a quantum point contact at filling fraction 5/2

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    Recent theories suggest that the excitations of certain quantum Hall states may have exotic braiding statistics which could be used to build topological quantum gates. This has prompted an experimental push to study such states using confined geometries where the statistics can be tested. We study the transport properties of quantum point contacts (QPCs) fabricated on a GaAs/AlGaAs two dimensional electron gas that exhibits well-developed fractional quantum Hall effect, including at bulk filling fraction 5/2. We find that a plateau at effective QPC filling factor 5/2 is identifiable in point contacts with lithographic widths of 1.2 microns and 0.8 microns, but not 0.5 microns. We study the temperature and dc-current-bias dependence of the 5/2 plateau in the QPC, as well as neighboring fractional and integer plateaus in the QPC while keeping the bulk at filling factor 3. Transport near QPC filling factor 5/2 is consistent with a picture of chiral Luttinger liquid edge-states with inter-edge tunneling, suggesting that an incompressible state at 5/2 forms in this confined geometry

    Even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in ZnO

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    The fractional quantum Hall (FQH) effect emerges in high-quality two-dimensional electron systems exposed to a magnetic field when the Landau-level filling factor, ν_e, takes on a rational value. Although the overwhelming majority of FQH states have odd-denominator fillings, the physical properties of the rare and fragile even-denominator states are most tantalizing in view of their potential relevance for topological quantum computation. For decades, GaAs has been the preferred host for studying these even-denominator states, where they occur at ν_e = 5/2 and 7/2. Here we report an anomalous series of quantized even-denominator FQH states outside the realm of III–V semiconductors in the MgZnO/ZnO 2DES electron at ν_e = 3/2 and 7/2, with precursor features at 9/2; all while the 5/2 state is absent. The effect in this material occurs concomitantly with tunability of the orbital character of electrons at the chemical potential, thereby realizing a new experimental means for investigating these exotic ground states

    Pseudopotentials for multiparticle interactions in the quantum Hall regime

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    In fractional quantum Hall physics, the Hilbert space is projected to a single Landau level and the entire Hamiltonian consists of just the projected interelectron interaction. Haldane's pseudopotential formalism has been an extremely useful tool both for understanding these interactions and for understanding the quantum Hall states that result. In the current paper, we consider the analog of this pseudopotential construction that results from general M -body interactions rather than the usual (Coulomb) two-body interaction. © 2007 The American Physical Society

    Vortex lattices in rotating atomic Bose gases with non-local interactions

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    We study the groundstates of rotating atomic Bose gases with non-local interactions. We focus on the weak-interaction limit of a model involving s- and d-wave interactions. With increasing d-wave interaction, the mean-field groundstate undergoes a series of transitions between vortex lattices of different symmetries (triangular, square, "stripe" and "bubble" crystal phases). We discuss the stability of these phases to quantum fluctuations. Using exact diagonalization studies, we show that with increasing d-wave interaction, the incompressible Laughlin state at filling factor ν = 1 / 2 is replaced by compressible stripe and bubble states. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Graviton chirality and topological order in the half-filled Landau level

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    The fractional quantum Hall state at the Landau level filling factor 5/2 is extremely interesting because it is likely the first non-Abelian state, but its precise nature remains unclear after decades of study. We demonstrate this can be resolved by studying the chirality of its graviton excitations, using circularly polarized Raman scattering. We discuss the advantage of this bulk probe over the existing edge probes

    Energetics of Pfaffian–anti-Pfaffian domains

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    In several recent works it has been proposed that, due to disorder, the experimentally observed ν = 5/2 quantum Hall state could be microscopically composed of domains of Pfaffian order along with domains of anti-Pfaffian order. We numerically examine the energetics required for forming such domains and conclude that for the parameters appropriate for recent experiments, such domains would not occur