6 research outputs found

    Community-environment relations and development of rural communities in Uyo, Nigeria

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    Primary production activity and environmental resources hold the key to rural development. The range of activities in primary production forms the basis with which rural communities relate with the environment and carry out rural development activities. This study examined the interactions in manenvironment system and how such interactions could affect development processes. A multistage sampling framework was adopted in the selection of 400 respondents in eight rural communities in Uyo Local Government Area. Structured questionnaire was applied to collect data on 35 independent and 22 dependent variables. Factor analysis was applied to collapse the two sets of data. Both the 35 independent and 22 dependent variables yielded five new factors for each set of data. Step wise multiple regression analyses model was performed to regress all the five new x-components against each of the five y-components and the results showed strong and positive levels of relationships. The study recommended tripartite-P model to promote sustainable development in rural communities.Key words: Environmental resources, exploitation, rural development

    Rural Fuelwood Exploitation in Mbo Local Government Area – A Nigerian Coastal Settlement

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    The exploitation of fuelwood among the rural and coastal fishing communities in Nigeria has been an inevitable consequence of human existence. This has been intensified by the inhabitant’s inaccessibility to other sources of energy. The major consequence of this has been the depletion of major forest resource as well as environmental degradation. Through the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and empirical surveys, investigations were carried out in eighteen out of sixty rural communities of Mbo LGA of Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. Several variables of socio economic activities such as occupation, household size, quantity of fuel wood used, level of income and total number employed in fuelwood business were measured and correlated with volumes of fuelwoods production in those settlements. Four hundred adults including men, women and youths involved in fishing, farming, and trading and river transportation were interviewed. The questions centred on fuelwood use,trade and how it affects the local economy. Result show that 90% of the total local energy requirement is from fuelwood, the average per capita production rate of fuelwood in the local area is 0.38m3 and the average per capita consumption rate is 0.36m3. Major areas of local consumption include domestic energy, fish smoking and canoe making.Keywords: Exploitation, of, Fuelwood, Rural Fishing Communities Environmental Degradation

    Determinants Of Housing Satisfaction In Residential Localities Within Uyo, Nigeria

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    In urban centers of most developing countries, one of the major problems is the assessment of the quality of residential neighborhoods. This has further compounded the problem of residential choice among urban dwellers. In Uyo, the Akwa Ibom State capital, the problem is magnified by the spatio-cultural patterns within the residential localities. By means of a survey of 20 of such localities using questionnaire, 1200 households were interviewed on housing and environment conditions expressed in 23 variables. The percentage levels of satisfaction with the conditions by the households were evaluated using factor analysis technique. Six major dimensions or factors were produced as determinants of housing satisfaction in Uyo. These factors are social infrastructure, housing facilities, consumers goods availability, health and leisure water supply and security service factors. These six factors accounted for 80% of the variation within the data set. These six factors or determinants could be used to assess the quality residential localities in Uyo and other similar urban centers in Nigeria and other less developed countries

    Environmental stress and urban decay problems in developing countries

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    No Abstract.Global Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 5 (2) 2006: pp. 115-12

    Development of road infrastructure as a tool of transforming Ibiono Ibom Local Government Area

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    The need for road infrastructure arises from the fact that there is a greater need for accessibility and smooth movement of abundant agricultural products especially from the rural areas to the markets in urban centres. The improvement of transportation network in the rural area in this regard becomes imperative. This study was conducted to reveal the importance of development of road infrastructure as a panacea for socio-economic advancement in the rural areas. The study area was stratified into threezones i.e Ibiono Central, Ibiono Northern and Ibiono Southern. The Gamma index was used to determine the level of connectivity of each zone in relation to the distribution of socio-economic activity or services in the area. In analysis of the road network connectivity the gamma Index was used. The results indicate a low connectivity, index of 0.26 for zone A, 0.40 for zone B and 0.31 for zone C, in each of the three zones. This implies that there is poor accessibility, poor connectivity, which result in low level of socio-economic activity in the area. The analysis of the socio-economic development variables was carried out based on quality point assigned to the variables. Finally the correlation analysis was employed to determine the relationship between road infrastructure and socio-economic development. The correlation coefficient of 0.87 indicates a strong, positive relationship between road infrastructure and socio-economic activity. From the findings it is recommended that a major road thatlinks all the zones should be constructed while, other roads should be expanded and tarred; new roads should be developed to improve accessibility. Greater community participation in road development andrehabilitation should be encouraged and a comprehensive transportation plan should be put in place at the local government level. It is hoped that this detailed research work will serve as a basis for the improvement and development of road infrastructure in rural areas which is a catalyst to ruraltransformation