4 research outputs found

    Modelling the spatiotemporal complexity of interactions between pathogenic bacteria and a phage with a temperature-dependent life cycle switch

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    We apply mathematical modelling to explore bacteria-phage interaction mediated by condition-dependent lysogeny, where the type of the phage infection cycle (lytic or lysogenic) is determined by the ambient temperature. In a natural environment, daily and seasonal variations of the temperature cause a frequent switch between the two infection scenarios, making the bacteria-phage interaction with condition-dependent lysogeny highly complex. As a case study, we explore the natural control of the pathogenic bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei by its dominant phage. B. pseudomallei is the causative agent of melioidosis, which is among the most fatal diseases in Southeast Asia and across the world. We assess the spatial aspect of B. pseudomallei-phage interactions in soil, which has been so far overlooked in the literature, using the reaction-diffusion PDE-based framework with external forcing through daily and seasonal parameter variation. Through extensive computer simulations for realistic biological parameters, we obtain results suggesting that phages may regulate B. pseudomallei numbers across seasons in endemic areas, and that the abundance of highly pathogenic phage-free bacteria shows a clear annual cycle. The model predicts particularly dangerous soil layers characterised by high pathogen densities. Our findings can potentially help refine melioidosis prevention and monitoring practices

    Genetic analysis of the cold-sensitive growth phenotype of Burkholderia pseudomallei/thailandensis bacteriophage AMP1

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    Bacteriophages related to phage Bp_AMP1 are the most widely spread group of phages infecting Burkholderia pseudomallei—the causative agent of melioidosis. These viruses are also infective against the nonpathogenic host Burkholderia thailandensis, allowing experimental work with them without any special safety precautions. The indirect data as well as the results of the mathematical modelling suggest that the AMP1-like viruses may act as natural biocontrol agents influencing the population levels of B. pseudomallei in soil and water habitats in endemic regions. The cold sensitivity of the lytic growth (CSg) of these phages was suggested to be an important feature modulating the effect of viral infection on host populations in nature. We performed genetic analysis to determine the molecular background of the CSg phenotype of the AMP1 phage. The results indicate that CSg is not due to the lack of any function or product missing at low temperature (25 °C) but results in growth inhibition by a phage-encoded temperature-sensitive genetic switch. We identified phage ORF3 and ORF14 to be involved in the genetic determination of this mechanism

    The lytic transglycosylase, LtgG, controls cell morphology and virulence in Burkholderia pseudomallei

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei is the causative agent of the tropical disease melioidosis. Its genome encodes an arsenal of virulence factors that allow it, when required, to switch from a soil dwelling bacterium to a deadly intracellular pathogen. With a high intrinsic resistance to antibiotics and the ability to overcome challenges from the host immune system, there is an increasing requirement for new antibiotics and a greater understanding into the molecular mechanisms of B. pseudomallei virulence and dormancy. The peptidoglycan remodeling enzymes, lytic transglycosylases (Ltgs) are potential targets for such new antibiotics. Ltgs cleave the glycosidic bonds within bacterial peptidoglycan allowing for the insertion of peptidoglycan precursors during cell growth and division, and cell membrane spanning structures such as flagella and secretion systems. Using bioinformatic analysis we have identified 8 putative Ltgs in B. pseudomallei K96243. We aimed to investigate one of these Ltgs, LtgG (BPSL3046) through the generation of deletion mutants and biochemical analysis. We have shown that LtgG is a key contributor to cellular morphology, division, motility and virulence in BALB/c mice. We have determined the crystal structure of LtgG and have identified various amino acids likely to be important in peptidoglycan binding and catalytic activity. Recombinant protein assays and complementation studies using LtgG containing a site directed mutation in aspartate 343, confirmed the essentiality of this amino acid in the function of LtgG

    Analysis of Selection Methods to Develop Novel Phage Therapy Cocktails Against Antimicrobial Resistant Clinical Isolates of Bacteria

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major problem globally. The main bacterial organisms associated with urinary tract infection (UTI) associated sepsis are E. coli and Klebsiella along with Enterobacter species. These all have AMR strains known as ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase), which are featured on the WHO priority pathogens list as “critical” for research. Bacteriophages (phages), as viruses that can infect and kill bacteria, could provide an effective tool to tackle these AMR strains. There is currently no “gold standard” for developing a phage cocktail. Here we describe a novel approach to develop an effective phage cocktail against a set of ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella largely isolated from patients in United Kingdom hospitals. By comparing different measures of phage efficacy, we show which are the most robust, and suggest an efficient screening cascade that could be used to develop phage cocktails to target other AMR bacterial species. A target panel of 38 ESBL-producing clinical strains isolated from urine samples was collated and used to test phage efficacy. After an initial screening of 68 phages, six were identified and tested against these 38 strains to determine their clinical coverage and killing efficiency. To achieve this, we assessed four different methods to assess phage virulence across these bacterial isolates. These were the Direct Spot Test (DST), the Efficiency of Plating (EOP) assay, the planktonic killing assay (PKA) and the biofilm assay. The final ESBL cocktail of six phages could effectively kill 23/38 strains (61%), for Klebsiella 13/19 (68%) and for E. coli 10/19 (53%) based on the PKA data. The ESBL E. coli collection had six isolates from the prevalent UTI-associated ST131 sequence type, five of which were targeted effectively by the final cocktail. Of the four methods used to assess phage virulence, the data suggests that PKAs are as effective as the much more time-consuming EOPs and data for the two assays correlates well. This suggests that planktonic killing is a good proxy to determine which phages should be used in a cocktail. This assay when combined with the virulence index also allows “phage synergy” to inform cocktail design