158 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 14, 1949

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    Juniors elect Ruby editors, managers • Judge to consider judicial processes with pre-law group • Shumaker-Saurman Maser-Webb team for 1950 production • Coeds welcome twenty-seven into various sorority circles • ICG to indoctrinate Pa. college students in state legislature • Versatile speaker discusses integration of classical arts • Sweethearts to highlights week-end events • Curtain Club unit presents play to Collegeville community club • Penn faculty re-elects Chandler to board of university museum • Pre-medical meeting to include famed radiologist, cancer film • What do you think of our social activities? • Ursinus finally discovers coefficient of expansion • Ursinus speedsters turn out in force for track sessions • Jaffe, star center, makes conference all-star team • Seeders loses seven Cagers • Wrestling team elects Turner as captain for 1950 campaign • Intramural contests slated for Monday • Belles trounce Penn for seventh victory • Jaffe tops hoop scorers • Matlack named tennis coach; candidates to hold first meeting • Ellis places in two events as swimmers finish fifth • Variety of ballads captivates audience at \u27Lantern\u27 benefithttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1611/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 27, 1950

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    Cytologists to give material on cancer from U.S. research • Clothing drive opens today for overseas • Steere to consider Sense of Vocation for emphasis week • Coed societies map strategy in rushing season\u27s candidates • Committee requests coeds\u27 suggestions on customs matter • Week-end promises full-time enjoyment with carnival, shag • Sophs to highlight velvet mood at hop; present Art Brown • Actors to produce one-act group plays • Pre-legals prepare for ICG convention • Cerone opens drive for heart patients in talk to students • Foreign service agent tells story of escape from Asia • Ann Royer receives award for highest Chem I average • Oil burner explosion rocks equilibrium of Hobson Hall • Omwake receives committee job to make school business survey • Dr. Armstrong receives position • Rue makes railroads life project • Editorial: Benign influence • Annex-dotes • Old Weeklies reveal fads, innovations as new dorm, gate appear on scene • Ruby staff leers as night of horrors augments treasury • Horseback riders meet to plan future activities at academies • Ruby staff to stage musical; begin tryouts for cast tonight • Gravediggers ply trade on hardwood lib tables • Emily loses face on Ursinus campus as student diners turn to rules, tux • Science lib offers rare secluded nook for deep pondering • Garnet whips bears 19-11 with experienced squad • Intramural news • Penn ties bearettes; Rosemont succumbs • Wrestlers face tourney for MA championship • Bruins drop two games as losing streak grows • Tank squad sweeps victory from Penn, taking five firsts • Bruin matmen take easy 34-0 decision from Cadet squad • WAA selects coed endmen for comedy, musical showhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1585/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 13, 1950

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    Balladeer Lee to appear for return engagement • Dr. White to return for colors ceremony • Geiger to manage Weekly business for spring season • Greek men launch rushing campaigns via party schedule • Rosicrucians honor thirty-seven coeds at after dinner tea • Dramateurs repeat stellar production of play Pygmalion • \u27Ruby editors meet first of deadlines after hard-fought battle against time • Yearbook to resort to threats, horror for financial push • Eleven join classes for spring session • Cabinet to finish Y roster Saturday • Dr. Philip accepts position as church choir director • Nelson Wenner wins first prize in lengthy Chesterfield contest • Critical British elections effect us as people face socialistic decision • Local lads acquire southern exposure between semesters • Should we have national frats? • Attention, athletes • Uh, don\u27t look now, but your habits are showing • PMC dumps bruins 90-61 in free scoring court tilt • Sports led Bailey from streetcar to high Ursinus post • Coeds succumb 5-0 in badminton fray • Bailey announces schedule for coming track season • Drexel tops bruins 71-60 as late rally falls short • Baseballers will go south for pre-season practice • Tank squad edges Dragon coeds 29-28 in initial encounter • Sextet loses 31-22 in first hoop battle of current season • Jayvees fall twice in narrow contests with Cadets, Drexel • Intramurals resume as squads competehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1583/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, May 9, 1949

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    Ursinus to acquire fad of lettuce box by Chatlos, Carson • Pageant, play to highlight annual May Day events • Weekly board selects Leeming as \u2749-\u2750 editor • News writer wins mention for essay in national contest • Parliament speaker ends forum season with British theme • WSGA sets banquet to install officers • Lincoln group plans Y vespers program • Hospitality crew set to serve visitors over gala week-end • Junior class to elect officers Wednesday for last college year • MSGA schedules elections for class representatives • Dressler to address pre-meds on tuberculosis at last meeting • Weekly takes peek at past and future of collegiate male • Ursinus claims Missouri pianist • Ursinus bows 80-46; Kennedy sets record • Bearettes win 15-2 in three hit game against Bryn Mawr • Bears trip F&M 7-3 as Stauffer hurls • Bruins drop close meet with Albright speedsters • Netmen fail to win in two more tries • Rain causes delay in campus softball; four games played • Ursinus selects Spangler to assist coaching staff • Links squad bows to Garnet, Albright • Bears elect to join grid hall of fame • Curtain rings down on last group play • Freshmen produce atmosphere with moonlight mood propshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1617/thumbnail.jp

    The Lantern Vol. 17, No. 2, Spring 1949

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    • Psyche • Home Country • Liberation • The Last Haul • The Tempting of Willie • The Turtle • Interlude • Black Waters • Lines on Abandoned Spring House • Afraid • Gone is the Winter\u27s Night • A Word to the Wisehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/lantern/1047/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, January 10, 1949

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    Ursinus represented at N.S.A. conference • Clash Dance to feature coming weekend events • New openings made by CCC for jobs in U.S. government • Placement service, reprimands, on list of council\u27s duties • President\u27s speech, Secretary Marshall top news of week • Beardwood\u27s events increase with age • Sensation scored by seniors with Club 49 • Student uncovers recipe for national economic prosperity • Dr. Helen Garrett aids Navy plans at U. of Columbia • What has been your most valuable course? • Open discussion of race equality scheduled by Y • Faculty members attain local honors; Dr. McClure given citizenship award • U.S Medical Corps formed for women • Creager starts chaplain\u27s duties • WSGA holding annual contest to choose May pageant script • Flowers and weeds top Kromka\u27s work • Regional assembly marks anniversary of NSA\u27s 2nd year • Conference delegates reach no conclusion • Future graduates given final notices • French lawyer to speak here tonight • Court lassies open season with Albright on Saturday • Natators commence practice with host of new candidates • Bears break even in league contests • Garnet ties Cadets for division honors • PMC edges Jay-Vees in 35-34 thriller; Cubs bow to Fords in overtime, 47-46 • Jaffe and Reice spark Seeders\u27 five in 47-45 triumph over Main Liners • Cadets open league with 72-50 victory in mid-week gamehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1605/thumbnail.jp

    The Ursinus Weekly, December 13, 1948

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    Coeds in customary dazzle and dither at Christmas week • Galaxy of events highlights Christmas week at Ursinus • Men students view yuletide festivities with unawareness • Lovely dispositions of staff triumph to present faculty with season\u27s token • What gift would you give to the world? • Messiah\u27s largest audience enjoys superb interpretation • Bud Williams\u27 band applauded • January 3 date set for junior jubilee • Bruin soccer star honored by Mules • Pharmacy bows 66-36 in court opener • Strong team looms as coed hoopsters click in practice • Host of veteran grapplers certain of winning season • F&M rallies in last period to trip bear quintet 52-44 • John Logue boosts world federalism at meeting of IRC • Exams to be given for civil service • Scholarship to Yale awarded Dillinger • Club 49 opening slated for Jan. 7 in T-G gymnasium • Communion service to be held Thursday in Bomberger chapel • Authority on international law speaks to class in geopoliticshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1604/thumbnail.jp

    Recovery identity and wellbeing: is it better to be 'recovered' or 'in recovery'?

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    While there has been debate about the meaning of recovery, there has been little discussion about how people characterise their own recovery experience, in particular whether people describe themselves as 'recovered' (as with a therapeutic community (TC) philosophy) or as 'in recovery' (typically those engaged in 12-step). The paper assesses differences in wellbeing as a function of recovery self-ascriptions, based on the UK Life in Recovery survey. Those who described themselves as 'recovered' or 'ex-addicts' reported better psychological health and lower identification with addicts and recovery, and showed stronger recovery functioning. There are clearly multiple pathways to recovery, and philosophy may impact on both trajectory of recovery and the social identity mechanisms underpinning change

    “It wasn’t the strategies on their own”: Exploring caregivers’ experiences of accessing services in the development of interventions for autistic people with intellectual disability

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    Autistic individuals with intellectual disability are at greater risk of experiencing anxiety than their non-autistic peers without intellectual disability. Anxiety in this group may present as behaviour that challenges, often leading families to reach out to healthcare or support services. However, many families experience difficulties accessing services and, due to the lack of research into evidence-based anxiety interventions for people with intellectual disability, may not receive individualised support once in a service. This study explored caregivers’ experiences of accessing services for autistic individuals with intellectual disability, and their considerations when developing new interventions for this population. Interviews and focus groups were completed with 16 caregivers of autistic people with intellectual disability. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to develop five themes about service access experiences, and three themes about caregiver considerations for anxiety interventions. Caregivers reported that their experiences of accessing services did not meet their expectations, and considerations for future anxiety interventions were often reflective of this. Interventions being flexible to family circumstances to aid accessibility, the embedding of peer support in services, and skills that can be generalised across the lifespan could be applied when aiming to improve outcomes and develop interventions for this under-served population. Lay Abstract: Many autistic individuals with intellectual disability experience anxiety, and for those who use few or no words, anxiety may present as behaviour that challenges, such as self-injury and avoiding anxiety-provoking situations. Families report difficulty accessing support from services for autistic individuals experiencing anxiety. Moreover, once receiving support, effective interventions for autistic people with intellectual disability are limited. We completed individual and group discussions with 16 caregivers of autistic people with intellectual disability, to (a) explore their experiences of accessing services for anxiety and/or behaviour that challenges for their child; and (b) understand what matters to caregivers when developing interventions that have been designed for them and the autistic individual with intellectual disability that they support. Caregivers reported that services, in their experience, did not deliver the support that they expected, and that they often needed to ‘fight’ for support. Caregivers considered services and families working together, the inclusion of peer support, and families being offered interventions that are flexible to individual circumstances to be important. These considerations are valuable for clinicians and researchers developing interventions and aiming to improve outcomes for autistic people with intellectual disability and their families