16,805 research outputs found


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    Agricultural and Food Policy,

    A Study of Time and Labour Use on Irish Suckler Beef Farms

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    End of project reportLabour is one of the four factors of production and an increasingly costly and scarce input on farms. The attractiveness of non-farming employment, the nature of farm work and the price received for farm outputs are resulting in falling levels of hired and family labour

    A method for estimating the rate of shedding of tags from yellowfin tuna

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    ENGLISH: The present paper describes a new method for estimating the shedding rate of tags. The method utilizes not only data on tagging and recovery of fish marked with two tags but also data from those marked with one. One important advantage of the new technique is that the estimates of the shedding rates are free from distortion caused by variations in fishing intensity during the total recovery period. The idea of this method appears to be implicit in a short note by Gulland (1963). This technique has been applied to the data obtained by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in a tagging cruise off the west coast of southern Baja California, during June 1963, at which time both single and double-tagged yellowfin tuna were released. Details of the tagging procedure and equipment have been described by Fink (1965b). The results presented in the present paper are for yellowfin tuna tagged with dart tags. Estimates of shedding should be made separately for each species investigated and also for each type of tag used, since these rates may be variable and often unexpectedly high (Springer and McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). SPANISH: El presente estudio describe un nuevo método para estimar las tasas del desprendimiento de marcas. El método emplea no solamente los datos sobre la marcación y recobro de peces marcados con dos marcas, pero también datos de los peces marcados con una marca. Una ventaja importante de la nueva técnica, es que las estimaciones de las tasas de desprendimiento son libres de alteración, causada por las variaciones en la intensidad de pesca durante el período total de recobro. La idea de este método parece ser implícita en un breve apunte por Gulland (1963). Esta técnica se ha aplicado a los datos obtenidos por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, en un crucero de marcación efectuado frente a la costa occidental al sur de Baja California, en junio de 1963, tiempo en el cual fueron liberados atunes aleta amarilla marcados tanto con una como con dos marcas. Los detalles del procedimiento de la marcación y del equipo usado han sido descritos por Fink (1965b). Los resultados presentados en este estudio, pertenecen al atún aleta amarilla marcado con marcas de dardo. Las estimaciones del desprendimiento deben efectuarse separadamente para cada especie que ha sido investigada y también para cada tipo de marca usado, ya que estas tasas pueden ser vaiables, y a menudo inesperadamente altas (Springer y McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). (PDF contains 20 pages.

    A method for estimating the rate of shedding of tags from yellowfin tuna

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    ENGLISH: The present paper describes a new method for estimating the shedding rate of tags. The method utilizes not only data on tagging and recovery of fish marked with two tags but also data from those marked with one. One important advantage of the new technique is that the estimates of the shedding rates are free from distortion caused by variations in fishing intensity during the total recovery period. The idea of this method appears to be implicit in a short note by Gulland (1963). This technique has been applied to the data obtained by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in a tagging cruise off the west coast of southern Baja California, during June 1963, at which time both single and double-tagged yellowfin tuna were released. Details of the tagging procedure and equipment have been described by Fink (1965b). The results presented in the present paper are for yellowfin tuna tagged with dart tags. Estimates of shedding should be made separately for each species investigated and also for each type of tag used, since these rates may be variable and often unexpectedly high (Springer and McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). SPANISH: El presente estudio describe un nuevo método para estimar las tasas del desprendimiento de marcas. El método emplea no solamente los datos sobre la marcación y recobro de peces marcados con dos marcas, pero también datos de los peces marcados con una marca. Una ventaja importante de la nueva técnica, es que las estimaciones de las tasas de desprendimiento son libres de alteración, causada por las variaciones en la intensidad de pesca durante el período total de recobro. La idea de este método parece ser implícita en un breve apunte por Gulland (1963). Esta técnica se ha aplicado a los datos obtenidos por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, en un crucero de marcación efectuado frente a la costa occidental al sur de Baja California, en junio de 1963, tiempo en el cual fueron liberados atunes aleta amarilla marcados tanto con una como con dos marcas. Los detalles del procedimiento de la marcación y del equipo usado han sido descritos por Fink (1965b). Los resultados presentados en este estudio, pertenecen al atún aleta amarilla marcado con marcas de dardo. Las estimaciones del desprendimiento deben efectuarse separadamente para cada especie que ha sido investigada y también para cada tipo de marca usado, ya que estas tasas pueden ser vaiables, y a menudo inesperadamente altas (Springer y McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). (PDF contains 20 pages.

    Shearing or Compressing a Soft Glass in 2D: Time-concentration superposition

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    We report surface shear rheological measurements on dense insoluble monolayers of micron sized colloidal spheres at the oil/water interface and of the protein β\beta-lactoglobulin at the air/water surface. As expected, the elastic modulus shows a changing character in the response, from a viscous liquid towards an elastic solid as the concentration is increased, and a change from elastic to viscous as the shear frequency is increased. Surprisingly, above a critical packing fraction, the complex elastic modulus curves measured at different concentrations can be superposed to form a master curve, by rescaling the frequency and the magnitude of the modulus. This provides a powerful tool for the extrapolation of the material response function outside the experimentally accessible frequency range. The results are discussed in relation to recent experiments on bulk systems, and indicate that these two dimensional monolayers should be regarded as being close to a soft glass state.Comment: to appear in PR

    Studies of Autumn calving suckler cows, bulls at pasture and winter grazing

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    End of project reportMost beef and dairy cows are spring calving leading to distinct seasonality of supply. Calving a proportion of the beef herd in the autumn would lead to a more uniform annual supply of cattle for slaughter and potentially increase the proportion of grazed grass in the diet of the suckler progeny. Autumn calving sucklers also facilitate the use of AI, which should enhance the product quality. This project aimed to address the technical aspects of autumn calving sucklers, which differ from those of spring calvers. The currently available international energy models were evaluated for autumn calving lactating suckler cows using the type of cow typically found in Irish suckler herds (Experiment 1). The winter accommodation of the suckler cow and calf unit and its impact on cow reproductive performance was evaluated (Experiment 2). The final part of the project evolved into component studies to determine the effect of supplementary feed on the performance of grazing bulls (Experiment 3), and the consequences of weanling cattle grazing pasture in winter as an alternative to housing them in winter (Experiments 4 to 7)

    An Analysis of Whole Farm Revenue Safety Net Options in Agriculture

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    Despite many years of experience, the federal government continues to seek a farm program that holds the potential for providing a politically acceptable safety net for farmers. This study demonstrates that, with the 2002 Farm Bill, AMTA, and marketing loan provisions continuing, a whole farm revenue safety net has the potential for simplifying existing farm programs, while enhancing the financial position of US farmers. There remains the need for further analysis of the impacts of the options analyzed on supply response by farmers.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    American Agriculture: What We Can Expect - National Symposium on the Future of American Agriculture, University of Georgia: August 1999

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    The Agricultural and Food Policy Center (AFPC) of the Texas A&M University System is pleased to be invited to address this symposium addressing the future of U.S. agriculture. As a participant in the FAPRI consortium, AFPC monitors the economic conditions of U.S. agriculture at the farm and ranch level. To accomplish this, AFPC maintains approximately 80 crop, dairy, beef and pork representative farms throughout the nation. In the interest of time, this paper will focus only on the economic condition of the 41 feed grain/oilseeds, wheat, cotton and rice farms through the year 2002. Anyone interested in the livestock operations, or more detail on the crop farms, are directed to the AFPC web site at http://afpc1.tamu.edu. The publications included at this site provide greater detail about the process AFPC employs to develop the representative farms, their structure and their financial characteristics.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy,


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    Arguably, since the 1930s, what farmers produced has been markedly influenced by farm programs. The 1996 farm bill affects farmers in terms of what they produce and their level of risk exposure. This paper investigates the farm level impacts of the 1996 farm bill on the South. Focus group perceptions of risk sources, observed acreage changes, and the farm level impact of increased price risk are evaluated.Agricultural and Food Policy, Agricultural Finance,

    National Agricultural, Research, Extension, Education and Economics Advisory Board Southern Regional Listening Session - Small and Family Farms: Challenges and Needs Alcorn State University, Alcorn, Mississippi

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    The Agricultural and Food Policy Center’s (AFPC) primary purpose is to analyze the economic and financial impacts of alternative government policies on U.S. farming and ranching operations. This is accomplished through the maintenance of data necessary to simulate the economic and financial activities of more than 80 representative crop and livestock farms chosen from major production areas across the United States. Twenty of the 41 crop farms are located in the Southern region. A brief description of these crop farms and their location is summarized in Appendix A. The economic and financial observations reported in this paper are based on AFPC’s experience with the crop farms in the Southern region. The paper is organized into four sections. The first section summarizes the process used to develop the representative farms. The second section presents the crop farms in terms of total crop cash receipts and economic efficiency as measured by the ratio of total cash costs to receipts. The third section reports the economic and financial conclusions inferred by AFPC’s experience with these crop farms. The final section addresses research, education and policy implications drawn from the analysis.Agricultural and Food Policy,