6 research outputs found

    Taking forward the Stop TB Partnership and World Health Organization joint theme for World TB Day March 24th 2018 - "Wanted: Leaders for a TB-Free World. You can make history. End TB"

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    World TB Day, March 24th commemorates the day in March 1882 when Professor Robert Koch made the groundbreaking announcement in Berlin of his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis as the cause of Tuberculosis (TB) (Koch, 1882). At the time of his announcement, there was a deadly TB epidemic, rampaging throughout Europe and the Americas, causing the death of one out of every seven people. Since Koch’s announcement, Mycobacterium tuberculosis has defied worldwide efforts by public health systems, researchers, governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) to eradicate it. The data presented in the WHO Global TB Report 2017 (World Health Organization, 2017a) makes very gruesome reading. In 2016 there were an estimated 10.4 million people who developed TB disease worldwide, of which 90% were adults, 35% female and 10% were HIV-co-infected people. An estimated 40% of active TB cases go undiagnosed each year. One hundred and thirty-six years since Koch’s announcement, TB remains a major global public health issue and TB has surpassed HIV/AIDS and malaria as the world’s top cause of death from an infectious disease! On World TB Day, March 24th, 2018, we need to reflect on the current status quo of the continuing devastating global TB epidemic

    Building research capacity for African institutions: confronting the research leadership gap and lessons from African research leaders

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    This study explores the meaning and competencies of ‘research leadership’ in the African context and investigates strategies for developing it. Data for the study were gathered through an online survey that targeted recipients of research grants/support from key research funders to selected African institutions. The recipients of these grants were either research leaders or team members. The study employs a mixed methodology approach with empirical data drawn from focus group discussions and online surveys of English-speaking research leaders and research teams whose research work was supported by the selected funding institutions. In line with literature of leadership styles in Africa, our results suggest that preferred research leadership style for African researchers is different in some ways, especially with its attention to the ‘human touch’. Respondents preferred ‘people/relationship orientated’, ‘task-orientated’ and ‘democratic/participative’ styles of leadership, all of which have strong elements of Ubuntu (humaneness). The study also showed that leadership development for many in Africa involves mostly ‘learning by doing’ and informal mentoring, and less formal training opportunities. We explore policy implications of our findings with reference to research leadership development in African institutions, paying particular attention to challenges faced by female research leaders, and stress that research leadership develop- ment in Africa must be seen as a long-term and continuous activity and calls for more formal leadership development opportunities to complement the existing informal approaches.This article is published as Building research capacity for African institutions: confronting the research leadership gap and lessons from African research leaders”, International Journal of Leadership in Education: Theory and Practice, (2015) 1046497. (with Ezekiel Kalipeni, Nicholas Awortwi & Joy Mueni Maina Kiiru).Doi: 10.1080/13603124.2015.1046497 Posted with permission.</p

    Medical Ethics in the 70 Years after the Nuremberg Code, 1947 to the Present

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