14 research outputs found

    New Forms of Development: Branding Innovative Ideas and Bidding for Foreign Aid in the Maternal and Child Health Service in Nepal

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    Nepal has been receiving foreign aid since the early 1950s. Currently, the country’s health care systemis heavily dependent on aid, even for the provision of basic health services to its people. Globally, the mechanismfor the dispersal of foreign aid is becoming increasingly complex. Numerous stakeholders are involved at variouslevels: donors, intermediary organisations, project-implementing partners and the beneficiaries, engaging not onlyin Nepal but also globally. To illustrate how branding and bidding occurs, and to discuss how this process hasbecome increasingly vital in securing foreign aid to run MCH activities in Nepal

    Initiator Elements Function to Determine the Activity State of BX-C Enhancers

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    A >300 kb cis-regulatory region is required for the proper expression of the three bithorax complex (BX-C) homeotic genes. Based on genetic and transgenic analysis, a model has been proposed in which the numerous BX-C cis-regulatory elements are spatially restricted through the activation or repression of parasegment-specific chromatin domains. Particular early embryonic enhancers, called initiators, have been proposed to control this complex process. Here, in order to better understand the process of domain activation, we have undertaken a systematic in situ dissection of the iab-6 cis-regulatory domain using a new method, called InSIRT. Using this method, we create and genetically characterize mutations affecting iab-6 function, including mutations specifically modifying the iab-6 initiator. Through our mutagenesis of the iab-6 initiator, we provide strong evidence that initiators function not to directly control homeotic gene expression but rather as domain control centers to determine the activity state of the enhancers and silencers within a cis-regulatory domain

    Chromosomal organization at the level of gene complexes

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    Metazoan genomes primarily consist of non-coding DNA in comparison to coding regions. Non-coding fraction of the genome contains cis-regulatory elements, which ensure that the genetic code is read properly at the right time and space during development. Regulatory elements and their target genes define functional landscapes within the genome, and some developmentally important genes evolve by keeping the genes involved in specification of common organs/tissues in clusters and are termed gene complex. The clustering of genes involved in a common function may help in robust spatio-temporal gene expression. Gene complexes are often found to be evolutionarily conserved, and the classic example is the hox complex. The evolutionary constraints seen among gene complexes provide an ideal model system to understand cis and trans-regulation of gene function. This review will discuss the various characteristics of gene regulatory modules found within gene complexes and how they can be characterized