5 research outputs found

    Interaction between autophagic vesicles and the Coxiella-containing vacuole requires CLTC (clathrin heavy chain)

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    Coxiella burnetii is an intracellular bacterial pathogen which causes Q fever, a human infection with the ability to cause chronic disease with potentially life-threatening outcomes. In humans, Coxiella infects alveolar macrophages where it replicates to high numbers in a unique, pathogen-directed lysosome-derived vacuole. This compartment, termed the Coxiella-containing vacuole (CCV), has a low internal pH and contains markers both of lysosomes and autophagosomes. The CCV membrane is also enriched with CLTC (clathrin heavy chain) and this contributes to the success of the CCV. Here, we describe a role for CLTC, a scaffolding protein of clathrin-coated vesicles, in facilitating the fusion of autophagosomes with the CCV. During gene silencing of CLTC, CCVs are unable to fuse with each other, a phenotype also seen when silencing genes involved in macroautophagy/autophagy. MAP1LC3B/LC3B, which is normally observed inside the CCV, is excluded from CCVs in the absence of CLTC. Additionally, this study demonstrates that autophagosome fusion contributes to CCV size as cell starvation and subsequent autophagy induction leads to further CCV expansion. This is CLTC dependent, as the absence of CLTC renders autophagosomes no longer able to contribute to the expansion of the CCV. This investigation provides a functional link between CLTC and autophagy in the context of Coxiella infection and highlights the CCV as an important tool to explore the interactions between these vesicular trafficking pathways

    Applying Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) to Examine Effector Translocation Efficiency by Coxiella burnetii during siRNA Silencing

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    Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of Q fever, is an intracellular pathogen that relies on a Type IV Dot/Icm Secretion System to establish a replicative niche. A cohort of effectors are translocated through this system into the host cell to manipulate host processes and allow the establishment of a unique lysosome-derived vacuole for replication. The method presented here involves the combination of two well-established techniques: specific gene silencing using siRNA and measurement of effector translocation using a FRET-based substrate that relies on β-lactamase activity. Applying these two approaches, we can begin to understand the role of host factors in bacterial secretion system function and effector translocation. In this study we examined the role of Rab5A and Rab7A, both important regulators of the endocytic trafficking pathway. We demonstrate that silencing the expression of either protein results in a decrease in effector translocation efficiency. These methods can be easily modified to examine other intracellular and extracellular pathogens that also utilize secretion systems. In this way, a global picture of host factors involved in bacterial effector translocation may be revealed

    Dot/Icm Effector Translocation by Legionella longbeachae Creates a Replicative Vacuole Similar to That of Legionella pneumophila despite Translocation of Distinct Effector Repertoires

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    Legionella organisms are environmental bacteria and accidental human pathogens that can cause severe pneumonia, termed Legionnaires' disease. These bacteria replicate within a pathogen-derived vacuole termed the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV). Our understanding of the development and dynamics of this vacuole is based on extensive analysis of Legionella pneumophila. Here, we have characterized the Legionella longbeachae replicative vacuole (longbeachae-LCV) and demonstrated that, despite important genomic differences, key features of the replicative LCV are comparable to those of the LCV of L. pneumophila (pneumophila-LCV). We constructed a Dot/Icm-deficient strain by deleting dotB and demonstrated the inability of this mutant to replicate inside THP-1 cells. L. longbeachae does not enter THP-1 cells as efficiently as L. pneumophila, and this is reflected in the observation that translocation of BlaM-RalFLLO (where RalFLLO is the L. longbeachae homologue of RalF) into THP-1 cells by the L. longbeachae Dot/Icm system is less efficient than that by L. pneumophila. This difference is negated in A549 cells where L. longbeachae and L. pneumophila infect with similar entry dynamics. A β-lactamase assay was employed to demonstrate the translocation of a novel family of proteins, the Rab-like effector (Rle) proteins. Immunofluorescence analysis confirmed that these proteins enter the host cell during infection and display distinct subcellular localizations, with RleA and RleC present on the longbeachae-LCV. We observed that the host Rab GTPase, Rab1, and the v-SNARE Sec22b are also recruited to the longbeachae-LCV during the early stages of infection, coinciding with the LCV avoiding endocytic maturation. These studies further our understanding of the L. longbeachae replicative vacuole, highlighting phenotypic similarities to the vacuole of L. pneumophila as well as unique aspects of LCV biology

    SopF, a phosphoinositide binding effector, promotes the stability of the nascent Salmonella-containing vacuole

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    The enteric bacterial pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium), utilizes two type III secretion systems (T3SSs) to invade host cells, survive and replicate intracellularly. T3SS1 and its dedicated effector proteins are required for bacterial entry into non-phagocytic cells and establishment and trafficking of the nascent Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV). Here we identify the first T3SS1 effector required to maintain the integrity of the nascent SCV as SopF. SopF associates with host cell membranes, either when translocated by bacteria or ectopically expressed. Recombinant SopF binds to multiple phosphoinositides in protein-lipid overlays, suggesting that it targets eukaryotic cell membranes via phospholipid interactions. In yeast, the subcellular localization of SopF is dependent on the activity of Mss4, a phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase that generates PI(4,5)P2 from PI(4)P, indicating that membrane recruitment of SopF requires specific phospholipids. Ectopically expressed SopF partially colocalizes with specific phosphoinositide pools present on the plasma membrane in mammalian cells and with cytoskeletal-associated markers at the leading edge of cells. Translocated SopF concentrates on plasma membrane ruffles and around intracellular bacteria, presumably on the SCV. SopF is not required for bacterial invasion of non-phagocytic cells but is required for maintenance of the internalization vacuole membrane as infection with a S. Typhimurium ΔsopF mutant led to increased lysis of the SCV compared to wild type bacteria. Our structure-function analysis shows that the carboxy-terminal seven amino acids of SopF are essential for its membrane association in host cells and to promote SCV membrane stability. We also describe that SopF and another T3SS1 effector, SopB, act antagonistically to modulate nascent SCV membrane dynamics. In summary, our study highlights that a delicate balance of type III effector activities regulates the stability of the Salmonella internalization vacuole