618 research outputs found

    Transition Property for α\alpha-Power Free Languages with α2\alpha\geq 2 and k3k\geq 3 Letters

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    In 1985, Restivo and Salemi presented a list of five problems concerning power free languages. Problem 44 states: Given α\alpha-power-free words uu and vv, decide whether there is a transition from uu to vv. Problem 55 states: Given α\alpha-power-free words uu and vv, find a transition word ww, if it exists. Let Σk\Sigma_k denote an alphabet with kk letters. Let Lk,αL_{k,\alpha} denote the α\alpha-power free language over the alphabet Σk\Sigma_k, where α\alpha is a rational number or a rational "number with ++". If α\alpha is a "number with ++" then suppose k3k\geq 3 and α2\alpha\geq 2. If α\alpha is "only" a number then suppose k=3k=3 and α>2\alpha>2 or k>3k>3 and α2\alpha\geq 2. We show that: If uLk,αu\in L_{k,\alpha} is a right extendable word in Lk,αL_{k,\alpha} and vLk,αv\in L_{k,\alpha} is a left extendable word in Lk,αL_{k,\alpha} then there is a (transition) word ww such that uwvLk,αuwv\in L_{k,\alpha}. We also show a construction of the word ww

    On Poincare and logarithmic Sobolev inequalities for a class of singular Gibbs measures

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    This note, mostly expository, is devoted to Poincar{\'e} and log-Sobolev inequalities for a class of Boltzmann-Gibbs measures with singular interaction. Such measures allow to model one-dimensional particles with confinement and singular pair interaction. The functional inequalities come from convexity. We prove and characterize optimality in the case of quadratic confinement via a factorization of the measure. This optimality phenomenon holds for all beta Hermite ensembles including the Gaussian unitary ensemble, a famous exactly solvable model of random matrix theory. We further explore exact solvability by reviewing the relation to Dyson-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck diffusion dynamics admitting the Hermite-Lassalle orthogonal polynomials as a complete set of eigenfunctions. We also discuss the consequence of the log-Sobolev inequality in terms of concentration of measure for Lipschitz functions such as maxima and linear statistics.Comment: Minor improvements. To appear in Geometric Aspects of Functional Analysis -- Israel Seminar (GAFA) 2017-2019", Lecture Notes in Mathematics 225

    Blow-up profile of rotating 2D focusing Bose gases

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    We consider the Gross-Pitaevskii equation describing an attractive Bose gas trapped to a quasi 2D layer by means of a purely harmonic potential, and which rotates at a fixed speed of rotation Ω\Omega. First we study the behavior of the ground state when the coupling constant approaches a_a\_* , the critical strength of the cubic nonlinearity for the focusing nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation. We prove that blow-up always happens at the center of the trap, with the blow-up profile given by the Gagliardo-Nirenberg solution. In particular, the blow-up scenario is independent of Ω\Omega, to leading order. This generalizes results obtained by Guo and Seiringer (Lett. Math. Phys., 2014, vol. 104, p. 141--156) in the non-rotating case. In a second part we consider the many-particle Hamiltonian for NN bosons, interacting with a potential rescaled in the mean-field manner a_NN2β1w(Nβx),with--a\_N N^{2\beta--1} w(N^{\beta} x), with wapositivefunctionsuchthat a positive function such that \int\_{\mathbb{R}^2} w(x) dx = 1.Assumingthat. Assuming that \beta < 1/2andthat and that a\_N \to a\_*sufficientlyslowly,weprovethatthemanybodysystemisfullycondensedontheGrossPitaevskiigroundstateinthelimit sufficiently slowly, we prove that the many-body system is fully condensed on the Gross-Pitaevskii ground state in the limit N \to \infty$