7 research outputs found

    The effect of culture on Corporate Governance Practices in Nigeria

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    This study focuses on the effect of culture on the application of corporate governance practices in Nigeria. Corporate governance has been receiving serious attention in emerging markets over the past two decades. But relatively little attention has been given to the study on corporate governance in a country study. The current situations in Nigerian public and private sectors such as the corporate scandal resulting from Lever Brothers Nigeria plc, Siemens, Shell, Halliburton, and Cadbury Nigeria plc, have shown that the issue of fraud, corruption, and corporate scandals cannot be overlooked. Most top management, as this study argues, bring in beliefs acquired from their early childhood into their senior management roles and responsibilities. This study adopts a grounded theory and reports on the effect of culture on the implementation of corporate governance in Nigeria. Based on the interview with 32 staffs, this study identifies the effect of culture that shapes corporate governance and they include abuse of power by top management, weak legal framework, poor recruitment and ineffective control. Although having efficient corporate governance is worth pursuing, this depends on the power of top management, the strength of internal control procedures and the legal framework put in place by management

    Analyzing the effects of organizational trust and organizational commitment in anti-productivity behaviours in managerial approach dimension to achieve a strategic competitive advantage

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    It is observed that negative approaches in organizational functioning and attitudes towards work have recently become increasingly common. Such developments weaken employees’ feelings of commitment and dedication to the organization and work. To improve the organizational commitment and dedication of the employees, first, the causes of emotions that inhibit these emotions and solution methods to eliminate alienation to work should be analyzed. In this study, anti-productivity behaviours, their causes, factors that influence the formation of organizational trust and commitment, and the relations between anti-productivity behaviours will be evaluated

    Cellular Functions of Calcium Channel Subtypes

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