1,038 research outputs found

    Higher-order mutual coherence of optical and matter waves

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    We use an operational approach to discuss ways to measure the higher-order cross-correlations between optical and matter-wave fields. We pay particular attention to the fact that atomic fields actually consist of composite particles that can easily be separated into their basic constituents by a detection process such as photoionization. In the case of bosonic fields, that we specifically consider here, this leads to the appearance in the detection signal of exchange contributions due to both the composite bosonic field and its individual fermionic constituents. We also show how time-gated counting schemes allow to isolate specific contributions to the signal, in particular involving different orderings of the Schr\"odinger and Maxwell fields.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Formulation and constraints on decaying dark matter with finite mass daughter particles

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    Decaying dark matter cosmological models have been proposed to remedy the overproduction problem at small scales in the standard cold dark matter paradigm. We consider a decaying dark matter model in which one CDM mother particle decays into two daughter particles, with arbitrary masses. A complete set of Boltzmann equations of dark matter particles is derived which is necessary to calculate the evolutions of their energy densities and their density perturbations. By comparing the expansion history of the universe in this model and the free-streaming scale of daughter particles with astronomical observational data, we give constraints on the lifetime of the mother particle, Γ−1\Gamma^{-1}, and the mass ratio between the daughter and the mother particles mD/mMm_{\rm D}/m_{\rm M}. From the distance to the last scattering surface of the cosmic microwave background, we obtain Γ−1>\Gamma^{-1}> 30 Gyr in the massless limit of daughter particles and, on the other hand, we obtain mD>m_{\rm D} > 0.97mMm_{\rm M} in the limit Γ−1→0\Gamma^{-1}\to 0. The free-streaming constraint tightens the bound on the mass ratio as (Γ−1/10−2Gyr)â‰Č((1−mD1/mM)/10−2)−3/2(\Gamma^{-1}/10^{-2}{\rm Gyr}) \lesssim ((1-m_{\rm D1}/m_{\rm M})/10^{-2})^{-3/2} for Γ−1<H−1(z=3)\Gamma^{-1} < H^{-1}(z=3).Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Input-output theory for fermions in an atom cavity

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    We generalize the quantum optical input-output theory developed for optical cavities to ultracold fermionic atoms confined in a trapping potential, which forms an "atom cavity". In order to account for the Pauli exclusion principle, quantum Langevin equations for all cavity modes are derived. The dissipative part of these multi-mode Langevin equations includes a coupling between cavity modes. We also derive a set of boundary conditions for the Fermi field that relate the output fields to the input fields and the field radiated by the cavity. Starting from a constant uniform current of fermions incident on one side of the cavity, we use the boundary conditions to calculate the occupation numbers and current density for the fermions that are reflected and transmitted by the cavity

    Liouville Correlation Functions from Four-dimensional Gauge Theories

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    We conjecture an expression for the Liouville theory conformal blocks and correlation functions on a Riemann surface of genus g and n punctures as the Nekrasov partition function of a certain class of N=2 SCFTs recently defined by one of the authors. We conduct extensive tests of the conjecture at genus 0,1.Comment: 32 pages, 8 figures; v2: minor corrections, published versio

    Mirror Dark Matter and Core Density of Galaxies

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    We present a particle physics realization of a recent suggestion by Spergel and Steinhardt that collisional but dissipationless dark matter may resolve the core density problem in dark matter-dominated galaxies such as the dwarf galaxies. The realization is the asymmetric mirror universe model introduced to explain the neutrino puzzles and the microlensing anomaly. The mirror baryons are the dark matter particles with the desired properties. The time scales are right for resolution of the core density problem and formation of mirror stars (MACHOs observed in microlensing experiments). The mass of the region homogenized by Silk damping is between a dwarf and a large galaxy.Comment: 9 pages, LaTex. The present version shows that atomic scattering inherent in the mirror model can solve the core density problem without the need for an extra U(1) discussed in the original version; all conclusions are unchanged. This version is accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Level-Spacing Distributions and the Bessel Kernel

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    The level spacing distributions which arise when one rescales the Laguerre or Jacobi ensembles of hermitian matrices is studied. These distributions are expressible in terms of a Fredholm determinant of an integral operator whose kernel is expressible in terms of Bessel functions of order α\alpha. We derive a system of partial differential equations associated with the logarithmic derivative of this Fredholm determinant when the underlying domain is a union of intervals. In the case of a single interval this Fredholm determinant is a Painleve tau function.Comment: 18 pages, resubmitted to make postscript compatible, no changes to manuscript conten

    The Relational Power of Education: The immeasurability of knowledge, value and meaning

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    Recognizing the challenge of adequate evaluation in higher education, this essay introduces some of the critical, alternative-seeking conversation about educational measurement. The thesis is that knowledge, value, and meaning emerge in the relational dynamics of education, thus requiring complex approaches to evaluation, utilizing relational criteria. The method of the essay is to analyse two educational case studies à à à ± a travel seminar and a classroom course à à à ± in dialogue with educational literature and a process-relational philosophy of education. Building from this analysis, the essay concludes with proposals for relational criteria of evaluation: relations with self, community and culture, difference, earth, and social structures

    Mirror Matter as Self Interacting Dark Matter

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    It has been argued that the observed core density profile of galaxies is inconsistent with having a dark matter particle that is collisionless and alternative dark matter candidates which are self interacting may explain observations better. One new class of self interacting dark matter that has been proposed in the context mirror universe models of particle physics is the mirror hydrogen atom whose stability is guaranteed by the conservation of mirror baryon number. We show that the effective transport cross section for mirror hydrogen atoms, has the right order of magnitude for solving the ``cuspy'' halo problem. Furthermore, the suppression of dissipation effects for mirror atoms due to higher mirror mass scale prevents the mirror halo matter from collapsing into a disk strengthening the argument for mirror matter as galactic dark matter.Comment: 6 pages; some references adde

    Momentum state engineering and control in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We demonstrate theoretically the use of genetic learning algorithms to coherently control the dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate. We consider specifically the situation of a condensate in an optical lattice formed by two counterpropagating laser beams. The frequency detuning between the lasers acts as a control parameter that can be used to precisely manipulate the condensate even in the presence of a significant mean-field energy. We illustrate this procedure in the coherent acceleration of a condensate and in the preparation of a superposition of prescribed relative phase.Comment: 9 pages incl. 6 PostScript figures (.eps), LaTeX using RevTeX, submitted to Phys. Rev. A, incl. small modifications, some references adde

    Theory of output coupling for trapped fermionic atoms

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    We develop a dynamic theory of output coupling, for fermionic atoms initially confined in a magnetic trap. We consider an exactly soluble one-dimensional model, with a spatially localized delta-type coupling between the atoms in the trap and a continuum of free-particle external modes. Two important special cases are considered for the confinement potential: the infinite box and the harmonic oscillator. We establish that in both cases a bound state of the coupled system appears for any value of the coupling constant, implying that the trap population does not vanish in the infinite-time limit. For weak coupling, the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam exhibits peaks corresponding to the initially occupied energy levels in the trap; the height of these peaks increases with the energy. As the coupling gets stronger, the energy spectrum is displaced towards dressed energies of the fermions in the trap. The corresponding dressed states result from the coupling between the unperturbed fermionic states in the trap, mediated by the coupling between these states and the continuum. In the strong-coupling limit, there is a reinforcement of the lowest-energy dressed mode, which contributes to the energy spectrum of the outgoing beam more strongly than the other modes. This effect is especially pronounced for the one-dimensional box, which indicates that the efficiency of the mode-reinforcement mechanism depends on the steepness of the confinement potential. In this case, a quasi-monochromatic anti-bunched atomic beam is obtained. Results for a bosonic sample are also shown for comparison.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, added discussion on time-dependent spectral distribution and corresponding figur
