7 research outputs found


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    Purpose. The purpose of this work was to examine various aspects of the physico-chemical heap leaching technology at the Mkuju River in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to determine the basic geotechnological conditions of the Mkuju River uranium deposit, conduct laboratory work on the study of various technological parameters and rock characteristics, as well as a thorough analysis of geotechnological zoning. Methods. The objectives of the research have been solved using the generally accepted methodological approaches to solving problems on ores with a disturbed and undisturbed material structure that have been selected from wells drilled at the Mkuju River Mine in Tanzania, which are being explored and exploited for uranium. Results. Based on the conducted studies, the main geotechnological and geological-hydrogeological conditions, natural factors and their influence were determined. Also, laboratory studies helped determine the technological parameters and their optimal values. The conclusion. Underground leaching is influenced by a large number of factors, and the study of geotechnological conditions of deposits is the basis for a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the interrelationships of natural and industrial components of the natural-industrial system. In this case, after determining the factors the adaptation of the in situ leaching method to specific geological and hydrogeological conditions is established.Целью исследования явилось рассмотрение различных аспектов физико-химической технологии кучного выщелачивания на месторождении Мкужу Ривер в Танзании. Важно было определить основные геотехнологические условия уранового месторождения Мкужу Ривер, провести лабораторную работу по исследованию различных технологических параметров и характеристик породы, а также анализ геотехнологического районирования. Поставленные задачи исследования решены с использованием общепринятых методических подходов решения задач на рудах с нарушенной и ненарушенной структурой материалов, которые отбирались из скважин, пробуренных на разведываемых и эксплуатируемых месторождениях в урановом проекте Мкужу Ривер в Танзании. На основе проведенных исследований были определены основные геотехнологические и геолого-гидрогеологические условия, природные факторы и их влияние. Также лабораторные исследования помогли определить технологические параметры и их оптимальные значения. Установлено, что на подземное выщелачивание оказывает влияние большое число факторов, а изучение геотехнологических условий месторождений является основой для количественной и качественной оценки взаимосвязей природных и промышленных компонентов природно-промышленной системы. При этом после выделения факторов требуется адаптация способа подземного выщелачивания (ПВ) к конкретным геологическим и гидрогеологическим условиям


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    Purpose. The purpose of this work was to examine various aspects of the physico-chemical heap leaching technology at the Mkuju River in Tanzania. The objectives of the study were to determine the basic geotechnological conditions of the Mkuju River uranium deposit, conduct laboratory work on the study of various technological parameters and rock characteristics, as well as a thorough analysis of geotechnological zoning. Methods. The objectives of the research have been solved using the generally accepted methodological approaches to solving problems on ores with a disturbed and undisturbed material structure that have been selected from wells drilled at the Mkuju River Mine in Tanzania, which are being explored and exploited for uranium. Results. Based on the conducted studies, the main geotechnological and geological-hydrogeological conditions, natural factors and their influence were determined. Also, laboratory studies helped determine the technological parameters and their optimal values. The conclusion. Underground leaching is influenced by a large number of factors, and the study of geotechnological conditions of deposits is the basis for a quantitative and qualitative assessment of the interrelationships of natural and industrial components of the natural-industrial system. In this case, after determining the factors the adaptation of the in situ leaching method to specific geological and hydrogeological conditions is established.Целью исследования явилось рассмотрение различных аспектов физико-химической технологии кучного выщелачивания на месторождении Мкужу Ривер в Танзании. Важно было определить основные геотехнологические условия уранового месторождения Мкужу Ривер, провести лабораторную работу по исследованию различных технологических параметров и характеристик породы, а также анализ геотехнологического районирования. Поставленные задачи исследования решены с использованием общепринятых методических подходов решения задач на рудах с нарушенной и ненарушенной структурой материалов, которые отбирались из скважин, пробуренных на разведываемых и эксплуатируемых месторождениях в урановом проекте Мкужу Ривер в Танзании. На основе проведенных исследований были определены основные геотехнологические и геолого-гидрогеологические условия, природные факторы и их влияние. Также лабораторные исследования помогли определить технологические параметры и их оптимальные значения. Установлено, что на подземное выщелачивание оказывает влияние большое число факторов, а изучение геотехнологических условий месторождений является основой для количественной и качественной оценки взаимосвязей природных и промышленных компонентов природно-промышленной системы. При этом после выделения факторов требуется адаптация способа подземного выщелачивания (ПВ) к конкретным геологическим и гидрогеологическим условиям

    Complex of geophysical and atmogeochemical methods for searching for promising areas

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    Search application of geophysical methods can be geologically effective only for a set of methods. Every single method gives anomalies and over the fields and over the "difficult" objects. Atmogeochemical methods combined with ground-based Geophysics increase the reliability of hydrocarbon deposits detection. © Geomodel 2018 - 20th Conference on Oil and Gas Geological Exploration and Development.All rights reserved

    Using computer technologies for space imagery interpretation for geological purposes

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    Due to the wide variety of parameters of images obtained from different satellites, new possibilities of their computer processing for solving geological problems open up. The paper presents methods are used to interpretation of satellite images for geological mapping of northern territories, where a number of geological exploration work is limited to the absence of snow and is very expensive. Landsat TM were selected as the analyzed satellite images. Satellite images were processed using methods built into ArcGIS software. As a result, the possibilities of using computer processing of satellite images for geological mapping and the accuracy of satellite imagery were evaluated. © 2021, Univelt Inc. All rights reserved

    Biotransformation of steroids by a recombinant yeast strain expressing bovine cytochrome P-45017 α

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    The cDNA encoding cytochrome P-45017{alpha} from bovine adrenal cortex was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the control of the galactose-inducible GAL10 promoter. Carbon monoxide difference spectra of the galactose-induced yeast cells showed expression of about 240 nmol of P-45017{alpha} per liter of the culture. Binding of progesterone to the cytochrome P-45017{alpha} was clearly detectable already with intact yeast cells as judged by the formation of type I substrate difference spectra. Yeast cells grown on minimal medium containing galactose actively converted progesterone to 17{alpha}-hydroxyprogesterone, this indicating the functional integrity of the heterologously expressed P-45017{alpha} and its efficient coupling with the constitutive NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase. More than 80% of the metabolite produced was secreted into the culture medium. Cultivation in a rich non-selective medium resulted in the formation of an additional product, which was identified by mass spectrometry as 17{alpha}-hydroxy-20-dihydroprogesterone. Kinetic analysis revealed that its production followed the cytochrome P-45017{alpha}-dependent hydroxylation reaction. The reduction of the 20-keto group of 17{alpha}-hydroxyprogesterone was also observed in the non-induced yeast culture, this suggesting the involvement of the constitutive enzyme. Among several substrates tested, progesterone was hydroxylated by the cytochrome P-45017{alpha} expressed with the highest activity. The activity towards other substrates decreased in the sequence: 11{beta}- > 11{alpha}- > 19-hydroxyprogesterone. In conclusion, the present results show that the host-vector system used is suitable for high-level functional expression of P-45017{alpha} and further application of enzymatic properties of this protein to perform specific steroid biotransformations

    Bloodsucking dipteran insects (Diptera) attacking humans and animals (the “gnus” complex) in northwestern Russia: I. General characteristics of the fauna

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