108 research outputs found


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    The process of labor, especially the second stage of increased contraction in the uterine muscle that causes decreased blood supply and oxygen needed by muscles to convert glucose into energy. Anaerobic metabolism usually occurs in activities that require large energy and briefly.This study to analyze differences in energy intake in mothers giving birth between those who were given mixed juice and those who were given the freedom to consume food and beverages during labor. This study uses randomized controlled trial design, single blinded. There was a significant difference in control group energy intake and intervention group (p <0.05). Giving mixed juice during delivery in maternal mothers affects maternal satisfaction and the difference of maternal energy intake, but there is no difference in lactate levels of infants born

    Silicon carbide for solar energy

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    Paper presented to the 3rd Southern African Solar Energy Conference, South Africa, 11-13 May, 2015.SiC is a wide-bandgap semiconductor that possesses quite a number of interesting properties and is promising for application in power, high-temperature, and radiation hard electronics. Several areas can be distinguished in which SiC is also a promising material for solar power engineering. SiC high temperature power devices and UV detectors can be used at solar energy stations and also SiC can be used as a substrate for growth III-N materials and graphene. New results obtained at the Ioffe Institute, Nitride Crystals Co and National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in all the above areas of research will be presented in the reportcf201

    Why does chemotherapy stop affecting the cells of ovarian and breast tumors?

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    Glutathione Synthesis in Cancer Cells

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    Abstract: Tripeptide GSH is associated not only with the control and maintenance of redox cell homeostasis, but also with the processes of detoxification, proliferation, cell differentiation, and regulation of cell death. Disruptions in GSH synthesis and changes in the GSH/GSSG ratio are common for many pathological conditions, including malignant neoplasms. Numerous data indicate the importance of GSH and the GSH/GSSG ratio in the regulation of tumor cell viability, in the initiation of tumor development, progression, and drug resistance. However, control of the mechanism of GSH synthesis in malignant tumors remains poorly understood. This review discusses the features of GSH synthesis and its regulation in tumor cells. The role of GSH in the mechanisms of apoptosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, and autophagy is considered. © 2020, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Why does chemotherapy stop affecting the cells of ovarian and breast tumors?

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    Redox-dependent gene expression under of drug resistance of cancer cells

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    Involvement of thio-, peroxi-, and glutaredoxins in cellular redox-dependent processes

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    Among the key antioxidant enzymes, thioredoxin and glutaredoxin systems play an important role in cell defense against oxidative stress and maintenance of redox homeostasis owing to the regulation of thiol-disulfide exchange. The thioredoxin isoforms Trx1 (cytoplasmic form) and Trx2 (mitochondrial form) can reduce inter- and intramolecular disulfide bonds in proteins, in particular, in oxidized peroxiredoxins, which disrupt organic hydroperoxides, H 2O2, and peroxynitrite. NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase, which reduces a broad range of substrates including oxidized form of thioredoxin, can also directly reduce lipid hydroperoxides, H2O 2, and dehydroascorbic and lipoic acids. Glutaredoxin, whose major isoforms in mammals are Grx1, Grx2, and Grx5, as well as thioredoxin, catalyzes S-glutathionylation and deglutathionylation of proteins to protect SH-groups from oxidation and restore functionally active thiols. However, in contrast to thioredoxin, glutaredoxin reduces GSH-mixed disulfides and catalyzes the reaction not only via a dithiol mechanism but also via monothiol reduction. In addition to the role in cellular antioxidant defense, all of the reviewed redox proteins (thioredoxin, thioredoxin reductase, peroxiredoxin, and glutaredoxin) have a number of significant functions required for cell viability: they regulate transcription factor activities, play the role of growth factors, serve as enzyme cofactors, take part in regulation of cell cycle, and are involved in antiapoptotic mechanisms. © 2008 MAIK Nauka