12 research outputs found

    Two-way eyeballing heuristics in dynamic lot sizing with backlogging

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    Computers and Operations Research174359-363CMOR

    Extensions of simple eyeballing dynamic lot sizing heuristics

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    Computers and Operations Research256487-497CMOR

    The critical cut-off value approach for dynamic lot sizing problems with time varying cost parameters

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    10.1016/S0305-0548(98)00050-1Computers and Operations Research262179-188CMOR

    Benefit / Cost priorities : achieving commensurability

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    Traditional Benefit/Cost analysis requires benefits and costs to be expressed in a common currency, usually dollars. More recently, benefits and costs have been expressed and compared as relative priorities. This process has been criticized because there is no guarantee that the two sources of priorities are in commensurate units. This paper illustrates simpler methods for achieving commensurabilit

    Uso de SAD no apoio à decisão na destinação de resíduos plásticos e gestão de materiais

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    Este estudo tem como objetivo principal auxiliar dois processos decisórios por meio da análise de dois estudos de caso sobre gestão de resíduos e gestão de materiais. No primeiro estuda-se a destinação de resíduos plásticos pós-consumo e, no segundo, consequências da troca do material da embalagem utilizada. Para tanto, foram definidos critérios e fatores que permitem verificar a influência das possíveis alternativas praticadas em relação à necessidade de se alcançar e manter a sustentabilidade ambiental na gestão de resíduos e materiais. Para tanto, utilizou-se como ferramenta de pesquisa a Metodologia de Análise Multicritério THOR e o software que lhe dá suporte.<br>This study has as main purpose to assist two decision processes by the analysis of two case studies about waste management and material management. In the first case was considered a pos-consume plastic waste disposal and in the second one the consequences of changing the package's material. Thus, were defined criteria and factors that allow verifying the influence of the possible practiced alternatives considering the necessity of reaching and maintaining the environmental sustainability in waste and material management. This paper used as research tool the THOR Multicriteria Analysis Methodology and the respective software that gives support