5 research outputs found

    Crystal chemistry of natural layered double hydroxides. 5. Single-crystal structure refinement of hydrotalcite, [Mg6Al2(OH)16](CO3)(H2O)4

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    Hydrotalcite, ideally [Mg6Al2(OH)16](CO3)(H2O)4, was studied in samples from Dypingdal, Snarum, Norway (3R and 2H), Zelentsovskaya pit (2H) and Praskovie–Evgenievskaya pit (2H) (both Southern Urals, Russia), Talnakh, Siberia, Russia (3R), Khibiny, Kola, Russia (3R), and St. Lawrence, New York, USA (3R and 2H). Two polytypes, 3R and 2H (both ‘classical’), were confirmed on the basis of single-crystal and powder X-ray diffraction data. Their chemical composition was studied by electron-microprobe analysis, infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and thermogravimetric analysis. The crystal structure of hydrotalcite-3R was solved by direct methods in the space group R3m on three crystals (two data collections at 290 K and one at 120 K). The unit-cell parameters are as follows (290/290/120 K): a = 3.0728(9)/3.0626(3)/3.0617(4), c = 23.326(9)/23.313(3)/23.203(3) Å and V = 190.7(1)/189.37(4)/188.36(4) Å3 . The crystal structures were refined on the basis of 304/150/101 reflections to R1 = 0.075/0.041/ 0.038. Hydrotalcite-2H crystallises in the P63/mmc space group; unit-cell parameters for two crystals are (data collection at 290 K and 93 K): a = 3.046(1)/3.0521(9), c = 15.447(6)/15.439(4) Å, V = 124.39(8)/124.55(8) Å3 . The crystal structures were refined on the basis of 160/142 reflections to R1 = 0.077/0.059. This paper reports the first single-crystal structure data on hydrotalcite. Hydrotalcite distribution in Nature, diagnostic features, polytypism, interlayer topology and localisation of M2+–M3+ cations within metal hydroxide layers are discussed

    Thermal Evolution of Natural Layered Double Hydroxides: Insight from Quintinite, Hydrotalcite, Stichtite, and Iowaite as Reference Samples for CO3- and Cl-Members of the Hydrotalcite Supergroup

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    In Situ high-temperature powder X-ray diffraction experiments were undertaken for the coarse crystalline natural layered double hydroxides (LDHs) quintinite, hydrotalcite, stichtite, and iowaite in the temperature range 25–1000 °C, with thermal analyses of these minerals and their annealed forms carried out in parallel. In the temperature range from 25 °C to 170–210 °C quintinite, hydrotalcite, and stichtite (carbonate members of the LDH family) demonstrated contraction of the basal d00n-value of 0.1–0.3 Å, followed by a sharp contraction of 1.0–1.1 Å at T > 170–210 °C. The high-temperature modified states were stable up to 380–420 °C, before decomposing to an amorphous phase. Iowaite (chloride member of the family) was stable up to 320 °C and transformed to an amorphous phase at higher temperature. Iowaite experiences continuous contraction of the d00n-value of up to 0.5 Å in the temperature range 25–200 °C, reaching a plateau at a temperature range of 200–320 °C. Assessing the reversibility of thermal transformation shows complete reconstruction of the crystal structure of the hydrotalcite and iowaite heated to 300 °C. Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance analysis shows that some Al changes coordination from 6- to 4-fold, synchronously with quintinite transformation to the amorphous phase. All phases transform to periclase and a spinel-type compound upon further heating. Thermal analysis of samples annealed at 125 °C shows that carbonate members do not have a tendency to form dehydrated phases, whereas for iowaite, a dehydrated phase having 0.9 apfu lesser water content as in the initial sample has been obtained. Thermal evolution of LDHs is found to depend on the nature of the interaction of interlayer species and water molecules to H atoms of the metal-hydroxide layer

    Expedition to Alaid and Ebeko volcanoes (Kuril islands) in summer 2023

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    The results of field work at the active volcanoes Alaid and Ebeko, located in the northern part of the Kuril Island Arc, carried out in June−July 2023 are described. At Alaid volcano, the first survey of lava flows and fumarolic mineralization products of the 2022 eruption was carried out at various heights, including the summit, and geological sampling of the Taketomi cone and eruptive rocks of the eastern coast of Atlas Island was also conducted. An aerial photo and area temperature survey of the area occupied by the products of the 2022 eruption was undertaken at the summit of Alaid volcano using a high-precision quadrocopter equipped with a thermal imaging camera. At Ebeko volcano, mineral samples were taken from fumarole sites located on its eastern slope, and an aerial photo and area temperature survey were done