7 research outputs found

    Portable X-band system for solution state dynamic nuclear polarization

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    This paper concerns instrumental approaches to obtain large dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) enhancements in a completely portable system. We show that at fields of 0.35 T under ambient conditions and at X-band frequencies, 1H enhancements of >100-fold can be achieved using nitroxide radical systems, which is near the theoretical maximum for 1H polarization using the Overhauser effect at this field. These large enhancements were obtained using a custom built microwave transmitter and a commercial TE102 X-band resonant cavity. The custom built microwave transmitter is compact, so when combined with a permanent magnet it is readily transportable. Our commercial X-band resonator was modified to be tunable over a range of approximately 9.5-10 GHz, giving added versatility to our fixed field portable DNP system. In addition, a field adjustable Halbach permanent magnet has also been employed as another means for matching the electron spin resonance condition. Both portable setups provide large signal enhancements and with improvements in design and engineering, greater than 100-fold 1H enhancements are feasible

    Beluga whale stewardship and collaborative research practices among Indigenous peoples in the Arctic

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    Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) are an integral part of many Arctic Indigenous cultures and contribute to food security for communities from Greenland, across northern Canada and Alaska to Chukotka, Russia. Although the harvesting and stewardship practices of Indigenous peoples vary among regions and have shifted and adapted over time, central principles of respect for beluga and sharing of the harvest have remained steadfast. In addition to intra-community cooperation to harvest, process and use beluga whales, rapid environmental change in the Arctic has underscored the need for inter-regional communication as well as collaboration with scientists and managers to sustain beluga populations and their cultural and nutritional roles in Arctic communities. Our paper, written by the overlapping categories of researchers, hunters, and managers, first provides an overview of beluga hunting and collaborative research in seven regions of the Arctic (Greenland; Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, Nunavut, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Canada; Alaska; and Chukotka). Then we present a more detailed case study of collaboration, examining a recent research and management project that utilizes co-production of knowledge to address the conservation of a depleted population of beluga in Nunavik, Canada. We conclude that sustaining traditional values, establishing collaborative management efforts, the equitable inclusion of Indigenous Knowledge, and respectful and meaningful collaborations among hunters, researchers and managers are essential to sustaining healthy beluga populations and the peoples who live with and depend upon them in a time of rapid social and environmental change

    Dynamic nuclear polarization with simultaneous excitation of electronic and nuclear transitions

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    Dynamic nuclear polarization transfers spin polarization from electrons to nuclei. We have achieved this by a new method, simultaneously exciting transitions of electronic and nuclear spins. The efficiency of this technique improves with increasing magnetic field. Experimental results are shown for N@C60 with continuous-wave microwaves, which can be expected to produce even higher polarization than the corresponding pulsed techniques for electron spins greater than 1/2. The degree of nuclear polarization in this case can be easily monitored through the intensities of the well-resolved hyperfine components in the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum. The nuclear spin–lattice relaxation time is orders of magnitude longer than that of the electrons