25 research outputs found

    Records of the grassflies (Diptera, Chloropidae) of the Palaearchearctic Geoelement on the Altai Mountains

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    Four species of grassflies (Diptera, Chloropidae), Lasiambia shatalkini Nartshuk, 1986, Siphunculina stackelbergi Duda, 1933, Centorisoma flavum Nartshuk, 1965, and Cetema bispinosa Duda, 1933 are found on the Altai Mountains. These species were hitherto known from the Far East of Russia and the latter also from North Mongolia. The new records clarify the western border of ranges of these species. Distribution of the genera Centorisoma Becker, 1910 and Cetema Hendel, 1907, each including in the Palaearctic two groups of species with centres of distribution in Europe and the Far East, permits to consider the origin of these genera from Tertiary Turgai forests.Четыре вида злаковых мух: Lasiambia shatalkini Nartshuk, 1986, Siphunculina stackelbergi Duda, 1933, Centorisoma flavum Nartshuk, 1965 и Cetema bispinosa Duda, 1933 обнаружены в Алтайских горах в поясе «черневой тайги», сохраняющей элементы неморальной флоры. Ранее эти виды были известны из Приморского края России, а последний также из северной Монголии и Забайкалья. Новые находки уточняют западные границы ареалов перечисленных видов и западные пределы сохранения элементов маньчжурской фауны. В двух палеарктических родах Centorisoma Becker, 1910 и Cetema Hendel, 1907 имеется две группы видов с центрами в Европе и на юге Дальнего Востока, что позволяет отнести их происхождение к третичным тургайским лесам

    Niche separation between two closely related species of the genus Lasiambia Anonym., 1937 (Diptera: Chloropidae)

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    Habitat and types of feeding of larvae of the genus Lasiambia Anonym., 1937 are analyzed. Larvae of Lasiambia as opposite to most Chloropidae are not phytophagous and not associated with Poaceae grasses. Two groups of species are separated. The first – larvae are saprophagous in a broad sense. The second includes species, larvae of which are carnivorous. Two closely related species are compared: L. palposa (Fallén, 1820) and L. coxalis (von Roser, 1840). Adults of these species are very similar and distinguished only on the structure of male postabdomen. Larvae of common L.  palposa feed in egg pods of many different species of Acrididae, which lay eggs in ground. Larvae of rare L. coxalis feed eggs of Acrididae of a genus Chrysochraon, which lay eggs in plant stem. Character of alimentary nishe is correlated with numbers and extent of areal of these species

    A new species of Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae) from the Curonian Spit (Russia)

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    A new species of the genus Ornithomya Latreille, 1802 (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), O. krivolutskii Yatsuk, Matyukhin et Nartshuk, sp. n. is described from the Curonian Spit (Kaliningrad Region, Russia). The new species differs from the closest species O. fringillina Curtis, 1836 with the combined length of head and thorax, from other Ornithomya species – with the body size, number of scutellum setae and wing microtrichia. An updated key for species of the genus Ornithomya occurring in Russia is provided

    Fauna of grass flies (Diptera: Chloropidae) on islands of World Ocean: ecological and biogeographical aspects

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    Fauna of grass flies of islands of World Ocean from the Northern to Antarctic islands is discussed. Specific characters of the immigration fauna of Chloropidae is estimated

    A new species of Polyodaspis Duda, 1933 (Diptera: Chloropidae) from Romania with list of Chloropidae, collected in the country

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    Results of identification of Chloropidae (Diptera) from Romania, deposited in the Natural History Museum (London, UK) is presented. Collection contains 24 species from 16 genera. A species Polyodaspis maritima Nartshuk, sp. n. is described as new and 5 species Calamoncosis aprica (Meigen, 1830), Calamoncosis duinensis (Strobl, 1909), Aphanotrigonum inerme Collin, 1946, Conioscinella gallarum (Duda, 1932) and Chlorops meigenii Loew, 1866 are recorded for the first time for the fauna of Romani