7 research outputs found

    An empirical study of functional complexity as an indicator of overfitting in Genetic Programming

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    Recently, it has been stated that the complexity of a solution is a good indicator of the amount of overfitting it incurs. However, measuring the complexity of a program, in Genetic Programming, is not a trivial task. In this paper, we study the functional complexity and how it relates with overfitting on symbolic regression problems.We consider two measures of complexity, Slope-based Functional Complexity, inspired by the concept of curvature, and Regularity-based Functional Complexity based on the concept of Holderian regularity. In general, both complexity measures appear to be poor indicators of program overfitting. However, results suggest that Regularity-based Functional Complexity could provide a good indication of overfitting in extreme cases

    The Best Things Don’t Always Come in Small Packages: Constant Creation in Grammatical Evolution

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    This paper evaluates the performance of various methods to constant creation in Grammatical Evolution (GE), and validates the results against those from Genetic Programming (GP). Constant creation in GE is an important issue due to the disruptive nature of ripple crossover, which can radically remap multiple terminals in an individual, and we investigate if more compact methods, which are more similar to the GP style of constant creation (Ephemeral Random Constants (ERCs), perform better. The results are surprising. The GE methods all perform significantly better than GP on unseen test data, and we demonstrate that the standard GE approach of digit concatenation does not produce individuals that are any larger than those from methods which are designed to use less genetic material

    Open issues in genetic programming

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    It is approximately 50 years since the first computational experiments were conducted in what has become known today as the field of Genetic Programming (GP), twenty years since John Koza named and popularised the method, and ten years since the first issue appeared of the Genetic Programming & Evolvable Machines journal. In particular, during the past two decades there has been a significant range and volume of development in the theory and application of GP, and in recent years the field has become increasingly applied. There remain a number of significant open issues despite the successful application of GP to a number of challenging real-world problem domains and progress in the develop- ment of a theory explaining the behavior and dynamics of GP. These issues must be addressed for GP to realise its full potential and to become a trusted mainstream member of the computational problem solving toolkit. In this paper we outline some of the challenges and open issues that face researchers and practitioners of GP. We hope this overview will stimulate debate, focus the direction of future research to deepen our understanding of GP, and further the development of more powerful problem solving algorithms.Science Foundation IrelandEmbargo until April 2011 - AV April 2011 ke - AS 04/11/2010 ab - TS 18.11.1