10 research outputs found

    Performance and egg quality of laying hens fed with dietary levels of digestible lysine and threonine

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    The present study was developed using 864 Hy-Line W36 laying hens (42 to 58 weeks of age) with a randomized experimental design in a 4x3 factorial arrangement, with five replicates and 12 birds per experimental unit and 4 evaluation periods of 28 days each. The digestible lysine levels studied were 0.675%, 0.743%, 0.811% and 0.879%, and the digestible threonine levels were 0.542%, 0.596% and 0.650%. The performance and egg quality was evaluated. There were no significant effects on the egg production, specific gravity, albumen and yolk percentage and total solids in albumen and yolk for birds submitted to the different dietary digestible lysine and threonine levels. There was significant interaction between these amino acids on the egg shell percentage and Haugh unit in fresh eggs. There was a decreasing linear effect on the feed intake with increase of digestible lysine level. Egg weight, egg mass and feed conversion demonstrated a quadratic effect with the increase of the digestible lysine level with the best results in the diets with 0.754, 0.772 and 0.795% of digestible lysine, respectively

    Efeito de fontes e níveis de selênio sobre parâmetros fisiológicos em frangos de corte

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    Avaliaram-se a retenção aparente, a deposição hepática, tecidual e plasmática, bem como a eficiência da glutationa peroxidase hepática e plasmática em frangos de corte alimentados com diferentes níveis e fontes de selênio. Utilizaram-se 300 pintos machos com 14 dias, submetidos a um esquema fatorial 3x3 + 1 (três níveis de Se - 0,150; 0,300; 0,450ppm, e três fontes comerciais de Se - uma inorgânica e duas orgânicas + um tratamento controle sem suplementação), em DIC. Do primeiro ao 14º dia de idade - período de depleção -, as aves receberam rações basais sem suplementação de selênio. Aos 14 dias, receberam as dietas com selênio, por um período de 14 dias, sendo coletadas as excretas nos últimos quatro dias. A retenção de selênio foi relativamente alta. O uso da fonte orgânica A em níveis crescentes apresentou menor queda na retenção aparente de selênio. As fontes orgânicas participaram mais ativamente nas atividades de tecidos de forma geral, e a fonte inorgânica foi neutralizada no tecido hepático. A eficiência dessa enzima no plasma aumentou linearmente quando se elevaram os níveis dietéticos. Para a fonte inorgânica, não houve mudança nesta eficiência

    Energetic values of feedstuffs for broilers determined with in vivo assays and prediction equations

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    AbstractTwo experiments were conducted to test the suitability of a set of prediction equations to predict the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) of protein and energetic ingredient concentrates used by the poultry feed industry. Nine protein concentrates and nine energetic concentrates were evaluated in six replicates each via substitution for 300 and 400g/kg of the basal diet, respectively. These values were compared to the AMEn estimated via equations that utilized data on the chemistry composition of the feedstuffs. All the equations were efficient in estimating the AMEn values of the tested feedstuffs. We concluded that the prediction equations studied can be utilized to estimate the AMEn of protein and energetic concentrate ingredients used by the poultry feed industry. The equation AMEn=4101.33+5.628EE−23.297ASH−2.486aNDFom+1.042ADFom (R2=0.84; RSD=0.4137; P-value<0.0001; n=574) was most applicable in the prediction of energetic values of evaluated feedstuffs

    Meat quality of chicken of different crossings in alternative system

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    ABSTRACT The purpose was to evaluate the effects of gender and of different genotypes of chickens on the physicochemical parameters and centesimal composition, related to the quality of meat. The design was completely randomized arranged in 5x2 factorial scheme, five genotypes (Índio Gigante - IG; New Hampshire - NHS; Gigante Negra de Jersey - GNJ; poultry from the crossing between the IG and NHS breeds - IG x NHS; and between the IG and GNJ breeds - IG x GNJ) and two genders, with five repetitions and each one represented by three poultry, totaling 150 animals, slaughtered at 105 days. The parameters evaluated on the breast and thigh were: centesimal composition (moisture, ether extract - EE, protein and ash), ultimate pH, color (L*- luminosity, a*- redness, b* -yellowness, C* - chroma index and h* - hue angle), weight loss by cooking (WLC) and shear force (SF). The IG genotype had the highest average of ultimate pH of the breast (6.03). The NHS and IG x NHS genotypes showed, respectively, higher average of L * (58.93) and a* (1.92) of the breast. The IG, IG x NHS and IG x GNJ showed the highest values of b* of the breast (12.53, 13.37 and 12.69, respectively). The IG poultry showed high average of SF of the breast and thigh (4.79 and 5.01kgf, respectively). The IG x NHS and IG x GNJ genotypes showed the lowest ultimate pH values of the thigh (6.13 and 6.02, respectively). The IG x GNJ genotype showed a high average of b* of the thigh (14.94) and the NHS had a high average of WCL (24.65%). The females showed higher averages of EE on the breast and ash on the thigh (1.03 and 1.11%, respectively). The IG x NHS and IG x GNJ poultry showed higher averages of EE of the breast (1.21 and 1.38 %, respectively). The poultry of IG breed and those from the crossing with NHS and GNJ presented meat quality characteristics more desirable by the consumer in relation to physicochemical parameters and centesimal composition, while genders showed no influence on these aspects

    Altos níveis de fitase em rações para frangos de corte

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    Avaliaram-se o desempenho, o coeficiente de digestibilidade da matéria seca (CDMS), da proteína bruta (CDPB), a retenção aparente de cálcio (Ca) e fósforo (P) e a energia metabolizável aparente corrigida para balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn) de dietas suplementadas com altos teores de fitase (FTU) para frangos, até 35 dias de idade. Foram utilizados 1848 pintos, distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com sete tratamentos e oito repetições de 35 aves. Os tratamentos foram: T1: dieta-controle; T2: dieta com inclusão de 1.500FTU/kg; T3: 3.000FTU/kg; T4: 4.500FTU/kg; T5: 6.000FTU/kg; T6: 8.000FTU/kg e T7: 10.000FTU/kg de ração. No 10º e 28º dias de experimento, quatro e três aves, respectivamente, foram transferidas para gaiolas de metabolismo. A partir da inclusão de 4.500FTU/kg, o desempenho das aves de 1 a 35 dias foi semelhante ao das aves do grupo-controle (P>0,05). Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos nos CDPB e nos valores de EMAn, porém, na fase inicial, observou-se maior aproveitamento da MS com os altos níveis de fitase (P<0,05). Em relação à retenção de Ca e P, houve efeito positivo da suplementação enzimática, com aumento significativo do uso desses minerais pelas aves. Concluiu-se que é possível suplementar altos teores de fitase valorando adequadamente os nutrientes da dieta