16 research outputs found

    The diagnostic value of biomarkers of inflammation, angiogenesis and fibrogenesis to assess the severity of urodynamic obstruction in children with congenital megaureter

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    The aim of the study is to determine the diagnostic value of urine biomarkers of inflammation (interleukin-1p, tumor necrosis factor-a), angiogenesis (vascular endothelial growth factor) and fibrogenesis (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, matrix metalloproteinase-9) to assess the severity of urodynamic obstruction of the ureter. Materials and Methods — Complex investigation of 47 children with congenital nonrefluxing megaureter at the age from 1 month till 11 years is carried. Results. The correlation between the urine level of IL-1p and main laboratory criteria of inflammation occurred, so IL-1p as an integrative indicator of pyelonephritis activity was appeared. The relation between levels of VEGF and MCP-1 and indicators of renal hemodynamics allowed to consider increased levels of these factors as markers of irreversible nephrosclerosis. The urine level of MMP-9 was strongly correlated with parameters of peristalyic activity of the ureter. The group of children with lower peristalyic activity of the megaureter was significantly different from group with normal ureteral peristalsis by the high urine level of MMP-9. We do not have reliable data about the diagnostic value of determination of the urine level of TNF-a in children with congenital megaureter. Conclusion: The urine level of biological markers investigations are very important for clinical practice for determination of pyelonephritis activity (IL-1p), severity of ischemic deterioration of renal parenchyma (VEGF, MCP-1). Further studies are needed to clarify the pathogenic role of MMP-9 in the regulation of peristalyic activity of the ureter during embryonic and postnatal development in patients with congenital nonrefluxing megaureter


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    Purpose: to study roentgeno-anatomic peculiarities of ureters with various contractile activity in congenital non-refluxing megaureter in children.Materials and methods: 47 children with congenital non-refluxing megaureter aged 3 months to 11 years underwent a complex urologic examination and X-ray ureteropyelometry with diuretic stimulation.According to the study results, the patients were divided into 2 groups: those having a low contractile activity of the ureter (12 patients, the average frequency of ureter contractions of 0–3.6 per minute) and those with a normal contractile activity of the ureter (35 patients, average frequency of ureter contractions of 4–7.6 per minute).The authors suggested such an integrated value as the ‘ureteral index’. It displayed roentgen and anatomic peculiarities of ureters with various contractile functions. The differences between the groups by the ureteral index are significant (p=0.000001).Results and conclusions: the ureteral index over 0.19 with 87.5% sensitivity and 92% effectiveness characterize ureters with a low contractile functionЦель: изучить рентгенанатомические особенности мочеточников с различной сократительной активностью при врожденном нерефлюксирующем мегауретере у детей.Материалы и методы: 47 детям с врожденным нерефлюксирующим мегауретером в возрасте от 3 месяцев до 11 лет выполнено комплексное урологическое обследование и ультразвуковая уретеропиелометрия с диуретической стимуляцией.По результатам обследования пациенты были разделены на 2 группы: с низкой сократительной активностью мочеточника (12 пациентов, средняя частота сокращения мочеточника 0–3,6 в минуту) и нормальной сократительной активностью мочеточника (35 пациентов, средняя частота сокращения мочеточника 4–7,6 в минуту).Авторами предложен интегративный показатель «мочеточниковый индекс», характеризующий рентгенанатомические особенности мочеточников с различной сократительной функцией. Различия между группами по мочеточниковому индексу достоверны (p=0,000001).Результаты и выводы: Значения мочеточникового индекса более 0,19 с 87,5%-ной чувствительностью и 92%-ной эффективностью характеризуют мочеточники с низкой сократительной функцией.

    In vitro assays for cobblestone area-forming cells, LTC-IC, and CFU-C

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    Various assays exist that measure the function of hematopoietic stemcells (HSCs). In this chapter, in vitro assays are described that measure the frequency of progenitors (colony-forming unit in culture; CFU-C), stem cells (long-term culture-initiating cell; LTC-IC), or both (cobblestone area-forming cell assay; CAFC). These assays measure the potential of a test cell population retrospectively, i.e., at the time its activity is evident when the stem cell itself is often not detectable anymore. Although the in vitro LTC-IC and CAFC assays have been shown to correlate with in vivo activity, in vivo transplantation assays, where it can be shown that cells possess the ability to indefinitely repopulate all blood lineages, are the ultimate proof for HSC activity. Nevertheless, these in vitro assays provide an excellent method to screen for stem cell activity of a putative stem cell population or for screening the effect of a certain treatment on HSCs.</p