11 research outputs found

    Genetic analysis of three South African horse breeds

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    Genetic variability at 7 blood-group and 10 biochemical genetic loci was examined in 3 South African horse breeds, the Nooitgedacht, Boerperd and Basuto Pony. Observed heterozygosity for these breeds was intermediate for domestic horses, with the highest heterozygosity in the Boerperd and the lowest in the Basuto Pony. The 3 breeds show greater genetic similarity to each other than to other domestic horse breeds. Compared to other breeds, the South African breeds show greater genetic similarity to breeds such as the Thoroughbred, Holstein, Trakehner and Hanovarian and also to North American breeds such as the Saddlebred, Standardbred and Morgan Horse

    Genetic variation in the feral horses of the Namib Desert, Namibia

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    Genetic variation at 7 blood-group and 10 biochemical genetic loci was examined in 30 horses from a feral herd from the Namib Desert of Namibia, Africa. The observed genetic variability was extremely low compared with that found in domestic horse breeds. The low variation was most probably a result of recent small population size and a small founding population size. Genetic comparison of the Namib horses, which were of unknown origins, to domestic horse breeds, showed that the Namib horses had the highest genetic similarity to Arabian type horses, although they did not closely resemble this type of horse in conformation

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    Not AvailableWe constructed a 400K WG tiling oligoarray for the horse and applied it for the discovery of copy number variations (CNVs) in 38 normal horses of 16 diverse breeds, and the Przewalski horse. Probes on the array represented 18,763 autosomal and X-linked genes, and intergenic, sub-telomeric and chrY sequences. We identified 258 CNV regions (CNVRs) across all autosomes, chrX and chrUn, but not in chrY. CNVs comprised 1.3% of the horse genome with chr12 being most enriched. American Miniature horses had the highest and American Quarter Horses the lowest number of CNVs in relation to Thoroughbred reference. The Przewalski horse was similar to native ponies and draft breeds. The majority of CNVRs involved genes, while 20% were located in intergenic regions. Similar to previous studies in horses and other mammals, molecular functions of CNV-associated genes were predominantly in sensory perception, immunity and reproduction. The findings were integrated with previous studies to generate a composite genome-wide dataset of 1476 CNVRs. Of these, 301 CNVRs were shared between studies, while 1174 were novel and require further validation. Integrated data revealed that to date, 41 out of over 400 breeds of the domestic horse have been analyzed for CNVs, of which 11 new breeds were added in this study. Finally, the composite CNV dataset was applied in a pilot study for the discovery of CNVs in 6 horses with XY disorders of sexual development. A homozygous deletion involving AKR1C gene cluster in chr29 in two affected horses was considered possibly causative because of the known role of AKR1C genes in testicular androgen synthesis and sexual development. While the findings improve and integrate the knowledge of CNVs in horses, they also show that for effective discovery of variants of biomedical importance, more breeds and individuals need to be analyzed using comparable methodological approaches.Not Availabl

    Genetic variability of Pantaneiro horse using RAPD-PCR markers Variabilidade genética do cavalo Pantaneiro utilizando marcadores RAPD-PCR

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    Blood samples were collected from Pantaneiro Horses in five regions of Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso States. Arabian, Mangalarga Marchador and Thoroughbred were also included to estimate genetic distances and the existing variability among and within these breeds by RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction) molecular markers. From 146 primers, 13 were chosen for amplification and 44 polymorphic bands were generated. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated that the greatest portion of detected variability was due to differences between individuals within populations (75.47%). Analysis of the genetic variability between pairs of populations presented higher estimates for the five Pantaneiro populations with the Arabian breed, while lowest estimates were presented by pairs formed among the Pantaneiro populations with the Mangalarga Marchador. Highest genic diversity was shown by the Pantaneiro (0.3396), which also showed highest genetic distance with the Arabian and lowest with Mangalarga Marchador breed. UPGMA dendrogram showed distinct differences between naturalized (Pantaneiro and Mangalarga Marchador) and exotic (Arabian and Thoroughbred) breeds. In the dendrogram generated by UPGMA method, the similarity matrix generated by the Jaccard coefficient showed distinction between the naturalised breeds, Pantaneiro and Mangalarga Marchador, and the exotic breeds, Árab and English Thoroughbred. Results suggest that the Pantaneiro presents a higher genetic variability than the other studied breeds and has a close relationship with the Mangalarga Marchador.<br>Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de cavalos Pantaneiros de cinco regiões dos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e Mato Grosso. As raças Mangalarga Marchador, Árabe e Puro-Sangue Inglês (PSI) usando marcadores moleculares RAPD-PCR (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA - Polymerase Chain Reaction) foram incluídas no intuito de se calcular as distâncias genéticas e comparar a variabilidade genética entre e dentro de cada uma das raças. Dos 146 primers escrutinados, 13 foram escolhidos para amplificação com cada um dos indivíduos das oito populações, gerando um total de 44 bandas polimórficas. Os resultados encontrados na Análise de Variância Molecular (AMOVA) indicam que grande parte da variabilidade genética detectada se deve a diferenças entre indivíduos dentro de populações (75,47%). Na análise da estimativa dos percentuais de variabilidade genética entre pares de populações, foram observados maiores valores para os pares formados entre as cinco populações de cavalo Pantaneiro e a raça Árabe, enquanto os menores percentuais ocorreram entre Pantaneiro e Mangalarga Marchador. Maior índice de diversidade gênica foi observado na raça Pantaneiro (0,3396). No dendrograma gerado pelo método UPGMA, a partir da matriz de similaridade obtida pelo coeficiente de Jaccard, houve distinção entre as raças naturalizadas (Pantaneiro e Mangalarga Marchador) e as exóticas (Árabe e PSI). Os resultados encontrados sugerem que o Pantaneiro apresenta maior variabilidade genética que os de outras raças e está estreitamente relacionado ao Mangalarga Marchador