3 research outputs found

    Growth and Agonistic Responses of Yaffa Breed Cockerels Administered Testosterone Propionate

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    The effect of birds’ duration of administration (duration of exposure) to exogenous Testosterone propionate on total weight gain (TWG) and agonistic behaviours (ABs) were evaluated in the Teaching and Research farm of the University of Ibadan, in Southwestern Nigeria. Testosterone propionate (TP) was administered once weekly, to Yaffa breed cockerels in T1,T2,T3,T4,T5 (for 8,12,16,18 and 20 weeks respectively).Birds in T6,received no testosterone propionate.ABs were evaluated twice daily, on a scale of 1-4,where 1 stood for ‘least agonistic’ and 4 stood for ‘very agonistic’. Agonistic acts like Head and feather pecks,kicks,chases and pushes were visually evaluated  TP-administered birds had significantly (p<0.05) higher ABs and TWGs than the birds in the Control. Higher ABs however did not affect TWG and other growth parameters negatively Keywords: Cockerels, Testosterone propionate, Growth, Agonistic behaviour

    Effects of folic acid supplementation on the performance of broiler chicken

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    Sixty (60) day- old broiler chicks were used to investigate the effects of graded levels of folic acid supplementation on the performance of broiler chickens. The study was carried out using complete randomized design. Commercial starter and finisher diets were used for the experiment which lasted for eight weeks. The folic acid supplement was administered in drinking water within the first seven (7) days of life of the broiler chickens at the following levels: O, 15, 30 and 45mg per litre of drinking water, corresponding to treatments T1 (control), T2, T3 and T4 respectively. Feed and water were provided ad libitum.The lowest (15mg) and highest (45mg) levels of folic acid supplementation did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from the control in most of the parameters measured (final body weight, average growth rate, and feed conversion ratio). The T3 group (30mg of folic acid supplement|) was significantly (p<0.05) higher than other levels including the control in the above mentioned parameters. This level (30mg of folic acid supplementation pre Littre of drinking water provided a safety margin of 1.45mg of supplemental folic acid per bird per day.Keywords: Folic acid, supplementation, tolerable intake level, performanc