4 research outputs found
Relevance. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of allergic diseases among the population. In patients with allergic conditions in the presence of indications, allergists are increasingly prescribing allergen-specific immunotherapy. This necessitates the search for new accurate tools and markers for forecasting and evaluating its effectiveness. At present, methods of monitoring the effectiveness of allergen-specific immunotherapy are largely based on the assessment of the clinical condition of patients through questionnaires and provocative trials. Promising in this direction is the study of the role of IgG4 in the development of tolerance to allergens, and the mechanisms by which this protective function is realized. Particularly important are pathological reactions to food, which can be mediated not only by IgE, but also by IgG-associated circulating immune complexes. Therefore, it is important to study the role of IgG in the development of food intolerance and the possibility of using an elimination diet based on the identification of specific IgG to food in such patients.
Objective: to summarize the literature and the results of own studies of IgG antibodies in the diagnosis of allergic conditions and control of allergen-specific immunotherapy.
Methods. Search in international scientometric databases PubMed, Scopus, etc. by keywords. Search depth - 10 years (2011-2021). IgG determination was performed by FOX test (Food Xplorer Macro Array Diagnostics GmbH, Austria), enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results. A review of the literature revealed studies that found an association between increases in IgG4 levels and a decrease in allergy in patients receiving allergen-specific therapy. Also, a significant number of studies attribute the important role of IgG in the development of food intolerance, in which a high-efficiency elimination diet based on excluded products to which specific IgG is detected.
Conclusions. IgG is an antibody with unique biological properties, which plays an important role in the mechanisms of occurrence and course of a number of diseases, including those related to allergies. As a result, IgGs have great diagnostic potential. The existing problem of lack of objective diagnostic methods that would assess the effectiveness of allergen-specific immunotherapy in the early stages and predict the patient's condition in the future, could be solved by introducing the determination of IgG4 levels in general clinical practice. It is also important to determine food-specific IgG in patients with food intolerance, the content of which we determined using the FOX test. Various studies have established the effectiveness of a diet based on the elimination from the diet of foods to which specific IgG has been detected. Compared to the uncontrolled intake of symptomatic drugs and various unjustified dietary restrictions, this diet has significant therapeutic and economic benefits
Використання молочних сумішей на основі козячого молока у вигодовуванні дітей першого року життя
Purpose — to summarize the literature data on the use of infant formula that are the substitutes for breast milk for infant nutrition. The comparison of breast milk properties and infant formula based on cow and goat milk for infant nutrition was performed. The milk formula based on goat milk is most closely approximated to breast milk according to its quantitative and qualitative composition and conforms the physiological needs of a child. Kabrita® GOLD goat milk formula is an nutrient-enriched alternative to traditional ones based on cow milk for artificial infant feeding.Цель работы — обобщить данные литературы по использованию молочных смесей — заменителей женского молока для вскармливания детей первого года жизни. Приведена сравнительная характеристика свойств грудного молока и молочных смесей на основе коровьего и козьего молока для вскармливания детей грудного возраста. Молочные смеси на основе козьего молока максимально приближены к грудному молоку по своему количественному и качественному составу и отвечают физиологическим потребностям детского организма. Детские адаптированные смеси на основе козьего молока Kabrita® GOLD являются полноценной альтернативой традиционным смесям на основе коровьего молока для искусственного вскармливания детей раннего возраста.Мета роботи — узагальнити дані літератури з використання молочних сумішей — замінників жіночого молока для вигодовування дітей першого року життя. Наведена порівняльна характеристика властивостей грудного молока та молочних сумішей на основі коров'ячого та козячого молока для вигодовування дітей грудного віку. Молочні суміші на основі козячого молока максимально наближені до грудного молока за своїм кількісним та якісним складом та відповідають фізіологічним потребам дитячого організму. Дитячі адаптовані суміші на основі козячого молока Kabrita® GOLD є повноцінною альтернативою традиційним сумішам на основі коров'ячого молока для штучного вигодовування дітей раннього віку