16 research outputs found

    Product lifecycle management concept in modern industry

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    The article is devoted to the automation of the production process at different stages of the product lifecycle. The economic prerequisites for the use of information technologies in production are identified. Stages of development of information technologies for various industries are defined. The possibility of automation of each stage of the life cycle from the preparation of technical specifications to the disposal of the product as integrated into a single information system. Difficulties of transition to the unified information system are designated. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Product lifecycle vanagement concept in modern industry

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    The article is devoted to the automation of the production process at different stages of the product lifecycle. The economic prerequisites for the use of information technologies in production are identified. Stages of development of information technologies for various industries are defined. The possibility of automation of each stage of the life cycle from the preparation of technical specifications to the disposal of the product as integrated into a single information system. Difficulties of transition to the unified information system are designate