32 research outputs found

    A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam

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    We present the first lasing results of SwissFEL, a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) that recently came into operation at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. SwissFEL is a very stable, compact and cost-effective X-ray FEL facility driven by a low-energy and ultra-low-emittance electron beam travelling through short-period undulators. It delivers stable hard X-ray FEL radiation at 1-脜 wavelength with pulse energies of more than 500 渭J, pulse durations of ~30 fs (root mean square) and spectral bandwidth below the per-mil level. Using special configurations, we have produced pulses shorter than 1 fs and, in a different set-up, broadband radiation with an unprecedented bandwidth of ~2%. The extremely small emittance demonstrated at SwissFEL paves the way for even more compact and affordable hard X-ray FELs, potentially boosting the number of facilities worldwide and thereby expanding the population of the scientific community that has access to X-ray FEL radiation

    Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector

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    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported

    Modeling of water age as an element supporting the management of the water supply system

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    P艂ukanie oraz czyszczenie sieci wodoci膮gowej s膮 podstawowymi zadaniami zwi膮zanymi z eksploatacj膮 sieci wodoci膮gowej. Mog膮 by膰 one wykonywane w sytuacjach wymagaj膮cych tego typu zabieg贸w, np. po zako艅czonych pracach remontowych lub awariach, lub w efekcie plan贸w d艂ugoterminowych, kt贸rych celem jest poprawa stanu pracy sieci wodoci膮gowej. Decyzja o p艂ukaniu przewod贸w powinna by膰 podj臋ta na podstawie analizy pracy Systemu Zaopatrzania w Wod臋 (SZW). Jednym z narz臋dzi wspomagaj膮cym zarz膮dzanie sieci膮 wodoci膮gow膮 jest model matematyczny, dzi臋ki kt贸remu mo偶na zamodelowa膰 przep艂ywy oraz wiek wody. Analiza wieku wody umo偶liwia zlokalizowanie miejsc, w kt贸rych woda ulega stagnacji. Wiek wody jest wa偶nym parametrem okre艣laj膮cym przydatno艣膰 wody do spo偶ycia, im jest d艂u偶szy, tym wi臋ksze jest prawdopodobie艅stwo, 偶e w wodzie rozwin膮 si臋 bakterie zagra偶aj膮ce zdrowiu. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy wieku wody, opartej na matematycznym modelowaniu r贸偶nych scenariuszy symulacyjnych, odwzorowuj膮cych zmienne warunki eksploatacji systemu zaopatrzenia w wod臋. Model przedmiotowej sieci wykonano i skalibrowano w programie Epanet.Flushing pipes and cleaning of the water supply network are the basic tasks related to the network operation. They can be made in situations requiring such type of treatments, e.g. the completed repair work or failures, or as long-term plans undertaken for betterment work condition of water distribution network. The decision of pipes flushing should be based on an analysis of the work of the Water Supply System (WSS). Commonly used tools supporting the water supply management is a mathematical model, which can model flows and age of water. Water age analysis allows to locate places where water is stagnant. Water age is an important parameter in determining the suitability of water for consumption, with the long water age, there is higher probability that will caused appear of health-threatening bacteria. This paper presents the results of computer simulation and water age analysis, on the basis of which it was proposed plans for flushing the network. The network model for chosen region of Silesia was made and calibrated in the Epanet program

    Discriminant analysis in the modelling of trihalomethanes concentration in waterpipe network

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    W celu ograniczenia ryzyka powstawania wysokich st臋偶e艅 trihalometan贸w (THM) w wodzie przeznaczonej do spo偶ycia przez ludzi bardzo wa偶ne jest bie偶膮ce dostosowywanie warunk贸w operacyjnych eksploatacji uk艂ad贸w technologicznych uzdatniania wody do zmieniaj膮cej si臋 jako艣ci wody w 藕r贸dle zasilania. W艂a艣ciwo艣ci rakotw贸rcze i mutagenne THM-贸w w istotny spos贸b wp艂ywaj膮 na cz臋sto艣膰 monitoringu ich st臋偶e艅 w systemach zaopatrzenia w wod臋, kszta艂tuj膮cego znacz膮co koszty sprzeda偶y wody. W zwi膮zku z tym zakres kontroli jako艣ci wody w systemie dystrybucji jest ograniczany do niezb臋dnego minimum. W takich uwarunkowaniach ro艣nie znaczenie wykorzystania dobrych modeli matematycznych do symulacji st臋偶e艅 THM-贸w w zmiennych warunkach eksploatacji system贸w wodoci膮gowych. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy wp艂ywu r贸偶nych czynnik贸w na wielko艣膰 st臋偶enia generowanych THM-贸w, takich jak: odczyn wody pH, absorbancja UV w 272 nm, utlenialno艣膰, OWO, dawka chloru, st臋偶enie chloru pozosta艂ego. Wszystkie dane zgromadzono podczas bada艅 prowadzonych w rzeczywistym systemie zaopatrzenia w wod臋. Celem analiz by艂o zastosowanie narz臋dzi statystycznych do okre艣lenia, kt贸re z wymienionych czynnik贸w (zmienne niezale偶ne) maj膮 najwi臋kszy wp艂yw na zmienn膮 zale偶n膮, czyli wielko艣膰 powstaj膮cych THM-贸w w sieci wodoci膮gowej.It is very important to adapt water treatment arrangements to changing conditions of raw water quality in the order to reduce the risk of too high concentration of generated trihalomethanes (THMs). Since THMs are danger for human health because of their mutagenic and carcinogenic character, their monitoring in whole water supply system should be frequent. The precise monitoring of THM is expensive so it is limited to indispensable minimal range because of its close relation to price of water delivered to consumers. Hence increases the role of good mathematical models predicting the concentration of THMs in changing operating condition of real water supply system. In this paper authors analyzed different factors influencing the THMs concentration, such as pH, temperature, UV absorbance 272, chemical oxygen demand, total organic carbon, chlorine dose, residual chlorine. All data were collected in real water supply system. The statistical tools were used to identify which of listed factors (independent variables) are of the most impact on dependent variable (level of THMs generated in water pipe network)

    The modeling of trihalomethanes concentration in waterpipe network based on different equations of regression

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    Trihalometany (THM), jako uboczne produkty dezynfekcji wody chlorem, s膮 zwi膮zkami powstaj膮cymi w procesie dostarczania wody do konsumenta. Zar贸wno z艂o偶ono艣膰 kinetyki reakcji, jak i du偶a liczba czynnik贸w wp艂ywaj膮cych na jej przebieg powoduj膮 trudno艣ci w szacowaniu poziomu st臋偶enia trihalometan贸w w punktach kontroli jako艣ci wody w systemie zaopatrzenia w wod臋. W zwi膮zku z rewizj膮 w 2015 roku unijnej dyrektywy dotycz膮cej jako艣ci wody przeznaczonej do spo偶ycia zakres i cz臋stotliwo艣膰 monitoringu powinny uwzgl臋dnia膰 ryzyko zdrowotne konsumenta w ca艂ym 艂a艅cuchu dostaw wody (uj臋cie wody, uzdatnianie, magazynowanie, dystrybucja). Zatem ro艣nie znaczenie modeli szacowania st臋偶enia trihalometan贸w w sieci wodoci膮gowej, kt贸re uwzgl臋dniaj膮 parametry jako艣ci wody oraz czynniki eksploatacyjne. Taki model mo偶e by膰 istotnym narz臋dziem decyzyjnym w procesie eksploatacji system贸w wodoci膮gowych, poniewa偶 pozwoli na zarz膮dzanie ryzykiem zdrowotnym przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu kosztownych analiz laboratoryjnych. W pracy przedstawiono r贸偶ne modele predykcji st臋偶enia trihalometan贸w w sieci wodoci膮gowej. Analizowano modele uzyskane za pomoc膮 regresji wielorakiej dla r贸偶nych zbior贸w danych oraz transformacji THM-贸w i zmiennych niezale偶nych. Por贸wnano wp艂yw r贸偶nych transformacji zmiennych na dok艂adno艣膰 predykcji oraz ocen臋 statystyczn膮 modelu. Badania zosta艂y oparte na danych rzeczywistych, zebranych podczas siedmiu lat eksploatacji jednego z du偶ych polskich system贸w zaopatrzenia w wod臋.Trihalomethanes, disinfection by-products resulting from the reaction between chlorine and organic matter contained in water, appear during delivery of water to consumers. Both the complexity of the reaction kinetics and a large number of factors determining the reaction cause difficulties in the estimation of concentration of THMs in monitoring points in the water supply system. In 2015 it was carried out a revision of the EU directive on the quality of water intended for human consumption. According to the current legal regulation, the scope and frequency of monitoring should take into account the risk of consumer health throughout the whole water supply chain from the catchment area through abstraction, treatment and storage to distribution. Thus there increases the role of prediction models of trihalomethanes concentration. Such models should contain water quality parameters as well as exploitation factors and they may be important decision tool in the process of water system operation. They allow to manage the human health risk, simultaneously they limit the number of expensive laboratory analyses. In this paper we present different prediction models for the concentration of trihalomethanes in waterpipe network. The multiple regression was applied to various data sets and transformations of THMs and independent variables. We establish how different transformations of variables influence on prediction accuracy and statistical properties of the model. Presented research was based on real data collected during seven years of exploitation of one of big Polish water supply systems

    [MRO] Capillary Breakup of Discontinuously Rate Thickening Suspensions

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    Using discontinuously rate thickening suspensions (DRTS) as a model system, we show that beads-on-a-string morphologies can arise as a result of external viscous drag acting during capillary-driven breakup of a non-Newtonian fluid. To minimize the perturbative effect of gravity, we developed a new experimental test platform in which the filament is supported in a horizontal position at the surface of an immiscible oil bath. We show that the evolution of thin DRTS filaments during the capillary thinning process is well described by a set of one-dimensional slender filament equations. The strongly rate-dependent rheology of the test fluid and the aspect ratio of the filament couple to control the thinning dynamics and lead to a simple criterion describing the localized arrest of the capillary thinning process and the subsequent formation of complex, high aspect ratio beads-on-a-string structures.United States. Army Research Office (Grant W911NF1210290