20 research outputs found

    In situ TEM observations of plastic deformation in quartz crystals

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    With in situ nanocompression experiments in a transmission electron microscope, we investigated plastic deformation in natural quartz crystals and observed both dislocation plasticity as well as mechanical twinning. Through this experimental method, we are able to provide direct evidence of Dauphiné twin nucleation and could measure the intrinsic twinning stress. The twinning phenomena appear to include a memory effect, where the same twin can reappear upon successive loading and unloading events. The data provide insight into this twin generation mechanism and can be used as a benchmark for the use of twins in quartz for paleopiezometry. Together, the observation of room-temperature dislocation plasticity and reversible twinning adds new insight into the extensive field of quartz plasticity and demonstrates the usefulness of small-scale testing techniques for mineral physics

    Compressional residual stress in Bastogne boudins revealed by synchrotron X‐ray microdiffraction

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    Lattice distortions in crystals can be mapped at the micron scale using synchrotron X-ray Laue microdiffraction (μXRD). From lattice distortions the shape and orientation of the elastic strain tensor can be derived and interpreted in terms of residual stress. Here we apply the new method to vein quartz from the original boudinage locality at Bastogne, Belgium. A long-standing debate surrounds the kinematics of the Bastogne boudins. The μXRD measurements reveal a shortening residual elastic strain, perpendicular to the vein wall, corroborating the model that the Bastogne boudins formed by layer-parallel shortening and not by layer-parallel extension, as is in the geological community generally inferred by the process of boudinage

    Orientation relations during the α-ω phase transition of zirconium: in situ texture observations at high pressure and temperature.

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    Transition metals Ti, Zr, and Hf have a hexagonal close-packed structure (α) at ambient conditions, but undergo phase transformations with increasing temperature and pressure. Of particular significance is the high-pressure hexagonal ω phase which is brittle compared to the α phase. There has been a long debate about transformation mechanisms and orientation relations between the two crystal structures. Here we present the first high pressure experiments with in situ synchrotron x-ray diffraction texture studies on polycrystalline aggregates. We follow crystal orientation changes in Zr, confirming the original suggestion by Silcock for an α→ω martensitic transition for Ti, with (0001)(α)||(1120)(ω), and a remarkable orientation memory when ω reverts back to α

    Preferred orientation in experimentally deformed stishovite: implications for deformation mechanisms

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    Although the crystal structure of the high-pressure SiO2 polymorph stishovite has been studied in detail, little is known about the development of crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) during deformation in stishovite. Insight into CPO and associated deformation mechanics of stishovite would provide important information for understanding subduction of quartz-bearing crustal rocks into the mantle. To study CPO development, we converted a natural sample of flint to stishovite in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell and compressed the stishovite aggregate up to 38 GPa. We collected diffraction patterns in radial geometry to examine in situ development of crystallographic preferred orientation and find that (001) poles preferentially align with the compression direction. Viscoplastic self-consistent modeling suggests the most likely slip systems at high pressure and ambient temperature are pyramidal and basal slip