28 research outputs found

    Association of the EPAS1 gene G/A polymorphism with successful performance in a group of Russian wrestlers

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    A large number of studies showed that the gene EPAS1 may serve as a possible predictor of success in sports because of its influence on the processes of oxygen transportation and consumption. However, data concerning the impact of EPAS1 polymorphisms on sports achievements in the modern research literature are very scarce and contradictory. The aim of the present paper was to study genetic selection in the polymorphic system of the EPAS1 gene (rs1867785) in a group of male sambo practitioners. 312 Russian males from 18 to 30 years of age were studied. Of them, 220 were professional athletes and 92 were non-athletes, who served as the control group. The genotype of a single nucleotide G/A polymorphic system of the EPAS1 gene was determined for each participant of the study. Analysis of genotype frequencies revealed statistically significant differences between the two groups. An increase of АА and AG genotype frequencies was revealed in the group of athletes (χ2 = 8.68, p = 0.01). Thus, for sambo practitioners, who reached high levels, the presence of the minor А-allele in the genotypes was typical. The odd ratio (OR) calculated for this group was 1.800 (95 % CI 1.227–2.641), demonstrating that the carriers of the А-allele of the EPAS1 gene had some advantages over the carriers of the G-allele. OR for the highest-rank wrestlers was even higher, 1.990 (95 % CI 1.195–3.313). These results suggest directed genetic selection in the А-allele carriers of the EPAS1 gene among sambo practitioners

    Secular Trend of Body Dimensions in Highly Qualified Wrestlers

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    The purpose of the paper was to study the physique of highly qualified martial art athletes engaged in different types of wrestling, and to perform a retrospective analysis of the morphological characteristics of wrestlers examined since the early 1920s. The materials of the anthropometric survey of 48 athletes engaged in different types of wrestling with qualification from the candidate for master of sports and above were used for this purpose and compared to the "control group" of young men (N = 97) who were not engaged in sports (similar to the group of athletes by age, ethnicity and percentage of individuals with different weight categories). A set of morphological traits was established that contributed to the successful achievements in sports. When comparing the physique of modern athletes with that of the wrestlers surveyed in the early and mid-20th century (the 1920s and 1960s), it has been shown that the secular trend towards increase in height typical for modern population, was expressed in athletes to a much lesser extent. Striking similarities were revealed for absolute and relative dimensions characterizing the skeletal body proportions of the wrestlers, which pointed to the secular stability of this sports morphotype. The obtained results can be used as additional morphological criteria for sports selection, professional orientation and prediction of competitive success

    Malnutrition in remission of childhood cancers as assessed by bioelectric impedance analysis

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    The results of our cross-sectional bioimpedance study of children aged 7–17 years cured of cancer during follow-up (patients’ group, n = 552, remission time range 0–15 years) and of age-matched healthy controls (n = 1,500) show significant intergroup differences in body height and body composition parameters. The most pronounced alterations in the patients’ group were observed in standardized values of phase angle reflecting a sharp decrease in the percentage of metabolically active body cell mass in fat-free mass. Malnutrition, judged from the prevalence of obesity and low phase angle, was observed in 52.7 % of our patients reaching a maximum of 76.8 % in a subgroup of children with CNS tumors. In view of known association that exists between malnutrition and reduced tolerance to chemotherapy, increased susceptibility to infections and adverse outcomes rate, we recommend using bioimpedance analysis in remission of childhood cancers in order to monitoring and timely correction of nutritional state as well as for prevention of delayed cardiovascular risks.</p

    Platelet Membrane: An Outstanding Factor in Cancer Metastasis

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    In addition to being biological barriers where the internalization or release of biomolecules is decided, cell membranes are contact structures between the interior and exterior of the cell. Here, the processes of cell signaling mediated by receptors, ions, hormones, cytokines, enzymes, growth factors, extracellular matrix (ECM), and vesicles begin. They triggering several responses from the cell membrane that include rearranging its components according to the immediate needs of the cell, for example, in the membrane of platelets, the formation of filopodia and lamellipodia as a tissue repair response. In cancer, the cancer cells must adapt to the new tumor microenvironment (TME) and acquire capacities in the cell membrane to transform their shape, such as in the case of epithelial&minus;mesenchymal transition (EMT) in the metastatic process. The cancer cells must also attract allies in this challenging process, such as platelets, fibroblasts associated with cancer (CAF), stromal cells, adipocytes, and the extracellular matrix itself, which limits tumor growth. The platelets are enucleated cells with fairly interesting growth factors, proangiogenic factors, cytokines, mRNA, and proteins, which support the development of a tumor microenvironment and support the metastatic process. This review will discuss the different actions that platelet membranes and cancer cell membranes carry out during their relationship in the tumor microenvironment and metastasis

    The significance of micro- and macrovascular biomarkers on cardiovascular outcome in chronic kidney disease: a prospective cohort study

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    Measures of small and large artery dysfunction have not been investigated in a single cohort for the prediction of cardiovascular (CV) events in patients with nondialysed (ND) chronic kidney disease (CKD). This prospective cohort study aimed to determine whether central pulse wave velocity (cPWV), central pulse pressure (CPP) or microvascular post-occlusive reactive hyperaemia area (PORHHA) independently predict CV events and mortality in CKD-ND. A total of 94 stage 1-5 CKD-ND (65.3[plusmn]13.1 years; estimated glomerular filtration rate 35.3 (22.8-49.4) ml[thinsp]min-1 per 1.73[thinsp]m2) patients were followed-up for a median of 52 (36-65) months and had baseline cPWV and CPP measured by applanation tonometry and PORHHA by laser Doppler flowmetry. Multiple failure time Cox regression models were used to determine the predictive role of vascular parameters on CV mortality and events. Based on multiple linear regressions, baseline age, diabetes, CV disease, and systolic blood pressure (SBP) were independently related to cPWV (R2=0.3), SBP and PORHHA to CPP (R2=0.45), whereas CPP was the only parameter independently related to PORHHA (R2=0.16, all P<0.05). During follow-up, 41 CV events occurred (14 CV deaths). In univariate analyses, cPWV (1.07 (1.02-1.13) per m[thinsp]s-1), CPP (1.04 (1.01-1.07) per mm[thinsp]Hg) and lnPORHHA (0.70 (0.58-0.85) per ln(PU [times] s)) were all related to the outcome. Baseline diabetes (HR 3.07 (1.65-5.68)), lnFGF23 (fibroblast growth factor-23; 1.86 (1.13-3.06) per RU[thinsp]ml-1) and CPP (1.04 (1.01-1.07) per mm[thinsp]Hg) were independent predictors of CV events. The impaired pulsatile component of large arteries (CPP) independently of other vascular markers (cPWV, PORHHA) predicted CV outcomes in CKD-ND. CPP may integrate the information provided by cPWV and PORHHA