29 research outputs found

    The effectiveness of biofilm formation of daily cultures of clinically significant strains of opportunistic bacteria

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    Background. The formation of biofilm structures by microorganisms living in the hospital environment is a serious medical problem. To conduct correct experimental studies, it is necessary to know the speed and efficiency of biofilm formation by clinically significant species of opportunistic bacteria.   Aim: to study the kinetics of plankton culture growth and the rate of biofilm formation by clinically significant pathogens of infections associated with medical care to substantiate the methodology of further research.   Materials and methods. The strains from the working collection of the Laboratory for Microbiome and Microecology of the Scientific Сentre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems were used. Experiments were carried out with conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. The optical density was measured, the total microbial number of the cell suspension was determined, and the morphological structure of the biofilm was evaluated using a light microscope on sterile cover glasses for thespecies Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens.   Results. The duration of the lag phase of the kinetic curve of cell growth varied in isolates of S. marcescens, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae from 1 to 4 and 6 hours of cultivation, respectively. Despite this, the exponential growth phase was the same for all tested isolates and amounted to 4 hours. Thus, isolates of clinically significant species entered the stationary growth phase after 5–10 hours of cultivation and were characterized as fast-growing. On abiotic surfaces, after 8 hours of incubation of the tested cultures, the initial stages of the formation of biofilm structures were observed, after 20 hours the formed multilayer biofilm was visualized, after 24 hours succession occurred, new single cells were attached to the place of the detached structures.   Conclusion. The data obtained on the duration of the main stages of growth kinetics compared with the visualization of the formation of biofilm structures on abiotic surfaces should be taken into account when studying the effects of disinfectants, antiseptics and antibacterial drugs on planktonic cells and biofilm associations of clinically significant opportunistic microorganisms

    The relationship of serum 25-hydroxycalciferol levels with the severity of the new Covid-19 coronavirus infection in pregnant women

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    Purpose of research was to conduct clinical laboratory comparisons, including the level of the active metabolite of vitamin D 25-hydroxycalciferol in the blood serum of pregnant women with COVID-19 NCI of varying degrees of severity.Цель исследования – провести клинико-лабораторные сопоставления, включая уровень активного метаболита витамина D 25-гидроксикальциферола в сыворотке крови, у беременных женщин с НКИ COVID-19 различной степени тяжести

    Generalized hemangiomatosis as a cause of unintentionable maternal death

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    The article presents the observation of a generalized hemangiomatosis in the puerpera of 28 years. The patient entered the maternity hospital at the gestational age of 39-40 weeks with the clinic of antenatal fetal death, premature detachment of the normally located placenta. In an emergency, she was laparotomy, a Caesarean section. During the subsequent period of the patient's stay in the hospital four operations were performed. In the course of the operations, the uterus and tubes were extirpated for 12 days, splenectomy for 32 hospital stings. Each surgical intervention was accompanied by a significant blood loss (1800 ml, 1500 ml). Despite the resuscitation measures carried out in full, the death of the child was due to the progression of the DIC syndrome. As a result of an autopsy study, the diagnosis "General Disease" was diagnosed with O99.8 generalized hemangiomatosis with uterine and splenic lesions, thrombosis of abnormal vessels of various prescriptions during pregnancy 39-40 weeks. From the standpoint of the doctrine of preventable mortality, this lethal outcome should be considered unacceptable, and clinical diagnosis of generalized hemangiomatosis is difficult due to the absence of cutaneous manifestations of the disease.Приведено наблюдение клинического случая генеразизованного гемангиоматоза у родильницы 28 лет. Пациентка поступила в родильный дом на сроке беременности 39-40 недель с клиникой преждевременной отслойки нормально расположенной плаценты и антенатальной гибели плода. В экстренном порядке ей были произведены лапаротомия, кесарево сечение. На протяжении последующего срока пребывания пациентки в стационаре четырежды ей выполнялось оперативное вмешательство в связи с развившимся послеоперационным кровотечением и ДВС-синдромом. В ходе операций была произведена экстирпация матки и труб на 12 сутки, спленэктомия на 32 стуки пребывания в стационаре. каждое оперативное вмешательство сопровождалось значительной кровопотерей (1800 мл, 1500 мл). Несмотря на реанимационные мероприятия, проведенные в полном объеме, смерть родильницы наступила в связи с прогрессированием ДВС-синдрома. В результате аутопсийного исследования в рубрике «основное заболевание» звучал диагноз О99.8 генерализованный гемангиоматоз с поражением матки и селезенки, тромбозом аномальных сосудов различной давности при беременности 39-40 недель. С позиций учения о предотвратимой смертности данный летальный исход следует считать непредотвратимым, а клиническую диагностику генерализованного гемангиоматоза затруднительной в связи с отсутствием кожных проявлений заболевания

    Perinatal outcomes and morphological examination of placentas in pregnant women with critical lung lesions in new COVID-19 coronavirus infection

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    The objective of this investigation was to determine perinatal outcomes and the nature of placental lesions in pregnant women with critical lung injury during novel COVID-19 coronavirus infection.Цель исследования – определить перинатальные исходы и характер плацентарных повреждений у беременных с критическим поражением легких при новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19

    Мутационный профиль диффузной В-крупноклеточной лимфомы с рецидивами в центральной нервной системе

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    Introduction. The recurrence of diffuse large B-cell cell lymphoma in the central nervous system in the vast majority of cases is a fatal manifestation of the disease. The study of the lymphoma mutational profile can improve the accuracy of the prognosis of relapse in the central nervous system and justify the selection of patients for preventive treatment. Aim. To evaluate the mutational profile of cases of diffuse large B-cell cell lymphoma with central nervous system damage in relapse based on the results of our own experiment on high-performance sequencing.Materials and methods. On the Illumina platform, full-exome sequencing of diagnostic samples of diffuse large B-cell cell lymphoma with relapses in the central nervous system was performed. A panel including more than 70 genes was analyzed.Results. Four main groups of genetic events can be distinguished in the group of studied samples, namely: combined mutations in the NF-kB (MYD88, NOTCH1, CD79B, CARD11) and JAK-STAT (PIM1, STAT6) signaling pathways, as well as aberrations in the main oncosuppressor TP53 and chromatin remodeling system genes (ARID1A, KMT2D, EP300, SMARCA4). A recurrent mutation c. 794T>C, p.L265P MYD88 was detected in the study group. Among other findings, mutations in the CIITA and CD58 genes should be noted, which are important in avoiding tumor cells from immune surveillance.Conclusion. Despite the apparent heterogeneity of the mutational profile of diffuse large B-cell cell lymphoma with relapses in the central nervous system, in most cases, tumor cells were characterized by genetic disorders leading to the production of a large number of pro-inflammatory cytokines by malignant lymphocytes, as well as aberrations that reduce immunogenicity and contribute to the avoidance of immune surveillance by the tumor.Введение. Рецидив диффузной в-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы в центральной нервной системе в подавляющем большинстве случаев является фатальным проявлением заболевания. изучение мутационного профиля лимфомы может способствовать улучшению точности прогноза рецидива в центральной нервной системе и обоснованию отбора пациентов для профилактического лечения.Цель исследования - изучить мутационный профиль случаев диффузной в-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы с рецидивами в центральной нервной системе.Материалы и методы. На платформе Illumina выполнено полноэкзомное секвенирование диагностических образцов диффузной в-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы с рецидивами в центральной нервной системе. проанализирована панель, включающая более 70 генов.Результаты. можно выделить 4 основные группы генетических событий в исследованных образцах, а именно: сочетанные мутации в генах сигнальных путей NF-кВ (MYD88, NOTCH1, CD79B, CARD11) и JAK-STAT (PIM1, STAT6), а также аберрации в главном онкосупрессоре ТР53 и генах системы ремоделирования хроматина (ARID1A, KMT2D, EP300, SMARCA4). в группе исследования выявлена рекуррентная мутация c. 794T>C, p.L265P MYD88. Среди других находок следует отметить мутации в генах CIITA и CD58, имеющих значение в уклонении опухолевых клеток от иммунного надзора.Заключение. Несмотря на кажущуюся гетерогенность мутационного профиля диффузной в-клеточной крупноклеточной лимфомы с рецидивами в центральной нервной системе, в большинстве случаев для опухолевых клеток были характерны генетические нарушения, приводящие к продукции злокачественными лимфоцитами большого количества провоспалительных цитокинов, а также аберрации, снижающие иммуногенность и способствующие избеганию опухолью иммунного надзора

    Microbial pathogens in urogenital infection in pregnant women

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    Introduction. Chronic and latent infections are often activated during pregnancy.Aim - to asses the pathogenetic role of microbial pathogens in urogenital tract infection (UTI) in pregnant women.Materials and methods. 89 pregnant women underwent general clinical examination, examination of smears from urethra, vagina, cervical canal; bacteriological analysis of vaginal contents; enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, polymerase chain reaction and determination of specific antibodies for verification of herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I and II, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr (EBV) and UTI pathogens in pregnant women in blood and mucosal scrapes.Results. Prevalence of Herpesviridae was revealed (90-100% -EBV, HSV type I and II, CMV); in 41% of cases - bacterial pathogens, in 57% of cases - Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma.Discussion. In preterm birth and pregnancy termination mycoplasma and ureaplasma were more often revealed, and in pregnancy termination - association of HSV type I and II in comparison with urgent birth; in the last equally often - HSV type I and association of HSV type I and II; in urgent birth (infection) more often - HSV type I, than association of HSV type I and II; in preterm birth more often - HSV type I, than the association of HSV types I and II, and less often than combination of HSV type I and association of HSV types I and II in pregnancy termination; in the last, the association of HSV types I and II is more common than HSV type I. Increase of TLRs genes expression levels depends on HSV type I less than from association of HSV types I and II, less than from combination of HSV type I and association of HSV types I and II (it determines the clinical manifestations of genital herpes).Conclusion. Microbial pathogens determine the character of pregnancy course, and HSV types I and II- are the triggers of the infectious process, prognosing its course