8 research outputs found

    Role of the classеs scenario for the oriented on practice vocational education

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    Article is devoted to the characteristic of features of the classes scenario as pedagogical tool in educational process of the oriented on practice vocational educationОхарактеризованы особенности сценария занятия как педагогического инструмента в образовательном процессе практико-ориентированного профессионального образовани

    Professional Standards of the Pedagogue and Leader for Vocational Education: Reload

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    В статье рассматриваются особенности разработки и перспективы применения профессиональных стандартов педагога профессионального обучения, среднего профессионального образования и руководителя профессиональной образовательной организации.The article describes the features of the development and prospects for the application of professional standards for pedagogue of vocational training, secondary vocational education and the leader of vocational educational organization

    Models of Blended Learning: Organizational and Didactic Typology

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    The pandemic period revealed the shortcomings of distance learning, which do not allow it to be used as a basic form of education in the main educational programs. The most effective form of organizing the educational process, in the context of its digital transformation, is seen as blended learning, which involves alternating online and face-to-face learning  formats. The subject of this article is the pedagogical aspects of blended learning related to the organization of the process of mixed learning in an educational institution and its implementation in the joint activities of the teacher and students. The analysis of existing approaches to the identification and classification of blended learning models is carried out. The authors justify an approach to the typology of blended learning models, which can be implemented at different levels: curriculum, subject, section or topic (within the framework of the discipline), training session, extracurricular learning technology. The proposed methodology is based on the joint work of the network of experimental sites of the Ranepa Federal Institute for the Development of Education in the direction of “Digital Didactics”. The article shows the connection of the proposed  typology of organizational and didactic models of blended learning with other typologies and individual models presented in foreign and domestic  publications

    Import substitution processes in the material and technical support of vocational education programmes in the context of the movement towards technological sovereignty

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    Introduction. The vocational education system of any country is focused on training qualified personnel for the economy and is always closely connected with the socio-economic and foreign policy conditions for the development of the state. In the 2020s, the world community faced a number of challenges, including the Coronavirus pandemic, natural changes and cataclysms, and foreign policy conflicts. The problem of supporting the vocational education system in the conditions of instability is acquiring an international dimension. Aim. The current paper aims to present the results of the research on import substitution processes in the material and technical support of educational programmes of secondary vocational education and an assessment of the readiness of educational organisations for this activity in the context of the new economic conditions for the development of Russia, taking into account the foreign experience of friendly countries. Methodology and research methods. The present applied research uses the methodology of the general scientific level based on the analysis of documents and materials, which are publicly available on the nternet. The methods of comparative, criterion and cluster analysis, the method of analysis of necessity and sufficiency, methods of goal-setting and formalisation of expected results, the method of interpretation were employed. Results. The article presents the intermediate results of the study of the regional VET systems adaptation to new economic conditions. The proposed set of criteria and indicators can be useful to the executive authorities in the field of education, the administration of educational organisations to develop their strategy in the coming years. In the future, the authors plan to prepare appropriate methodological recommendations. Scientific novelty. Cluster approach was applied to analyse management strategies of colleges and technical schools for updating and import substitution of equipment. Practical significance. The authors propose the set of criteria and indicators for assessing the material and technical support of vocational education system in the context of import substitution and building technological sovereignty in the Russian Federation.Введение. Система профессионального образования любой страны ориентирована на подготовку квалифицированных кадров для экономики и всегда тесно связана с социально-экономическими и внешнеполитическими условиями развития государства. В 20-е годы XXI века мировое сообщество столкнулось с рядом вызовов, среди которых пандемия коронавируса, природные изменения и катаклизмы, внешнеполитические конфликты. Проблема поддержки системы профессионального образования в условиях нестабильности приобретает международный масштаб. Целью данной статьи является представление результатов исследования процессов импортозамещения в материально-техническом обеспечении образовательных программ среднего профессионального образования и оценки готовности образовательных организаций к этой деятельности в контексте новых экономических условий развития России с учетом зарубежного опыта дружественных стран. Методология, методы и методики. Исследование носит прикладной характер, в нем использовалась методология общенаучного уровня с опорой на анализ находящихся в открытом доступе в сети Интернет документов и материалов. Применялись методы сопоставительного, критериального и кластерного анализа, метод анализа необходимости и достаточности, методы целеполагания и формализации ожидаемых результатов, метод интерпретации. Результаты. В статье представлены промежуточные результаты исследования адаптации региональных систем среднего профессионального образования к новым экономическим условиям. Предложенный набор критериев и показателей может быть полезен органам исполнительной власти в сфере образования, администрации образовательных организаций для выработки стратегии развития в ближайшие годы. В перспективе авторами планируется подготовить соответствующие методические рекомендации. Научная новизна. Применен кластерный подход в анализе управленческих стратегий колледжей и техникумов по обновлению и импортозамещению оборудования. Практическая значимость. Предложен набор критериев и показателей оценки материально-технического обеспечения системы СПО в условиях импортозамещения и построения технологического суверенитета в Российской Федерации.Исследование, проведенное авторами этой статьи, осуществлялось в рамках темы научно-исследовательской работы 11.8-2023-1 «Анализ адаптации региональных систем среднего профессионального образования к новым экономическим условиям», включенной в государственное задание Федерального института развития образования на 2023 год.The study, conducted by the authors of this article, was carried out under the theme of research work 11.8-2023-1 “Analysis of the Regional Secondary Vocational Education Systems Adaptation to New Economic Conditions” included in the state task of the Federal Institute for Development of Education in 2023


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    Introduction. Nowadays, in Russia the system of interaction between educational institutions and enterprises-employers in training of specialists is being built again after more than a twenty-year period of dissociation. Sharing experiences with other countries on networking and strengthening of education relations with production is very useful for establishing this process. The aim of the publication is to present the results of the Russian-German cooperation in the field of preparation of the qualified pedagogical staff for the system of vocational education as one of the key conditions for ensuring the proper quality of vocational education. Methodology and research methods. The methods involve the methodology of comparative research; methods of collecting empirical information; conceptual and terminological analysis, interpretation, modeling, and problem method. Results. The approaches to preparation of pedagogical staff of the VET system in Germany and Russia are revealed and compared. Specifics of the German model are shown: existence of several skill levels of teachers of vocational education, distribution of zones of their responsibility, variability of providers of additional education, its market nature and minimum participation in its regulation of the state. Features of the modern Russian theory and training experience of instructors of vocational training are described. Despite the existing distinctions of systems of professional education of two countries, the similarity of the Russian and German methods of vocational education is observed. The conclusion is drawn on a community of requirements imposed in Germany and Russia to category of the workers who are carrying out staff training for manufacturing sectors. It is confirmed by the German experts on the basis of the analysis of the standard «Teacher of Vocational Education, Professional Education and Additional Professional Education». Also, the standard was checked and compared to AEVO (the regulatory base defining federal requirements to instructors-teachers in Germany). Scientific novelty consists in justification of modern model of training for VET teachers and trainers. The model provides implementation of variable modular curricula of additional vocational education for VET teachers and trainers. The most fruitful Russian and German experience is integrated; the international requirements and advanced technologies are considered when creating the model of training. Practical significance. Except the model of training for VET teachers and trainers, the education guidance «Methods of Vocational Education» is worked out. The education guidance summary is outlined in the present article

    Model for forming and improving vocational education teachers’ skills based on the monitoring of the educational sphere and the labor market

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    Определена приоритетная задача системы профессионально-педагогического образования – обеспечение высокого уровня компетентности педагогических работников профессиональных образовательных организаций. Указана необходимость принципиального пересмотра подходов и механизмов формирования и совершенствования навыков педагогических работников с учетом результатов мониторинга образовательной сферы и рынка труда. В связи с этим определена цель статьи – разработка и научно-методологическое обоснование модели формирования и совершенствования навыков педагогических кадров образовательных организаций системы среднего профессионального образования, включающей в себя такие элементы, как подготовка по основным и по дополнительным образовательным программам; организационно-педагогическое сопровождение профессионального самоопределения студентов и выпускников профильных отраслевых образовательных программ, работников предприятий, потерявших работу граждан (имеющих профильное отраслевое образование); научно-методическое сопровождение практикующих педагогов совместно с диагностикой уровня компетентности, профессиональных дефицитов, а также помощью в профессиональном развитии и восполнении дефицитов с целью удержания на рабочем месте педагогических кадров системы среднего профессионального образования; мониторинг рынка труда; результаты независимой оценки квалификации педагогов, первичной и периодической аттестации; определение удовлетворенности педагогов и их работодателей развитием навыков посредством системы дополнительного профессионального образования. Авторами сделан вывод, что разработанная модель может лечь в основу формирования и развития современной системы подготовки профессионально-педагогических кадров и дополнительного профессионального образования педагогов среднего профессионального образования как на федеральном, так и на региональном и межрегиональном уровнях результатов мониторинга образовательной сферы и рынка труда. В связи с этим определена цель статьи – разработка и научно-методологическое обоснование модели формирования и совершенствования навыков педагогических кадров образовательных организаций системы среднего профессионального образования, включающей в себя такие элементы, как подготовка по основным и по дополнительным образовательным программам; организационно-педагогическое сопровождение профессионального самоопределения студентов и выпускников профильных отраслевых образовательных программ, работников предприятий, потерявших работу граждан (имеющих профильное отраслевое образование); научно-методическое сопровождение практикующих педагогов совместно с диагностикой уровня компетентности, профессиональных дефицитов, а также помощью в профессиональном развитии и восполнении дефицитов с целью удержания на рабочем месте педагогических кадров системы среднего профессионального образования; мониторинг рынка труда; результаты независимой оценки квалификации педагогов, первичной и периодической аттестации; определение удовлетворенности педагогов и их работодателей развитием навыков посредством системы дополнительного профессионального образования. Авторами сделан вывод, что разработанная модель может лечь в основу формирования и развития современной системы подготовки профессионально-педагогических кадров и дополнительного профессионального образования педагогов среднего профессионального образования как на федеральном, так и на региональном и межрегиональном уровнях.The article defines a priority task of the system of vocational and pedagogical education to ensure a high level of competence of teachers in professional educational organizations. The article indicates the need for a fundamental revision of the approaches and mechanisms of the formation and improvement of the skills of pedagogical workers taking into account the results of monitoring of the educational sphere and the labor market. In this connection, the purpose of the article is determined – to develop and scientifically and methodologically substantiate a model for the formation and improvement of the skills of teaching staff in educational institutions of the secondary vocational education system that includes the following elements: training in both basic and additional educational programs; organizational and pedagogical support of professional selfdetermination of students and graduates of specialized sectoral educational programs, employees of enterprises, people who lost their jobs (having a industry-specific education); scientific and methodological support for practicing teachers, including diagnostics of the level of competence, professional deficiencies and assistance in professional development and replenishment of deficiencies in order to retain the teaching employees of the vocational education system in the workplace; labor market monitoring; the results of an independent assessment of the qualifications of teachers, primary and periodic certification; determination of the satisfaction of teachers and their employers with the development of skills through the additional professional education system. The authors conclude that the developed model can form the basis for the formation and development of a modern training system of professional and pedagogical personnel, as well as of additional professional training of secondary vocational education teachers at the federal, regional and interregional levels

    Management of regional training systems

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    Introduction. Over recent years, the issues of building regional systems of human recourses development have been actively discussed in expert community. These issues are perpetually on the agenda of the Russian Federation territories (regions), despite the fact that the projects of various organisations at the federal level have been already finished or are close to completing. The projects are designed to stimulate industrial growth due to workforce recruitment of manufacturing sector by highly qualified specialists. In a number of territories (for example, the Perm Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Belgorod and Tambov Regions, etc.), there are successful practices of managing the personnel training system required by regional economics. However, systemic approaches at the level of the whole country have not been developed yet. The authors of the present publication consider that the unsatisfactory socio-economic efficiency of vocational education is substantially caused by insufficient quality of its management.The aims of this article were the following: to report on the outcomes of comparative-analytical research on the content of regional development programmes of vocational education and the strategy of social and economic development of regions of the Russian Federation and to formulate proposals for the improvement of such programmes as a management tool, which provides quick response to changes of personnel needs in regions and reduction in deficit of skilled workers.Methodology and research methods. In the course of the research, the methods of the criterial and comparative analysis, goal-setting, formalisation and interpretation of results were applied. The authors conducted content analysis and necessity and sufficiency analysis of the documents and materials, which are in open access on the Internet. Programme-based and project-based approaches and mechanisms were considered as methodological base of management of the regional systems of personnel training.Results and scientific novelty. The criteria and indicators of efficiency assessment of regional development programmes of vocational education were presented and justified. The common faults and contradictions of implementation of these programmes, which are specific not only for “typical regions”, but also for some “leading regions”, were revealed and described. It is noted that, at the qualitative and quantitative level, the existing programmes cannot systemically satisfy the needs of the manufacturing sphere for the qualified experts capable to master and implement advanced technologies. The comprehensive solution to this problem demands correction and advancement of administrative activity in two rather autonomous directions – taking measures to improvement of the principles of design of the discussed programmes and their orientation to use modern approaches to the development of vocational education.Practical significance. The authors’ conclusions on the structure and programme content of vocational education development, organisational conditions of their optimisation and effectiveness are addressed to the supreme executive authorities and education governing bodies in different constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Labour Education and Vocational Training in Germany: A Brief Historical Review

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    Introduction. A historical overview is often quite useful in search for answers to some pressing issues. Learning from others can also help to cope with separate current problems. One of such problems encountered by modern Russian professional education is restoration and consolidation of its practice orientation through selection of an appropriate content and upbringing of youth in the course of pre-employment process. A considerable variety of material in this regard has been accumulated over the last several centuries in Germany.The aim of this paper was to analyse the cause-and-effect relationships of developmental priorities in the German professional pedagogy during the 18th – early 20th centuries.Methodology and research methods. System and comparative approaches were used as main methodological tools. The leading method was a comparative retrospective analysis, which allowed the authors to compare various scientific resources. In addition, the approaches of goal-setting and formalisation of expected results were applied. The content analysis and systematisation of documents and other historical and pedagogical resources were employed. In view of information extensiveness, the selection was compiled with the principle of necessity and sufficiency, i. e. reduction of excess data when maintaining the completeness of facts for continued use.Results and scientific novelty. The stages of formation and development of labour school were identified according to the ideas of the German scientists and the educational practice accepted in Germany during the considered historical period. The main directions of training through activity were characterised: philanthropinism, manualism, professionalism and activism. The influence of social and economic conditions on formation and transformation of various educational concepts was demonstrated, which constant despite everything was a combination of fundamental and applied components of vocational training. The continuity of pedagogical theory and practice of the past in the modern system of the German professional education was shown.Practical significance. The findings obtained by the Russian-German research team can be useful when developing and implementing flexible and adaptive differentiated curricula into modern vocational education in Russia