207 research outputs found

    Structure of social relations in the novel \emph{The Master and Margarita} by M. A. Bulgakov: A network analysis of verbal communications

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    A network analysis of the structure of social relationships in one of the most popular Russian novels of the Soviet era The Master and Margarita by M. Bulgakov has been carried out. The structure of the novel is complex (`a story within a story'); the real-world- and the other-world-characters are interacting. A complex and unusual structure of the character network is expected. Presumably, the network may be split in two subgraphs owing very different properties. This complex and unusual composition makes the novel especially attractive for a network analysis. In our study, only paired verbal communications between explicitly present and acting characters have been taken into account. Based on a character pair verbal communication matrix, a graph has been constructed, the vertices of which are the characters of the novel, while the edges correspond to the connections between them. Taking only dialog into account leads to the result, that the character network can be described by an ordinary, rather than a directed graph. Since the activity of the dialogs was out of our scope, the edges have been given no weights. The largest connected component of the graph consists of 76 characters. Centralities were computed to characterize the network. The assortativity coefficient of the network under consideration is negative -0.133, i.e., the network does not demonstrate the properties of a social network. The structure of the communities in the network was also analysed. In addition to the obvious large communities - the characters from the Yershalaim part of the novel and the characters of the Moscow part - the analysis also revealed a fine structure in the Moscow component. Using the analysis of centralities, a group of main characters has been detected. The central characters of the novel are Bezdomny, Woland, Levi Matthew, Koroviev, Azazello, Behemoth, Bosoi, Warenukha, Master, and Margarita.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables, 39 reference


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    The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013].The Baikal ledge rock formations in the Siberian craton structure are included in the Akitkan mobile belt which is considered as the Late Paleoproterozoic independent island arc system moved up to the ancient basement during the terrains amalgamation 1.91–2.00 Ga ago (Fig. 1) [Rosen, 2003; Gladkochub et al., 2009; Didenko et al., 2013]


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    The article discusses the problem of exposure to humans of exogenous and endogenous adverse factors leading to oxidative stress, and the need to develop simple, non-invasive devices for monitoring the antioxidant activity (AOA) of biological fluids and tissues. It is shown that human skin can be the object of a non-invasive study and carry the necessary information about AOA. The possibility of creating a disposable, flexible electrode of carbon fiber materials for the evaluation of AOA is considered.В статье обсуждается проблема воздействия на человека экзогенных и эндогенных неблагоприятных факторов, приводящих к возникновению окислительного стресса, и необходимость разработки простых, неинвазивных устройств для мониторинга антиоксидантной активности (АОА) биологических жидкостей и тканей. Показано, что кожа человека может являться объектом неинвазивного исследования и нести необходимую информацию об АОА. Рассмотрена возможность создания одноразового, гибкого электрода из углеволоконного материалов для оценки АОА


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    The ICP-MS determinations have been made on microelement content of ~650–640 Ma ultramafic lamprophyre-aillikite dikes and alkaline silicate rocks and carbonatites from the Bolshetagninsky ijolite-syenite massif, spatially overlapped in the northern Urik-Iya graben on the southwestern margin of the Siberian craton. There have been identified two types of spectra of microelement distribution, typical of the Bolshetagninsky massif aillikites and alkaline silicate rocks, respectively; both types of spectra demonstrate significant (more than two orders of magnitude) enrichment in most incompatible elements relative to the primitive mantle. Aillikites have tilt-left distribution spectra of rare elements with Rb, К, Pb, Sr-P, Zr-Hf, ±U minimums and less-pronounced Y minimum. Multi-element spectra of ijolites-melteigites are characterized by Th, Та, Pb, Hf, ±Zr, ±Ti minimums which is also reflected in nepheline syenite and carbonatite spectra. The Bolshetagninsky massif aillikites and alkaline rocks differ also in Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf, Th/Nb, Th/U ratios. Geochemical differences imply that the parental melts of dike aillikites and alkaline rocks are derived from different mantle sources


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    Designing of chemical destination requires developers’ particular, careful approach, as malfunctions are dangerous for the whole area in which the facility is located. Efficient and uninterrupted operation of a chemical entity assumes certain tasks, and at the design stage, and during the construction, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance. When designing a crucial question: placing equipment in the technological scheme (nature and the order and connection of separate devices); determine the input parameters of raw materials; establishment of technological parameters of the system; determine the structural characteristics of the devices of the system; selection of process parameters in devices that affect the speed of the process, output and product quality. The main document containing the requirements of industrial safety, chemical and other dangerous objects is the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 № 116-FZ "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", as amended on December 31, 2014. It defines and regulates the framework for ensuring the safe operation of hazardous production facilities. The most important part in the development and design of hazardous chemicals is the examination of industrial safety, which is held on the basis of the principles of independence, objectivity, comprehensiveness and completeness of the research carried out by using modern science and technology. Design of chemical facilities is a complex, multifactorial and time-consuming process, which should be regarded as a series of socio-organizational and engineering stages. It is a systematic approach to solving design problems and control of all stages of the life cycle of chemical facilities will provide a high level of safe operation of industrial facilities


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    Russian industry of synthetic rubber, is one of the most competitive and occupies a prominent place in the global petrochemical industry. However, the company production of synthetic rubber are among the most hazardous industrial facilities. The main operational risks are to fire and explosion hazards of raw materials used. Accidents in such establishments can damage not only the equipment, materials or buildings, but also cause serious environmental and economic consequences for the region. For the prevention of accidents, mitigation and elimination of losses, it is necessary to apply a set of measures aimed at the management and control of industrial safety. The legal basis of industrial safety in the Russian Federation is the Federal Law № 116-FZ dated 21.07.97 "On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities." Industrial Safety at work an important part of its normal functioning. The most important condition of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities is the examination of industrial safety. Federal rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "rules of examination of industrial safety", approved by Order of RTN on November 14, 2013 N 538 established: the procedure of examination of industrial safety requirements for the design of expert opinions and requirements for experts


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    The isotope composition of carbon and oxygen was studied in calcite of dykes and veins of ultramafic lamprophyres, kimberlite, alkaline mica picrites from the Yarma above-intrusion zone, and pyroxene-free picrites intruding the rocks of the Bolshetagninsky carbonatite massif within the Urik-Iya graben hosted by the East Sayan Mountains. The data on δ13C (from −6.6 to −3.9 ‰ relative to VPDB) disclose the ideas on the mantle origin of the carbonate substance of dykes. High values of δ18O (from +13.9 to +11.8 ‰ relative to VSMOW) suggest the impact of deuteric fluids, i.e. magmatic fluids separated from melts, at later stage of formation of the calcite-bearing alkaline ultramafic rocks

    Fruit and seed plumpness, germination and viability of rare plants in Yakutia

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    Background. With the increasing anthropogenic impact on nature, conservation and renewal of rare and endangered plants in natural cenoses is an urgent problem. Quality assessment, identification of full-fledged plump seeds, and determination of their viability is the way to develop reproduction technologies and provide a possibility of repatriating these species to their natural habitats. Collecting and studying natural flora species in botanical gardens helps to save biological resources of useful species and recommend them for urban landscaping.Materials and methods. X-ray techniques were used to analyze seed quality and viability of rare species in the flora of Yakutia: Adonis sibirica Patrin, Phlojodicarpus sibiricus (Steph. ex Spreng.) Koso-Pol., Iris laevigata Fisch. et C.A. Mey., Iris sanguinea Donn, and Paeonia anomala L. Methods developed for the application of microfocus radiography to fruits and seeds were used in the X-ray analysis.Results. Seed quality was assessed according to guidelines. It was shown that fruits and seeds of the studied species developed under the conditions of Yakutia were full-fledged (plump), but due to the presence of a morphophysiological type of dormancy in them, they could germinate only after a cold or multistage stratification.Conclusion. Assessment of reproductive diaspore quality and viability in rare and endangered plant species of Yakutia will make it possible to develop technologies for increasing their seed germination rates and restoring the natural populations of these species

    Characteristics of air showers created by extremely high energy gamma-rays

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    The technique of adjoint cascade equations has been applied to calculate the properties of extremely high energy gamma-rays in the energy range 10^18--10^22 eV with taking into account the LPM effect and interactions of gamma-rays with the geomagnetic field. Such characteristics are analysed as the electron and muon contents at the observation level, the electron cascade curves, the lateral distribution functions of photoproduced muons.Comment: 36 pages, 19 figures, submitted to J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phy

    Staghorn stone and squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis: a clinical case and literature review

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    Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis is a rare neoplasm. The incidence does not exceed 1% of all neoplasms of this localization. In the general population, up to 90% of all neoplasms of the renal pelvis are represented by urothelial carcinoma, while from 0.7% to 7.0% of cases are squamous cell carcinoma. Stones of the renal collecting system are found in 14 – 50% of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the pelvis. As a possible etiopathogenetic mechanism, chronic inflammation on the background of a stone is considered, leading to squamous urothelial metaplasia with subsequent keratinization and malignization. Clinical manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis is nonspecific and is primarily associated with manifestations of urolithiasis. Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis is characterised by high aggressiveness, insensitivity to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and consequently an unfavourable prognosis. The survival rate of most patients is less than one year from the diagnosis, while the 5-year survival rate does not exceed 10%. We present our own clinical case of a patient with a staghorn stone and squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis