132 research outputs found

    Institution of legal restrictions: issues of theory and practice of regulation

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    This article covers some issues regarding the concept of legal restrictions, their features, institutional design and legal consolidation at the national constitutional and international levels. Some issues of the doctrinal study of legal restrictions and the institution of legal restrictions at the present stage are analyzed, as well as the features of their legal regulation in normative legal acts, fixing general conditions, methods, goals, objectives and grounds for establishing legal restriction

    Морфологічні зміни шкіри щурів під впливом глюкозаміну гідрохлориду, «Глюкозаміну-С БХФЗ» та ацетилсаліцилової кислоти в умовах гострої локальної холодової травми

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    Topicality. The problem of cold injuries is one of the most common problems in modern medicine. Aim. To study the effect of the “Glucosamine-C BHFZ” phrigoprotectors, the substance of glucosamine hydrochloride and acetylsalicylic acid on the changes in the histostructure of the back skin in rats after acute local cold injury. Materials and methods. Contact defrosting was modeled by Boyko V. V. method. The rectal temperature was measured 40 minutes after acute and 7 days study. At 3rd and 7th day after local cold injury, skin lesions were taken for histological examination.Results and discussion. It was established that acute local cold injury in rats causes signs of severe hypothermia and morphological changes in the skin of rats. The prophylactic administration of the frigoprotectors leads to the normalization of temperature hemostasis, the restoration of the morphological structure of the skin. Conclusions. It is glucosamine hydrochloride that has the most positive effect on the restoration of the skin after a local cold injury. The use of acetylsalytyacid has a less pronounced recovery of the skin.Актуальность. Проблема холодовых травм относится к наиболее распространенным проблемам современной медицины.Целью работы было изучение влияния фригопротекторов «Глюкозамина-С БХФЗ», субстанции глюкозамина гидрохлорида и ацетилсалициловой кислоты на изменения гистоструктуры кожи спины у крыс после острой локальной холодовой травмы.Материалы и методы. Контактное отморожение моделировали по методу Бойко В. В. Определяли ректальную температуру через 40 минут и на 7 сутки исследования после острой локальной холодовой травмы. На 3 и 7 сутки исследования брали поврежденные участки кожи для гистологических исследований.   Результаты и их обсуждение. Установлено, что острая локальная холодовая травма вызывает у крыс выраженную гипотермию и значительные морфологические изменения кожи. Профилактическое введение фригопротекторов приводит к нормализации температурного гомеостаза, восстановлению гистоструктуры кожи.Выводы. Глюкозамина гидрохлорид оказывает наиболее выраженное положительное действие на восстановление состояния кожи после локальной холодовой травмы. На фоне АСК восстановление состояния кожи менее выражено.Актуальність. Проблема холодових травм належить до найбільш поширених проблем сучасної медицини.Метою досліджень було вивчення впливу фригопротекторів «Глюкозаміну-С БХФЗ», субстанції глюкозаміну гідрохлориду та ацетилсаліцилової кислоти на гістоструктуру шкіри спини у щурів після гострої локальної холодової травми. Матеріали та методи. Контактне відмороження моделювали за методом Бойко В. В. Вимірювали ректальну температуру впродовж 40 хвилин після гострої холодової травми та на 7 добу дослідження. На 3 та 7 добу після локальної холодової травми брали ушкоджені ділянки шкіри для гістологічних досліджень.Результати та їх обговорення. Встановлено, що гостра локальна холодова травма викликає у щурів виразну гіпотермію та значні морфологічні зміни шкіри. Профілактичне введення фригопротекторів приводить до нормалізації температурного гомеостазу, відновлення гістоструктури шкіри.Висновки. Глюкозаміну гідрохлорид діє найбільш позитивно на відновлення стану шкіри після локальної холодової травми. На тлі застосування ацетилсаліцилової кислоти спостерігається менш виразне відновлення стану шкіри

    3D organotypic cell structures for drug development and Microorganism-Host interaction research

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    The article describes a new method of tissue engineering, which is based on the use of three-dimensional multicellular constructs consisting of stem cells that mimic the native tissue in vivo-organoid

    Sequencing of a fragment of the leptin gene in adolescents with different weight status

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    Background. Obesity is a significant social problem among the population of the world. The leptin gene (LEP) is currently considered as a potential candidate gene influencing metabolic disorders associated with predisposition to overweight and obesity. Leptin plays an important role in body weight homeostasis by influencing food intake and energy expenditure and maintaining constant energy stores. A defect in the leptin gene may be one of the causes of obesity and, as a result, of various obesity-associated pathologies. The aim of the study. To search for single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the leptin gene in adolescents with different weight status. Methods. The study involved 20  adolescents aged 11–17  years with normal body weight and  overweight/obesity. Research methods: assessment of clinical status with  anthropometry; Sanger sequencing of the leptin gene fragment localized in the  intron of this gene – (5’-AGCCTTGTTTTCATCATCTGGA, 3’-TGGGAGGAATCGCTCTCAGA). We also carried out bioinformatic processing of sequencing results. Results. As a result of the study, the optimal conditions for amplification of the 891 bps leptin gene region were selected for the above mentioned primer pair of the LEP gene (s16_L891, s16_R891). Based on the results of sequencing, 45 single nucleotide substitutions of the LEP gene were identified, including 23 single nucleotide substitutions which were not previously registered in GenBank. In the group of adolescents with overweight and obesity, 14 unregistered single nucleotide substitutions of the LEP gene and 13 registered SNPs were identified in the GenBank database. In the group of adolescents with normal body weight, these SNPs were not found

    Comorbid disease in children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection: A pilot study

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    Background. With the increased use of combination antiretroviral therapy, the mortality of people living with HIV has decreased significantly, which has led to an increase of comorbidity and secondary HIV-related pathology in both adults and also in children and adolescents living with HIV infection. The incidence of children and adolescents with HIV infection and those in the general population varies significantly.The aim. To assess the frequency and range of chronic comorbidities in children and adolescents with perinatal HIV infection Methods. We carried out an observational study. Data on the incidence of 161 children with perinatal HIV infection registered in the Irkutsk Regional AIDS Center were copied.Results. Overall incidence of tuberculosis (18633.5 per 100 000 children), diseases of the digestive system (24844.7 per 100 000 children), diseases of the eye and adnexa (28571.4 per 100 000 children), diseases of the nervous system (18012.4 per 100 000 children), mental and behavioral disorders (13,664.6 per 100 000 children) in children with perinatal HIV infection is the higher than in children of comparable age. The overall incidence values of the endocrine system diseases, eating and metabolic disorders, diseases of the ear and mastoid process, diseases of the circulatory system, diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as congenital disorders and chromosomal disorders in children and adolescents with and without perinatal HIV infection are comparable.Conclusion. The prevalence of diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and genitourinary systems in children with perinatal HIV infection is comparable to that in the corresponding population. Prevalence of tuberculosis, anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the eye and adnexa, diseases of the nervous system, mental and behavioral disorders is higher compared to children not exposed to HIV


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    Tuberculosis is a granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, being characterized by the development of caseous granulomas in various organs, mainly in lungs. M. tuberculosis is known to be a trigger for autoimmune inflammation, due to the possible mimicry of bacterial proteins as autoantigens. Recently, a significance of mesenchymal vimentin as an autoantigen in mycobacterial infections has been actively discussed. The aim of the present study was to determine autoantibodies for various vimentin modifications in the patients with tuberculosis.The study was performed in 2014-2017 and included 28 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (group I), 30 patients with nonspecific lung diseases (group II): 15 with granulomatous polyangiitis, and 15 with different alveolites. Control group consisted of healthy subjects (n = 40). Concentration of antibodies to mutated citrullinated vimentin (anti-MCV) was measured using ELISA (ORGENTEC, Germany). The patients with elevated anti-MCV levels were tested for antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (anti-CCP) using ELISA technique (EUROIMMUN, Germany). Statistical analysis was carried out using GraphPad Prism 6 (GraphPad Software, USA), Statistica 10 (Statsoft, USA) using nonparametric analysis of samples with Mann-Whitney and Chi-square criteria, and Spearman method for correlation analysis. The differences were considered statistically significant at p < 0.05.The anti-MCV concentrations were significantly higher in patients with tuberculosis (group I, 60.7% of cases, 17/28) than in group II, and control group (23.6 and 25.0% of cases, respectively). No statistically significant differences were revealed between the results of anti-MVC and anti-CCP levels in comparison group with the control group (p = 0.18).High levels of anti-MCV antibodies in the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis reflect an opportunity of developing autoimmune process in the disease pathogenesis. Measurement of plasma anti-MCV antibody concentrations may be important for correction of the therapy, especially upon administration of immunosuppressive and hormonal corticosteroid drugs. It has been shown that anti-CCP are not characteristic to the lung diseases

    Polytene chromosomes reflect functional organization of the Drosophila genome

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    Polytene chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster are a convenient model for studying interphase chromosomes of eukaryotes. They are giant in size in comparison with diploid cell chromosomes and have a pattern of cross stripes resulting from the ordered chromatid arrangement. Each region of polytene chromosomes has a unique banding pattern. Using the model of four chromatin types that reveals domains of varying compaction degrees, we were able to correlate the physical and cytological maps of some polytene chromosome regions and to show the main properties of genetic and molecular organization of bands and interbands, that we describe in this review. On the molecular map of the genome, the interbands correspond to decompacted aquamarine chromatin and 5’ ends of ubiquitously active genes. Gray bands contain lazurite and malachite chromatin, intermediate in the level of compaction, and, mainly, coding parts of genes. Dense black transcriptionally inactive bands are enriched in ruby chromatin. Localization of several dozens of interbands on the genome molecular map allowed us to study in detail their architecture according to the data of whole genome projects. The distribution of proteins and regulatory elements of the genome in the promoter regions of genes localized in the interbands shows that these parts of interbands are probably responsible for the formation of open chromatin that is visualized in polytene chromosomes as interbands. Thus, the permanent genetic activity of interbands and gray bands and the inactivity of genes in black bands are the basis of the universal banding pattern in the chromosomes of all Drosophila tissues. The smallest fourth chromosome of Drosophila with an atypical protein composition of chromatin is a special case.  Using the model of four chromatin states and fluorescent in situ hybridization, its cytological map was refined and the genomic coordinates of all bands and interbands were determined. It was shown that, in spite of the peculiarities of this chromosome, its band organization in general corresponds to the rest of the genome. Extremely long genes of different Drosophila chromosomes do not fit the common scheme, since they can occupy a series of alternating bands and interbands (up to nine chromosomal structures) formed by parts of these genes