1,107 research outputs found
El asno zamorano-leonés, tradición cultural viva y bienestar
El asno Zamorano-Leonés pertenece a una raza autóctona, hoy en peligro
de extinción, que ha formado parte de economías de autoabastecimiento
a las que ha servido de manera notable con su sistema de provechamiento,
y que aún es una parte viva de una cultura tradicional. En la actualidad
continúa prestando en buena medida los mismos servicios a sus propietarios tradicionales, pero han aparecido otros nuevos. Se ha tenido como objetivo de estudio el aprovechamiento tradicional actual, los nuevos usos, así como la evolución surgida en la relación de su tenencia y los beneficios que otorga
Energy Dissipation of Eccentrically-braced-frame (Ebf) with Different Level of Eccentricity
This research aimed at eliciting the form of relation that exists between level ofeccentricity (e/L) and energy dissipation (Ed) of an Eccentrically Braced Frame (EBF).It continued a previous research that studied relative stiffness of an EBF. Three sets ofEBF specimen were analysed by the merit of SAP2000 v9.0.1 computer-software toobtain range of inelastic drifts and its corresponding range of lateral loads. Specimensvary in level of eccentricity (e/L) and bay to height ration (h/L). Prior to it, a formulathat calculates energy dissipation of a lateral resistant structure as product of lateralloads and the corresponding drifts was developed and used throughout the research forthe purpose of quantifying Ed. Each specimen was alternatively loaded in directionconfronting and concurring the bracing component. It was found that there was nosignificant difference in the form of relation between e/L and Ed, when lateral loadapplied confronting bracing component from when the same load applied concurringbracing component. Forms of each graph that relates e/L to Ed was presented andshown to consists of two parts, divided at e/L = 0.2; suggesting that e/L = 0.2 might bethe point where level of eccentricity and relative stiffness of an EBF reach optimum.Mathematical equations for the relation between e/L and Ed of an EBF were thendeveloped. In spite of this, an inconsistency with the prevalent theory was observed,hence the relations between e/L and Ed concluded so far were contested until furtherresearches be made for clarification
Characterising the friction coefficient between rubber O-rings and a rigid surface under extreme pressures
Previous research into the friction behaviour of elastomers has typically focused on the effects of velocity, contact pressure, counter surface and lubrication on the coefficient of friction. O-ring type elastomer seals are common in many different industries. Friction plays a critical role during the setting and in service of these components. An experimental O-ring friction testing rig has been developed that can measure the effects of sliding speed and hydrostatic pressure on elastomer friction. Finite element analysis (FEA) packages can adopt fixed friction coefficients or ones that are pressure dependent. For the latter case, the dependence of the frictional behaviour is typically obtained from the instantaneous stress response at any given pressure and then related to the normal force response. The friction rig described in this paper uses industry standard dimensions for the O-ring gland, the pre-compression levels, extrusion gap size and pressure rating. The coefficient of friction is derived by dividing the measured friction force by the normal force, which was determined using an FEA modelling approach, as it could not be measured directly. Finally, a relationship between the frictional velocity and surface roughness is obtained in order to provide a frequency dependent Coefficient of Friction (CoF) that is easily translatable between surfaces
Análisis y diagnóstico de la Iglesia de Santiago en Jerez de la Frontera (España)
The church of Santiago (Jerez de la Frontera, Spain) has its origin in a small chapel built in the XIII century. Three naves added in the XV century gave rise to the current temple. The church has been modified along the history due to two main reasons: (I) the interest for its enlargement and embellishment and (II) to solve some structural problems documented since the XVII century. The most relevant problems that have affected the structure can be summarized in two partial collapses (1695 and 1956) and the substitution of two columns (1902 and 1928) to prevent new catastrophes. However, at the beginning of the XXI century important damage in columns and walls caused to close the temple and initiate an ample investigation on the church and its structural behaviour. The conclusions of this analysis, together with a preliminary proposal for restoration, are the main goal of this paper.La Iglesia de Santiago (Jerez de la Frontera, España) tiene su origen en una pequeña capilla del siglo XIII. En el siglo XV se le añadieron tres naves, dando como resultado el templo actual. La Iglesia se ha modificado en determinadas ocasiones debido principalmente a: (I) el interés por ampliarla y embellecerla y (II) solucionar algunos problemas estructurales documentados desde el siglo XVII. De estos últimos, los más relevantes en relación a la estructura pueden resumirse en dos colapsos parciales (1695 y 1956) y la sustitución de dos pilares (1902 y 1928) para evitar otras dos catástrofes. Al inicio del siglo XXI, la nueva aparición de daños en pilares y muros condujo al cierre del templo y al inicio de una investigación sobre el comportamiento estructural de la iglesia. Las conclusiones de este análisis, junto a una propuesta preliminar para su reparación, constituyen el objetivo principal de este artículo
Control de la intervención estructural sobre el área del Teatro Romano de Cádiz
The Roman Theatre of Cadiz (Spain) is a piece of heritage that has been buried for centuries under the historical town. It is the oldest and biggest Roman theatre in Spain. In 2010, an intervention began in order to dig it up but respecting the monumental landmarks over it. The intervention consisted on the construction of some vaults under the blocks by grout injection. The control of this intervention is being done by two different techniques: topographic control points and Operational Modal Analysis. The methodology that has been followed to control the intervention on this area and the obtained results are the main goals of this paper.El Teatro Romano de Cádiz (España) es parte de la herencia romana que ha permanecido oculta durante siglos bajo el casco histórico de la ciudad. Se trata del teatro romano más antiguo y de mayores dimensiones localizado en España. En el año 2010, se inició una intervención con el fin de descubrirlo. La intervención consiste en la construcción de una serie de bóvedas de hormigón bajo los edificios construidos sobre el teatro aplicando la técnica de la inyección armada. El control de esta intervención se está realizando por medio de dos técnicas: control topográfico y Análisis Modal Operacional. La metodología seguida para el control de la intervención en el área del teatro romano y los resultados obtenidos de la misma son los principales objetivos del presente artículo
Reportes de felinos silvestres (Carnívora: Felidae) en el área urbana de Cúcuta, Nororiente de Colombia
Wild cats are vulnerable species to biodiversity loss engines. Of the 41 species in the world, seven are found in the country (17% of the species), which unfortunately share serious threats such as habitat loss and transformation, retaliatory hunting for attacks on domestic animals and fragmentation of their populations by roads and populated centers. Between 2012 and 2015, five cases of occurrences of wild cats in the urban area, corresponding to four species, were known. This information was obtained from local and regional journalistic notes.Los felinos silvestres son especies vulnerables a los motores de pérdida de biodiversidad. De las 41 especies existentes en el mundo, siete se encuentran en el país (17% de las especies), que desafortunadamente comparten serias amenazas como la pérdida y transformación del hábitat, la cacería retaliativa por ataques a animales domésticos y la fragmentación de sus poblaciones por carreteras y centros poblados. Entre 2012 y 2015 se conocieron cinco casos de apariciones de felinos silvestres en el área urbana, correspondiente a cuatro especies. Esta información se obtuvo de notas periodísticas locales y regionales
Phenotypic and molecular characterization of plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved and cryopreserved wild Solanum lycopersicum Mill. seeds
BACKGROUND: Before cryopreservation is routinely used, its effect on the trueness-to-type of the regenerated plant material needs to be evaluated. OBJECTIVE: In this work, we studied the effect of seed cryopreservation on the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of wild Solanum lycopersicum Mill. plants. METHODS: Thirty-five morphological traits of plants regenerated from cryopreserved seeds were compared to those measured on plants regenerated from non-cryopreserved seeds. RESULT: No statistically significant differences were observed between cryopreserved and non-cryopreserved samples, either in the first or in the second generation post-liquid nitrogen exposure. However, at the molecular level, the genetic analyses performed on the second generation plants germinated from control and cryopreserved seeds using 14 nuclear Simple Sequences Repeats (SSR) markers uncovered some changes in microsatellite length between control and cryopreserved samples. These results confirm at the botanical phenotype level the effectiveness of seed cryostorage for conservation and regeneration of true-to-type S. lycopersicum plants. CONCLUSION: Further experiments are required to clarify potential phenotypic effects of the changes observed in the DNA
Calibration of the oxygen isotope ratios of the gastropods Patella candei crenata and Phorcus atratus as high-resolution paleothermometers from the subtropical eastern Atlantic Ocean
The oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) recorded in shells of the gastropods Patella candei crenata and Phorcus atratus from the Canary Islands (27–29°N) potentially provide invaluable high-resolution paleoclimatic data. However, because these two species have never been studied isotopically, it is necessary to calibrate and validate this approach by using live-collected specimens that can be compared to present-day climate data. For P. candei crenata, live organisms were collected at 15-day intervals for nearly one year (between 2011 and 2012) from the rocky-intertidal coast of SE Tenerife along with sea surface temperatures (SST) and seawater δ18O values. The δ18O values of the last growth episode along the shell growth margin, representing the conditions when organisms were collected, illustrate that P. candei crenata δ18O values were 1.3 ± 0.2‰ higher than expected values from isotopic equilibrium. This finding resulted in estimated SST 5.7 ± 0.6 °C lower than observed values. This offset or “vital effect” is uniform and predictable, and therefore can be corrected by subtracting 1.3‰ from the measured shell δ18O value. Adjusted temperatures from the shell coincided with observed SST in the study area. Therefore, Patella candei crenata shells are reliable repositories of SST data, in agreement with other species of Patella from higher latitudes. For Phorcus atratus, a live specimen was analyzed isotopically along shell-growth direction. The intrashell δ18O values showed the entire range of measured SST in the region without an apparent “vital effect”, in correspondence with other Phorcus species from the Mediterranean. Both Patella candei crenata and Phorcus atratus are common components of archaeological and Pleistocene-Holocene paleontological sites across the Canary Archipelago. This study suggests that well-preserved shells of these two taxa retrieved from ancient settings have the capacity to serve as excellent high-resolution paleotemperature archives for the tropical/subtropical eastern Atlantic region
Adaptación transcultural de un cuestionario para medir la calidad de vida de los pacientes con anticoagulación oral
ObjetivoAdaptar a la cultura y el idioma españoles un cuestionario desarrollado para evaluar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con tratamiento anticoagulante oral (TAO) y medir su validezDiseñoEstudio observacional, descriptivo, de validación de un instrumento de medida de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Emplazamiento. Atención primaria y atención especializadaParticipantesUn total de 225 pacientes que incluía a todos los pacientes de nuestro centro que utilizan TAO y una muestra consecutiva de pacientes con TAO del servicio de hematología del hospital de referenciaMediciones principalesTraducción directa,traducción inversa y prueba de validez. Análisis factorial y agrupación por dimensiones de los ítems, análisis de la consistencia interna y análisis de correlación ítem-total de la versión definitiva del cuestionario en españolResultadosLa edad media de los pacientes fue de 65 ± 13 años, el 51,1% era mujer y el 45,8% era controlado en atención primaria. En el estudio de validez se realizó un análisis factorial con la extracción de 5 factores que explican el 41,62% del valor total de la varianza y la obtención de una agrupación diferente de la original, con unvalor de alfa de Cronbach global de 0,82 y de 0,56–0,74 en las diferentes dimensiones y análisis de correlación ítem-total con valores estadísticamente significativos, excepto en la pregunta número 29ConclusionesTras realizar la adaptación a la cultura y el idioma españoles de un cuestionario desarrollado para evaluar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con TAO, se ha obtenido un instrumento útil y válido para nuestro entornoObjectiveTo adapt to Spanish culture and language a questionnaire developed to evaluate the quality of life of patients taking oral anticoagulation treatment (OAT) and to measure its validityDesignA descriptive observation study to validate an instrument to measure health-related quality of lifeSettingPrimary and specialist careParticipants225 patients, all the patients at our centre who were on OAT and a consecutive sample of patients on OAT from the referral hospital's haemotology serviceMain measurementsDirect translation, back- translation, and pilot study. Factor analysis and item-dimension grouping, internal consistency analysis and analysis of the item- total correlation of the definitive version of the questionnaire in SpanishResultsMean age was 65 (SD=13 years); 51% were women; 45.8% were monitored in PC. Validity study: factor analysis extracted 5 factors that explained 41.62% of total variance value and obtained a grouping different from the original; Cronbach's alpha was .82 overall and ran from .56 to .74 in the various dimensions; and item-total correlation analysis had statistically significant values,except for question 29ConclusionsAfter adaptation to Spanish culture and language of a questionnaire developed to evaluate the quality of life of patients taking OAT, it was found to be a useful instrument, valid for use in our milie
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