25 research outputs found

    Bioregulation of amplitude-phase biological activity of Candida albicans by women reproductive tract microsymbionts

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    In this study, we propose a chronobiological method for examining inter-microbial interactions in bacterial and fungal associations in female reproductive tract. Fungal and bacterial species were isolated in 45 women of reproductive aged 19–35, with regular menstrual cycle, applying no hormonal contraceptives, without previous gynecological surgery, abortions, miscarriages with vaginal eubiosis and dysbiosis in history. Sexually transmitted diseases (HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydiosis) were excluded in all subjects. Proliferation rate, morphogenesis and phospholipase activity were examined within the 48-hour period every 4 hours, in winter time, Moon phase IV. The data obtained were assessed by using Student’s t-test, Wilcoxon test, and least squares method. All subjects were divided into the groups: group 1 — women with vaginal eubiosis, group 2 — women with vaginal dysbiosis. It was shown that in all subjects experimental parameters of C. albicans cultures showed a diurnal dynamics characterized in healthy women by circadian rhythms with a single peak of activity. However, in women with vaginal dysbiosis C. albicans was characterized by significant ultradian (around 12 hours long) rhythms with two peaks of biological activity. Concurrence and consistency in manifested physiological functions related to clinical isolates was coupled to temporal pattern of distributed biological resources in fungi depending on course of infectious process. It was found that in vaginal eubiosis exometabolites released by dominant associated microbiota did not significantly change microbiota-related amplitude-phase parameters. The data obtained evidenced that temporal pattern of parameters related to C. albicans from healthy individuals was stable and independent on bacterial metabolites. In contrast, dominant microsymbiont in vaginal dysbiosis inhibited fungi-related rhythms, which might be important in establishing lactobacillus-associated biotope colonization resistance. Effects of metabolites released by the associated microbiota typical to dysbiosis was revealed by increased mesor, amplitude, preserved biorhythm spectral pattern in examined properties as well as amplitude-phase characteristics indicating at enhanced or sustained C. albicans adaptive potential. Therefore, the amplitude-phase parameter of C. albicans physiological activity served as a marker of opposite (enhanced/weakened) effect of microsymbiont survival described in “microbial dominant-associate” pairs

    Iron-based ultrafine particles made in mode solutions and industrial waste waters

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    Iron and attendant impurities settled from industrial waste water by ferritizing and formation of nanoparticles in batch bacterials culture have been studies. Iron settlement by ferritizing forms magnetic sediment extractable by magnetic separation..


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart


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    The author  summarizes  the  results  of research  of the  antibacterial,  antiviral  and  antifungal  properties  of multifunctional  human protein  — lactoferrin,  in order  to determine  the prospects  for its use in the prevention  and  treatment  of infectious  diseases  of children in their first year of life. The mechanisms of anti-infectious effect of this protein with breastfed children have been described. Basic differences between human lactoferrin and cattle lactoferrin have been shown. Biotechnology of obtaining recombinant human lactoferrin from the milk of genetically engineered dairy animals (goat-producers) has been described. According to the studies, both by physical and chemical parameters and biological activity, human lactoferrin, obtained from milk-producing  goats, corresponds to its natural counterpart.В статье обобщены результаты исследований, посвященных изучению антибактериальных, противовирусных и противогрибковых свойств многофункционального белка человека — лактоферрина, для определения перспектив его применения с целью профилактики и лечения инфекционной патологии у детей первого года жизни. Описаны механизмы противоинфекционного действия этого белка у детей, находящихся на грудном вскармливании. Показаны основные различия между лактоферрином человека и лактоферрином крупного рогатого скота. Описана биотехнология получения рекомбинантного лактоферрина человека из молока генно-инженерных молочных животных (коз-продуцентов). Согласно проведенным исследованиям, как по физико-химическим параметрам, так и по биологической активности лактоферрин  человека, выделенный из молока коз-продуцентов, соответствует его природному аналогу

    Method of determining strength of green refractories

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    On the nature of citrate-derived surface species on Ag nanoparticles: insights from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.Citrate is an important stabilizing, reducing, and complexing reagent in the wet chemical synthesis of nanoparticles of silver and other metals, however, the exact nature of adsorbates, and its mechanism of action are still uncertain. Here, we applied X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, soft X-ray absorption nearedge spectroscopy, and other techniques in order to determine the surface composition and to specify the citrate-related species at Ag nanoparticles immobilized from the dense hydrosol prepared using roomtemperature reduction of aqueous Ag+ ions with ferrous ions and citrate as stabilizer (Carey Lea method). It was found that, contrary to the common view, the species adsorbed on the Ag nanoparticles are, in large part, products of citrate decomposition comprising an alcohol group and one or two carboxylate bound to the surface Ag, and minor unbound carboxylate group; these may also be mixtures of citrate with lower molecular weight anions. No ketone groups were specified, and very minor surface Ag(I) and Fe (mainly, ferric oxyhydroxides) species were detected. Moreover, the adsorbates were different at AgNPs having various size and shape. The relation between the capping and the particle growth, colloidal stability of the high-concentration sol and properties of AgNPs is briefly considered

    Study of cytogenetic effects induced by accelerated 12C ions with energy of 200 MeV/n in Mice

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    In present work we investigated the cytogenetic effects induced by accelerated 12C ions with energy of 200 MeV/n on mice. Dose dependence, ability of the adaptive response (AR) induction and genetic instability in the generation F1 were studied by the micronucleus test in polychromatic erythrocytes (PCE) of bone marrow. Two-month-old males of SHK mice were irradiated by 12C ions with energy of 200 MeV/n (Nuclotron, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia). A control group was exposed to X-rays. The dose dependences of the frequency of PCE with micronucleus (MN) induced with doses of 10, 15, 50 100 and 150 cGy of both types of radiation were studied. For adaptive response detection mice were exposed to irradiation according to the following scheme: an adapting doses of 10 cGy of 12C ions, followed after a day by a challenging dose of 1.5 Gy of X-rays (1Gy/min). To obtain generation F1, 15 days after the irradiation, males from the irradiated and control groups were mated in separate cages with unirradiated females for two weeks. This period of time was chosen because it is sufficient for the formation of spermatides, which then take part in the impregnation of the ovule. Dendants of irradiated and unirradiated parents were exposed to additional X-radiation with a dose of 1.5 Gy or by the scheme of AR to reveal the genetic instability. Bone marrow specimens for calculating micronuclei were prepared by the conventional method. The experiments demonstrated that: 1) at low doses (0-50 cGy) both dose-dependencies of cytogenetic damage induction can be fitted by a linear regression and almost coincide, i.e. RBE value is equal 1; at higher doses RBE value rises to 1.4; 2) irradiation of mice with dose of 10 cGy of accelerated 12C ions induces AR as X-radiation; and 3) the levels of spontaneous and radiation-induced PCE with MN in mice born from both males irradiated with a dose of 10 cGy of accelerated 12C ions and unirradiated animals is the same. The F1 generation born from irradiated males is unable to induce the AR, as distinct from their parents. The offsprings of unirradiated males reserves this ability. Obtained data indicate the genetic instability in F1 generation born from 12C-irradiated males. These findings may be used to assess the delayed radiation effect from low-dose of high-LET radiation and for developing basic foundation of adaptive medicine